Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 219 Confession

How could a casual cultivator who had suffered a loss dare to underestimate Li Zhirui's attack this time? What's more, the power emanating from the millstone is so terrifying.

The defensive magic weapon was used with all its strength, and several defensive spells enveloped him layer by layer.

But when the millstone fell and hit him, looking at the aura that instantly melted, he was so frightened that he desperately cast defensive spells regardless of the consumption of mana.

It wasn't until the tenth layer of spiritual light was shattered that the power of the millstone was no longer so terrifying, and finally collapsed into pieces in front of him.

When Li Zhirui saw this, he sighed in disappointment. This was the most powerful magical power he had constructed from the divine light of water and wood.

Although he had never thought that a golden elixir monk could be killed with just one magical power, but seeing that the other party was unscathed, it was a bit of a shock to him.

I underestimated you before! The monk's brows were a little angry, and he turned over his hand and took out a golden, gourd-shaped magic weapon.

I saw the gourd pouring down, and in the blink of an eye, I saw countless small golden swords flying out of it, and they shot out densely.

Li Zhirui's face changed slightly, and his expression became serious. His fingers flew around, and he pinched out spells one after another. Layers of water curtains fell from the sky, blocking him in front of him to offset the attack of the small sword.

As a result, it only broke through three layers of water curtains and became dull and powerless.

If you have this kind of ability, fellow Taoist, you'd better retreat as soon as possible. Li Zhirui said in a calm tone, without the slightest hint of sarcasm.

Then let me show you what I can do!

The man seemed to have poured all his magic power into the gourd magic weapon. The magic weapon surged dozens of times, swallowing up the golden spiritual energy nearby.

Suddenly, the wind blew so loudly that the spirit boat began to sway from side to side. Li Chengmo and others could only protect each other to prevent them from falling.

Then he saw golden light flying out of the gourd that filled the sky. It was like a living creature, transforming into various monsters and overwhelmingly sweeping toward Li Zhirui.

The golden light monster was extremely fast and came to him in the blink of an eye. As a last resort, Li Zhirui could only use his magical power again. The water and wood were connected to form a water forest, with vines hidden in it, like lurking poisonous snakes, constantly strangling the monster. beast.

This was the first time Li Zhirui fought against a monk of the same level after breaking through the golden elixir. He thought that the situation was not evenly matched. Whether it was active attack or passive defense, he was the one with the advantage.

The reason is that the other party was born as a casual cultivator. When he was in the foundation-building realm, his foundation was not as solid as his. After breaking through the golden elixir, he had no way to learn magical powers and could only cast the spells of low-level monks.

The gap between magic and supernatural powers can be seen from the fight between the two. The two are simply incomparable.

However, Li Zhirui could only hold a slight advantage and could not completely defeat him. As for killing him?

It is not an easy task to kill a golden elixir cultivator. Even if the opponent is a casual cultivator, it cannot be done casually. At least Li Zhirui does not have this ability yet.

The man's expression became increasingly cautious as he watched the golden light demonic beasts being eliminated. It was true that he had never fought against golden elixirs from his sect or family before, but he had never been so aggrieved as this time!

For a moment, he felt like giving up. After all, he couldn't defeat the opponent at all. Instead of wasting time and continuing to struggle with him, it was better to leave and find other targets.

Li Zhirui didn't know that the opponent was already trying to retreat, and he was still thinking about how to repel him. He became more and more ruthless with his moves, even using the Golden Core True Fire.

Seeing this, the golden elixir suddenly activated the gourd magic weapon, and a dazzling golden light exploded in front of the two people.

The light was so dazzling that in just a moment, Li Zhirui was stabbed in both eyes and had to stop temporarily. Before closing his eyes, he hurriedly used his magical power to protect himself and observed his surroundings with his spiritual consciousness.

However, this golden light seems to have the effect of blocking the spiritual consciousness, so that the spiritual consciousness cannot be placed too far away, and can only be within a few feet of the side.

When Li Zhirui felt the golden light dissipate and opened his eyes, he realized that the other party had already disappeared without a trace.

He had no intention of pursuing, and without hesitation controlled the spirit ship and flew towards Darong Island.

In the battle just now, in order to maintain his strength, he did not hesitate to use his magic power at all, so only a quarter of an hour or two passed, and only 40% of the magic power in his body was left.

The reason why Li Zhirui did not dare to stay was naturally because he had not forgotten that the other party had a partner coming towards him!

In his current situation, facing the two Jindan monks would be too much, even if he had many third-level talismans in hand.

Everyone, come out. After leaving the battlefield, Li Zhirui said to the group of juniors.

Uncle Jiu, you were so powerful just now! You kept suppressing that golden elixir, forcing him to escape.

Yes, yes! Uncle Jiu didn't know how handsome he was just now!

A fight seemed to make them forget their fear of Li Zhirui, and they all said with admiration in their eyes.

Although they had been hiding in the cabin just now, they could still clearly see the situation outside through the window.

Hahahahaha. Li Zhirui laughed happily, but didn't say much.

And this was one of the reasons why Li Zhizhun asked him to bring them out.

The previous auction was to broaden their horizons and let them know that there were many forces outside the Li family, and they were stronger than the Li family.

The fight on the way back this time was also part of Li Zhizhun's plan. He expected that Li Zhirui, who had taken the photo of the spiritual object, would be intercepted by the monks on the way, and a fight would break out.

He hopes that through this fight, a seed of yearning for a higher realm will be planted in the hearts of Li Chengmo and other future generations of the Li family.

Perhaps the seeds in most people's hearts can only germinate, or even be stillborn, but among so many people, there will always be one that thrives.

And as long as there is one, then Li Zhizhun's painstaking planning will not be in vain.

The journey back home was smooth sailing, there were no monks blocking the way, and we returned to Darong Island safely and smoothly.

We're home. Let's go back and have a good rest. Cheng Mo, come with me. Li Zhirui said.


Li Chenglin, who had been thinking about whether to confess to his family all the way, finally made a decision at this moment.

Uncle Jiu, I have something to tell you. Seeing that Li Zhirui was about to leave with Li Chengmo, he said quickly.

Li Zhirui turned around and glanced at him, thought for a moment, and said, Go back and rest first, and then go to the main hall tomorrow morning.

Okay! After saying these two words, Li Chenglin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood actually made a breakthrough.

Seeing this, Li Zhirui smiled and said: Put it off for a few days, wait until you have consolidated your realm, and then come to me, or you can find your elder brother.

After that, he took Li Chengmo and left.

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