Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 282 Secret Realm

Although the Xuanbing Sect was temporarily at a disadvantage, they did not retreat because of this, and the two forces remained in a stalemate.

Daqing, who was hiding among the demon clan, felt anxious in his heart. If Li Zhirui woke up and found that he had not returned, he would definitely be very worried and might even act impulsively and go directly into Taixu Prefecture to look for him.

Fortunately, not long after, the secret realm suddenly shone with aura, and a small illusory world slowly unfolded, and then slowly disappeared, turning into a portal composed of aura.

It would be bad for both of us if the stalemate continues. We have missed this opportunity. Why don't we put aside the conflict for the time being and explore the secret realm together? The monks of the Xuanbing Sect couldn't hold it back in the end.

You must know that the opening time of the secret realm is limited, only a few hours. If you miss it, you will have to wait until the next time!

But after all, Taixuzhou was occupied by the demon clan. They used the Divine Thunder Mountain to lure away most of the demon clan this time, but I'm afraid they won't have such a good chance next time.

The most important thing is that this time the secret realm is opened, the Liuyang flower is ripe. If you miss it, you will have to wait another thousand years!

But Yuanying monks only have a lifespan of five hundred years, and the Xuanbing Sect simply cannot wait that long.

What's more, their actions this time will definitely arouse the vigilance of the demon clan, and then they will strengthen the protection of the secret realm.

It seems that you have tried your best to enter the secret realm. A certain fourth-level demon narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, It seems that there is some incredible treasure in the secret realm.

At the same time, he was angry that the group of monsters that came out of the secret realm had hidden a lot of things from them, so that they didn't even know what the Xuan Bing Sect's purpose was.

The Xuan Bing Sect knew that they were impatient and missed the loophole, but they had no choice but to continue the stalemate. The secret portal had a limited opening time.

I can agree to a temporary truce, but the number of monks entering the secret realm can only be half of our clan! After a quick communication with several big demons from the demon clan, they proposed a more stringent condition.

They are also unwilling to miss the opening of this secret realm. You must know that this is a third-level secret realm with rich resources.

At the beginning, they united with the monsters in the secret realm to massacre the monks of Taixu Dao. Although they quickly occupied Taixu State, they did not have time to use the boundary stone to control this secret realm.

Otherwise, facing the threat of Xuan Bing Sect, they can continue to drag it until the secret realm portal is closed, and then they can open the secret realm on their own.

Anyway, the secret realm is in Taixu State. As long as they can keep the territory, they don't have to worry about not having a chance to enter.

And with the Xuanbing Sect attaching so much importance to this secret realm, it is expected that Daxue Mountain will send more demon clans to guard this place to ensure that Taixu Prefecture will not fall into the hands of other forces.

This... Without half the monks, it would be too dangerous for the monks to enter the secret realm!

But the demon clan insisted on this condition and refused to give in. Watching the time passing by, they finally bowed their heads and compromised.

However, the Xuanbing Sect also put forward a condition, that is, they cannot ambush or surround the monks within a fifty-mile radius of the secret realm portal. In such a large area, it is impossible for the demon clan to keep an eye on them all.

Okay. After some consideration, the big demons nodded and agreed.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides swore an oath based on their inner demons and the Dao, which was a reassurance to each other.

Soon, both sides organized their manpower. The Monster Clan sent fifty third-order monsters and more than two hundred second-order monsters. The number of Xuanbing Sect's monks was halved.

And Daqing, who wanted to leave, was very unfortunate to be chosen!

In front of several fourth-level monsters, he had no power to resist. He could only pretend to be mentally chaotic and enter the secret realm with other monsters. Now he just hoped that Li Zhirui would not come to him, otherwise even if there was space, he would It will also be very dangerous.

But the next moment, when Daqing stepped into the portal of the secret realm, he suddenly noticed that the soul contract between the two dimmed for a moment, and then returned to normal in the next breath.

‘If Brother Ninth saw this change, he should have guessed what it means, right? ’ Daqing could only pray silently.

After a while, the scene around Daqing became completely different. After he got used to it for a few breaths, he realized that he was in the middle of a huge lake, on a small island!

Not far in front of him, there was a small lake that exuded extremely rich spiritual energy. Growing in it was a green lotus and a small and exquisite turtle that was all emerald green!

Although most of the monsters living in the secret realm left when it was first opened, there are still some who have not left, or have not caught up, or are in remote corners and do not know the news at all.

And after so many years, many of the mortal beasts in the secret realm have turned into monsters and embarked on the path of cultivation.

For some reason, Daqing's heart began to beat crazily when he saw the spirit turtle for the first time. No matter what he did, he couldn't calm it down.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

But Li Zhirui, who was thousands of miles away, did indeed see the flickering of the contract between the two.

What's the reason? Li Zhirui frowned and thought hard, and finally got a more likely answer.

Daqing entered that secret realm?!

Although the secret realm is embedded in the boundary membrane and is part of the world, it is a semi-independent space after all, and there is a certain gap between it and the Xuanyuan world.

Because they had never been separated before, they had not discovered this situation until now.

Li Zhirui's face instantly became extremely ugly, because if nothing unexpected happened, there must be a large number of monsters near the secret realm. He, a human monk, might be caught by them as soon as he got close.

As for what will happen if it falls into the hands of the demon clan? Of course he was eaten alive!

He couldn't think of any solution now and could only pray that Daqing could return safely.

But just when he was worried about Daqing's safety, Daqing was having sex with that turtle!

To be more prepared, it was Daqing who was abducting the spirit turtle, hoping that the spirit turtle would follow him out of the secret realm and return to Ten Thousand Immortals Island. From then on, the two turtles would live together for a lifetime and give birth to a litter of turtle babies.

Although the spirit turtle's cultivation level is only in the middle of the second level, its spiritual intelligence is extremely high, even higher than the original Daqing!

I don't know if it's mutation or other reasons.

But if Li Zhirui were here, he could tell what was going on with just one glance.

Because the green lotus growing in the spiritual pond is a precious spiritual plant, the fourth-level wisdom-enhancing green lotus!

The turtle has such high intelligence precisely because it swallowed the green lotus seeds.

And the race of this turtle is not simple either. She is the direction of Daqing's evolution, a fourth-grade green turtle!

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