Especially some older golden elixir demon cultivators, they know the methods of Yinfengdong better, and they know that they have no possibility of resisting!

Because their bodies had already been manipulated by Yinfengdong from the moment they entered cultivation.

In a hidden place in their Dantian, there is a small black spot that is difficult to detect, and this is the work of Yinfengdong!

In fact, no one noticed anything was wrong at first, but during a certain operation later, Yinfengdong took the initiative to expose the matter and threatened the Jindan Demon Cultivator at that time.

Although they tried their best to silence the news and prevent the spread of the news, some news was still circulating in private.

And Dantian is the source of their power. How important is it? How dare they do anything at will?

There were monks who wanted to crack it before, but without exception, they all died suddenly!

So even though they knew about it and even knew that something was wrong there, they still couldn't solve it.

As for this point, Shenleishan's methods are not so obvious, and they are still pretending on the surface.

But in fact, it is only the difference between a true villain and a hypocrite.

Time passed, but within a moment, a large number of demon cultivators gathered here, looking at the calamity clouds in the distance with solemn expressions. They all knew where that place was.

Although it is not the core of the mountain gate of Shenlei Mountain, it is not too far away. If nothing unexpected happens, a dragnet should have been laid there, waiting for them to plunge in.

They didn't want to die, but Yinfeng Cave didn't give them the right to refuse at all, so they could only attack towards the place to overcome the tribulation.

Demon cultivator! Dozens of golden elixir cultivators! There are also hundreds of foundation-building demon cultivators, rushing towards us! A golden elixir cultivator at the frontline changed his face and hurriedly used his magic power to spread the sound. ,

All the monks tensed up instantly, the mana in their bodies was running wildly, and spells were ready to be fired, just waiting for the magic cultivators to enter the attack range.


As the third tribulation thunder fell, the demon cultivators also appeared in front of all the monks, followed by a torrent of spells that covered the sky and the sun.

When Li Shiqing saw that Li Zhirui was not disturbed and was still watching Lei Jie attentively, a trace of relief flashed across his face, but was soon covered by a touch of determination.

For the sake of Li Zhirui's future and the future of the Li family, he must persist a little longer so that Li Zhirui can gain more insights!

Therefore, when he took action for the first time, he did not go all out, but simply cut out a sword energy and mixed it into the collective spell.

Li Shiqing was able to use sword energy not because of his talent in swordsmanship, but entirely because of his cultivation in the Golden Core realm.

The magic cultivators had already expected to encounter an ambush, and the moment they saw the spell, they cast the defensive spells they had prepared.

But even so, many demon cultivators were crushed into pieces the moment they came into contact with the torrent of spells, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere, blurring the sight of many people.

Forward! Don't retreat! I have informed Yinfengdong and other colleagues that they will arrive soon! A skinny old man shouted loudly.

You all also know the methods of Yinfengdong. If you escape from the battle, do you want to experience what it means to live worse than death?

Seeing that persuasion was useless and many demon cultivators were still defeated, he simply threatened them.

It has to be said that for demonic cultivators, principles are never as useful as fists. As soon as these words came out, a large number of demonic cultivators stopped and walked towards the place of overcoming the tribulation with spells on their faces with mournful faces.

Why are these demon cultivators so crazy? Is it possible that they are not afraid of death? Some junior cultivators said in fear and shock when they saw this scene.

No, they can't help themselves. The Jindan monk on the side said with a complicated expression.

And what's the difference between us and them? However, this sentence was too quiet and did not reach other people's ears.

Demonic cultivators are dying every moment. From the foundation building at the beginning to the first golden elixir demonic cultivator just now, due to insufficient mana, the defensive spells cast were not strong enough and he died.

But they also achieved 'brilliant' results. They are now less than twenty feet away from the monks!

And most of the foundation-building monks, after casting a large number of spells, now have very little mana left in their dantian.

The elder of Shenlei Mountain further away said with disgust, What a bunch of trash. It's only been so long and they can't hold on any longer.

Let the qi training and foundation building disciples take action. After all, the next wave of demon cultivators in Yinfeng Cave is coming soon. The leader said calmly.

It wasn't that he was worried about the safety of these monks, but that after the first line of defense was breached, it would be their turn to face the demonic cultivators.

Yes! Several elders left in response.

Soon, a large number of low-level disciples came behind the defense line built by Li Zhirui and others, casting spells one after another, and throwing all kinds of auras at the demon cultivators.

Damn it!

It's already the fifth tribulation thunder! It seems that the man still has some energy left. If we really let him survive the sixth tribulation thunder, we will all die!

Why haven't the others arrived yet!?

Because of this wave of support, several Jindan Demonic Cultivators died, and the strength of the Demonic Cultivators was further weakened. But just relying on the remaining people, let alone moving forward, whether they can persist is a question.

This is the only way! Only by persisting can there be a glimmer of hope! A trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the skinny demon cultivator, and he reached out to grab the foundation-building demon cultivators next to him.

Senior, senior...what are you going to do? Please let me go!

But their pleading had no effect at all. When they finally got desperate, they began to abuse each other crazily.

But the skinny demon cultivator's mood did not fluctuate at all. Huge mana poured into their bodies, directly taking control of their bodies, and then threw them towards the monks' defense line.


He knew that the monks could not give him what he wanted, so he directly exploded the physical bodies of these demonic cultivators on the way.

The physical body of the Foundation-Building Demonic Cultivator, coupled with the magic power of the Golden Core Demonic Cultivator, combined to create a strike that was so powerful that it far exceeded some magical powers.

Seeing this, other golden elixir demon cultivators took action one after another. As long as they could survive, what did the life and death of others have to do with them?

As for the Foundation Establishment Demonic Cultivators, everyone is in danger, fearing that they will be captured next and turn into this kind of human bomb, becoming the 'big hero' in advancing and breaking through the defense line.

Li Zhirui, who was watching the tribulation before, was also awakened by the continuous explosions.

Second Grandpa, what's going on?

But when he was asking questions, he saw the crazy behavior of the demon cultivator with his own eyes.

Seeing this, Li Shiqing did not explain anymore, but said: What can you gain from observing this thunder disaster?

One thing, I will tell you in detail when I return to the family. Now resist these crazy demon cultivators!

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