Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 238 Stalemate

While the two were talking, a middle-stage Jindan demon cultivator rushed in front of them and said coldly: I advise you two to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will perish here!

I don't know what kind of accident happened in Yinfeng Cave, but no one has been sent to come to support so far, and of the hundreds of demon cultivators before, less than a hundred are still alive now!

And among these dozens of people, more than half are the foundation-building magic cultivators who stayed with the golden elixir and used it as human-shaped bombs.

In other words, the demon cultivators who are still alive are either extremely skilled or have extraordinary strength.

Li Zhirui ignored the demon cultivator's threat and said to Li Shiqing, Second Grandpa, the two of us work together to deal with this demon.

Li Shiqing was self-righteous and said in a deep voice: You attack and I assist, be careful!

Seeing that the two of them were ignoring him, the old ghost-skull demon suddenly became furious, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he screamed: Just the two of you want to stop me? You really don't know how to live or die!

As soon as he finished speaking, the old ghost-skull demon opened his mouth and spat out, and several streaks of gray-black magic light suddenly appeared, long in the wind, and expanded several times in the blink of an eye. Each of the terrifying ghost heads, which were both illusory and real, roared and attacked the two of them. Come.

Li Zhirui's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his finger to the sky. In an instant, the wind and rain suddenly increased, and it began to rain heavily within a radius of ten feet around him.

He also saw that his ten-finger technique changed, and several thick water dragons slowly took shape. After the dragon heads were formed, they all opened their mouths and roared, exuding an astonishing aura, and rushed towards the ghost heads.

The two things are entangled and fighting. The ghost head is a magic weapon refined by the old devil using countless resentful skulls. It has been nurtured by him for many years. Its power is so great that the water dragon is no match.

But because of the heavy rain as a supplement, even if the water dragon's figure was shattered, it could be repaired quickly.

As a result, an incredible drama took place on the battlefield. A magic weapon with a great reputation was blocked by a seemingly ordinary spell!

The face of the ghost skeleton old devil was very ugly. He thought that he was a great demon cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core. He had consumed too much mana due to resisting various attacks in the past. Now he was evenly matched with a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core. If he could survive If you go back, you will definitely become the biggest laughing stock in the Dark Wind Cave!

But what he didn't know was that these water dragons looked ordinary, but they were actually Li Zhirui's god-given magical powers, but the latter deliberately concealed them in order not to attract too much attention.

Just when the old demon was about to further activate the magic weapon, a emerald-colored sword light rushed over and slashed at the ghost-skeleton old demon at an extremely tricky angle.

From the beginning to the end, the old devil never forgot that there was a golden elixir monk beside him. When Li Shiqing took action, he was aware of it. When he noticed that the sword light was slashing towards him, he decisively moved his right hand forward.

A gray-black magic light appeared, the two collided, and a sonorous sound sounded. Then the magic light rose up and released a large amount of mist, and finally corroded the sword light.

Although the old ghost-skeleton demon cannot break through Li Zhirui and Li Zhirui for the time being, even if he doesn't have much mana left, he can easily fight one against two!

However, the old devil knew in his heart that it would definitely not work if he continued like this. He became fierce in his heart and poured 30% of his mana into the ghost head.

After receiving a large amount of mana, the ghost head instantly became more powerful. The previously empty eye sockets suddenly flashed with a terrifying and fierce light, and a strange gray flame enveloped them.

Any raindrops that came close to the ghost head would be instantly evaporated, and the water dragon that could still be entangled with it began to retreat.

Seeing this, Li Zhirui's face changed slightly. He felt a strong threat from the gray flames!

Second Grandpa, be careful of this gray fire. Li Zhirui hurriedly warned, and at the same time, he used the third-level spiritual sword. The sword was swung, and the sword light penetrated into the silk and blended into the heavy rain.

At the same time, for the sake of caution, he also cast several defensive spells, and even used his spiritual consciousness to notify Daqing, asking him to prepare his magical power Qianmu Chengshan, and cast it immediately as long as he was released from the space.

Just die!

As the old devil's roar sounded, the gray fire lingering around the ghost's head erupted instantly, breaking Li Zhirui's spell in an instant. The heavy rain stopped, but the gray fire also dimmed a little.

But the ghost leader refused to give up, and with a piercing strange cry, he rushed towards the formation where the two of them were.

Damn it! Li Zhirui cursed in a low voice.

If it were placed elsewhere, he would definitely escape immediately, but now, they are trapped in this formation used to protect them, and there is no way they can escape!

There was no other way, Li Zhirui could only explode his own magic power, and water curtains appeared out of thin air, and then turned into thick black ice, trying to stop the ghost leader's progress.

Moreover, in the crisis of life and death, he no longer hid Daqing, the third-level spiritual beast, and summoned him from the space with a thought.

A thousand trees form a mountain!

A dazzling blue light burst out from Da Qing's back, and giant trees appeared out of thin air, stacked on top of each other, and formed a hill of several tens of feet, blocking them in front of them.

No wonder you dare to stop me, it turns out there is a third-level monster! The old ghost-skeleton monster laughed and said, But even so, you can't stop me!

As the layers of black ice melted, the ghost leader quickly arrived in front of the wooden mountain, and the defense that Li Zhirui had placed high hopes on could not withstand the strange gray fire for too long, and a big hole was burned out in just a moment.

Li Zhirui's expression changed drastically. If Daqing's defense couldn't stop them, then they would be really in danger!


Daqing roared, mana flowed in his body, and green light appeared in the previous hole, and he began to repair it.

When Li Zhirui saw this, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately took out a large number of spiritual objects and placed them near Daqing's mouth so that he could replenish his mana.

Second Grandpa, attack this old devil directly!

He had figured out a long time ago that the old ghost skeleton demon didn't have much mana, otherwise he wouldn't have been entangled with him for so long.

Moreover, the old demon just broke out. Although he had an instant advantage, his mana must have been greatly reduced.

On the other hand, Li Zhirui and Daqing had never fought before, and with Li Shiqing on the side and a large number of spiritual creatures, if the entanglement continued, it would definitely be the ghost-skeleton old devil who couldn't hold on, not them!

The two of them no longer concealed their strength, and used powerful spells to attack the old ghost skeleton one after another.

The old devil's face suddenly darkened. He knew that the other party had grasped his weakness, but he had no way to break it.

You know, the humanoid bomb just now, those foundation-building magic cultivators are just carriers, the most important thing is the golden elixir mana they poured into it!

It is precisely because of this that their physical bodies can explode with such powerful power.

But in this case, the consumption of their mana would be too great. In order to move forward, they would have to swallow a large amount of elixirs to restore their mana.

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