Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 218 Adventure

But it should be only this kind of good stuff that would attract the top golden elixir forces such as Divine Thunder Mountain and Wood Spirit Sect to participate in the auction, right?

Although there have been Nascent Souls in Shenlei Mountain before, and there must be many Nascent Soul cultivators with their cultivation experience, they have not seen a new Nascent Soul cultivator in more than a hundred years. Now that there is a new way, naturally they are not willing to miss it. .

As for forces such as the Wood Spirit Sect, they were originally vassals of the Yuanying Sect, but later rebelled due to the weakness of the main sect. The sect may lack this kind of background. After finally encountering the cultivation experience of the Yuanying monks, they are willing to let it go. ?

If nothing else, the competition for this experience will be extremely brutal!

Two million spirit stones! The Xuanhuo Fan family took the lead in bidding.

Although Li Zhirui had already expected it, his heart skipped a beat when he heard the price.

Two million spirit stones, even if the Li family's current income has skyrocketed, it will only amount to one million spirit stones every year!

This opening is the Li family's net income for two years!

And this is just the first bid. The final transaction price is definitely more than this number.

Next came the time for each family to take turns bidding, and the spirit stones skyrocketed. In an instant, it had already reached 18.5 million spirit stones.

At this point in the competition, there are not many forces that are still continuing. After all, their family has a big business and it is impossible to take out all the spiritual stones to buy a copy of the experience of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

If you spend all your money to get it, it will be worth it if you can successfully break through, but if you fail to break through, wouldn't these more than 10 million spiritual stones be wasted?

As for Li Zhirui and other monks, they are already numb. For most monks, it is unlikely that they will have so many spiritual stones in ten lifetimes, let alone a lifetime.

Twenty million spiritual stones! The Jindan monk from Shenlei Mountain said solemnly: In addition, the Nanya Chamber of Commerce is not allowed to open a store in the boundary of Shenlei Mountain.

Nanya Chamber of Commerce? Li Zhirui secretly wrote down the name, and was also surprised by Shenleishan's decisiveness. He was willing to offend a top cross-state chamber of commerce for an illusory opportunity.

But if it were him... Li Zhirui thought about it carefully, and if nothing else happened, he would make the same decision as Shen Lei Shan!

As soon as these words came out, the Wood Spirit Sect and other forces stopped talking. They were hesitant and didn't know if it was worth it.

Besides, Xuanfa Pavilion has brought out so many good things in order to stop the Nanya Chamber of Commerce. So if the Nanya Chamber of Commerce wants to enter Qingshan Prefecture, how can it not bring out some good things?

Maybe others will also come up with Yuan Ying’s cultivation experience? With this thought in mind, they watched Shenlei Mountain take this experience into their own.

The dust has settled!

As this jade slip fell into the hands of Shen Lei Shan, the auction that lasted for three days was finally concluded.

Let's go! The matter is not really over yet. Li Zhirui stood up and said to Li Chengmo and others who were still in shock.

Things are over at the auction, but they are just beginning outside! The monks who have been ambushing at various intersections are ready to pounce at any time.

So that every time the auction ends, it is the most chaotic moment in an area. During this period, almost no casual cultivator dares to leave the fairy city.

Li Zhirui also noticed that Li Chenglin, a somewhat eccentric boy, looked very surprised, but in fact he was just pretending!

From the first moment he saw Li Chenglin, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find what was wrong.

Seize the body?

Li Zhirui had never thought of such a thing, because all members of the Li family now have life cards. Although they are the lowest-level life cards, they can only store a ray of soul to observe their own life and death.

If Li Chenglin was taken away, his life card would be shattered immediately and his family would know about it, but obviously, such a thing did not happen.

Li Chenglin felt Li Zhirui's probing gaze, and felt a chill in his heart. He couldn't help but smile bitterly to himself. He knew that with his acting skills, he would definitely not be able to fool Uncle Jiu, the smartest uncle in the family.

Perhaps, after returning to the family this time, he can find an opportunity to confess his previous experiences to the family?

Cheng Lin, let's go. Li Chengmo reminded in a low voice.

While Li Chenglin was thinking about it, Li Zhirui had already taken all four auction items and led everyone outside.

After Li Zhirui and his party walked out of the auction house, he unabashedly showed off his power as a Golden Core cultivator, in order to frighten those monks with ill intentions.

Of course, this is only useful for those low-level monks. Some Jindan monks don't care about this and are already looking at them with vague eyes.

After you get on the spirit ship, stay in the cabin. No matter what sound you hear, don't come out! Li Zhirui warned: Cheng Mo, watch everyone.

Uncle Jiu, don't worry, you should also be careful. Li Chengmo responded quickly.

Li Zhirui smiled relaxedly and said, Anxin, I will bring you all back to the family safely.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that he has the confidence to think that he can escape unscathed.

Before he went out, Li Shiqing gave him several third-level talismans to prevent this.

Moreover, Li Zhirui's divine power, Water and Wood Divine Light, is like the talent of a monster. It is completely his instinct and consumes very little mana.

Unless you are surrounded by several Jindan monks, there is no need to worry at all.

As for the confident monks, Li Zhirui and others were obviously not the only ones. A large number of monks walked out of the fairy city and flew in all directions on various flying instruments.

The spirit ship took off and reached its fastest speed. Like an arrow from the string, it cut through the sky, leaving only a blue track.

Those Jie cultivators who found their targets hurriedly followed their prey while contacting their companions outside.

Among them was a golden elixir monk who was eyeing Li Zhirui and the others.

He followed the spirit ship without any concealment, and communication talismans flew out one after another, contacting his companions.

Naturally, Li Zhirui would not just look at him and call for help. As soon as he saw him, he stopped the spirit ship and took the initiative to attack.

As soon as he raised his hand, a spiritual light composed of one green and one blue struck towards him with an unstoppable edge.

Little Jiu'er! The coercion emitted by the spiritual light was not strong, and the golden elixir just snorted disdainfully and cast a defensive spell casually.

But when the aura wrapped around the light shield that protected him, he realized how wrong he was.

The green light was endless, constantly wearing down his defensive spells. If he hadn't discovered something was wrong in time and decisively cast the spell again, the defense would have been broken.

But Li Zhirui's second attack followed closely. A huge millstone appeared in the sky, and the space began to tremble slightly. If you look carefully, you can even find a few extremely small space cracks.

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