Although Xiao Qing is currently practicing in seclusion, Li Zhirui can now fly without the help of external objects.

This is the symbol of the golden elixir monk's flying in the air!

Low-level monks need to use external objects to fly in the air, but Jindan monks do not need it. As long as they have enough magic power in their bodies, they can fly as they please.

Li Zhirui left the cave the next day, and on his way out of the city, the lower-level monks gave way to avoid bumping into the new Jindan.

In fact, he can fly at low altitude and leave the fairy city directly, because after reaching the golden elixir realm, many constraints can no longer restrain them.

However, because he had never practiced before and was worried about making a fool of himself in front of everyone, Li Zhirui still chose to walk.

Fellow Taoist, please stay! A hurried voice came to Li Zhirui's ears. Because the caller was also a Jindan cultivator, he still gave him face and stopped for a while.

I've seen fellow Taoist An Yongkang! I saw a golden elixir wearing a gray robe with some gray hair, walking quickly to Li Zhirui and saying.

Huang Zhaoming has met Taoist friend. Li Zhirui returned the greeting. Because he didn't know his purpose, he gave a false name just to be on the safe side.

I don't know what's going on with your friend's office?

This is not a place for conversation. Fellow Taoist, why don't you follow me to the restaurant next door?

Li Zhirui was self-conscious and followed him into the restaurant next to him. He specially opened a private room and ordered a few pots of sake and a few plates of spiritual food.

An Yongkang saw that Li Zhirui was not in a hurry and was just enjoying the spiritual food and wine, so he had no choice but to keep silent and wait for the opportunity.

After drinking for three rounds, An Yongkang said, I wonder if you have ever heard of the Five Elements Secret Realm?

I've heard about it, but I don't understand it very well. Li Zhirui put down his chopsticks and shook his head.

He only knew that this secret realm was rich in Five Elements spiritual objects, and that it was a third-level secret realm jointly controlled by the three major forces in Qingshan State. He didn't know anything else.

In a few years, the secret realm will be opened once in a century. I wonder if you have any thoughts on this?

Li Zhirui suddenly became wary. The Five Elements Secret Realm was firmly controlled by the three major forces. Even if some quotas were leaked, how could they be given to him for no reason?

Fellow Taoist, I've got something wrong. Upon seeing his reaction, An Yongkang said with a smile: I'm just an ordinary cultivator, how can I get a place in the secret realm?

That fellow Taoist is... Li Zhirui vaguely guessed his purpose of finding her.

An Yongkang grinned and said: Of course it's robbing families and homes! Robbing the rich and giving to the poor!

Sect and family monks are naturally brought back by their elders, and it is difficult to attack them in groups, but those who are alone and alone do not have so many worries.

Li Zhirui wanted to refuse directly. After all, a casual cultivator who could come out safely from a dangerous secret realm must have extraordinary strength.

Moreover, the opponent suddenly came to the door, probably because he had just broken through and was weak, so he planned to kill again and seize the treasure.

But when the words came to his lips, he changed his words and said with a smile: Aren't we monks who are not rich, just poor people in need of relief?

Okay! An Yongkang was overjoyed. As he spoke, he took out a communication talisman and said, When you and I join forces, we will be invincible.

Li Zhirui took it with a smile, did not stay any longer, stood up and said goodbye, preparing to leave.

Since fellow Taoist has something to do, I won't bother you.

After sending Li Zhirui out of the private room, An Yongkang sat back down again, his eyes flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Zhirui attached his magic power to his hand and played with the communication talisman. He felt funny in his heart. Did the other party treat him as a fool?

When he was leaving the city, he loosened his right hand lightly, and the communication talisman fell down, drifting to nowhere with the breeze.

But it was because An Yongkang's hands and feet were deliberately left in the communication talisman. He wanted to take advantage of Li Zhirui's breakthrough and not be strong enough to kill him directly.

As for why he was targeted by An Yongkang? Li Zhirui also had some guesses in his mind. It was nothing more than his rich behavior of taking out hundreds of thousands of spirit stones when renting the cave, and then leaving early before the expiry date, which caught his attention.

You know, for most Jindan cultivators, hundreds of thousands of spirit stones may be their entire wealth!

And through An Yongkang's appearance and clothes, we can see that he is not that wealthy.


After Li Zhirui walked out of the fairy city, he began to use his magic power to ride the wind. At first, his speed was not very fast, but after he got familiar with it, his speed slowly increased.

But if compared with Xiao Qing's flying speed, he can surpass him in a short time. However, as time goes by, the speed will inevitably slow down, because Li Zhirui relies on mana to fly, while Xiao Qing has an innate talent.

An Yongkang waited for a moment, and then began to use secret methods to contact the communication talisman. He couldn't hide his excitement and walked quickly along the induction, but the further he walked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Damn it! When he saw the communication talisman falling into a smelly ditch, he growled extremely angrily.

Unfortunately, Li Zhirui was already far away from the fairy city at this time, and it was impossible to find him.


The sun and the moon flew by, and Li Zhirui returned to Darong Island in just one day.

He entered the tribe quietly, preparing to give Li Shiqing and others a surprise, but he didn't want to meet Li Zhizhun halfway.

Zhirui, you're out of seclusion... As he said that, he felt something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he shouted in shock: No, Zhirui, you have broken through the golden elixir?!

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of the nearby tribesmen. No matter what they were doing, they immediately put down their work and gathered around.

Zhi Rui, when did you break through?

Uncle Zhirui, aren't you in seclusion in the family? Why don't you need to overcome the tribulation to break through?

Uncle Zhirui has now broken through the golden elixir, and we no longer have to be afraid of Yuan Mingzong!

The tribesmen were all talking and asked dozens of questions in a moment.

Yes! Faced with these questions, Li Zhirui was helpless and didn't know which question to answer for a while.

Such a big movement also attracted Li Shiqing's attention. With a sweep of his consciousness, he spotted an unexpected figure. He couldn't help but be stunned. Then he hurriedly rushed out of the quiet room and flew in front of everyone.

Okay, okay! When he saw Li Zhirui and his cultivation with his own eyes, Li Shiqing was so excited that he was speechless.

Congratulations on forming a golden elixir! Li Zhizhun then remembered that he had not congratulated him yet and quickly added.

Other tribesmen also spoke one after another to express their sincere blessings to Li Zhirui, and each of their faces was full of excitement.

In the end, all the tribesmen were attracted, and Li Zhirui was surrounded by water.

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