Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 209 Golden Elixir


The green thunder dragon collided with the vine dragons, and the two were entangled with each other, but the vine dragon was weaker, and within a moment, it was torn into pieces by the thunder.

At this time, Jie Lei was only a few feet away from Li Zhirui, like a ferocious beast in the wilderness, with its bloody mouth open, seeking to devour anyone.

Is it going to fail?

The low-level monks who were watching nearby saw that Li Zhirui made no other moves and thought that he was at the end of his rope and had no other options. For a while, various emotions emerged.

Some gloated, some felt sorry, and some thought about what would happen if they were the ones to overcome the disaster.

But how could Li Zhirui give up so easily?

I saw his fingers flying like a butterfly through a flower, and he quickly pinched out an extremely complex magic formula. The magic power in his body poured out crazily. In the blink of an eye, the shadows of giant trees appeared, bringing the surrounding area into a chaos. In the primitive ancient forest.

This is actually... A certain monk with extraordinary knowledge shouted in surprise: The second level of the most difficult spell to learn, blue light phantom!

Blue light phantom is a very difficult spell to learn, but its effect is outstanding. It can be used to attack, trap enemies, and defend.

It can also be seen from its name that this spell can also cast illusions. Although it is not particularly outstanding in all aspects, it is very comprehensive. It is precisely because of this that it is so difficult to learn, and there are few monks. Will invest a lot of time in this.

In addition to these giant trees, Li Zhirui also deliberately added a large number of thick-leafed vines throughout the ancient forest to enhance the defensive ability of this spell.

The moment the ancient forest was born, Jie Lei broke into it, and the two collided with each other. The power of Jie Lei was constantly being worn away and reduced, and the same was true for Li Zhirui's attack, and it was faster.


In order to survive the disaster safely, Li Zhirui controlled the magic to explode himself, trying to die the same as the disaster.

The powerful shock wave set off a hurricane, causing dust and smoke to fill the sky.

Fortunately, the location of the retreat caves is relatively remote, and the neighbors are far enough away, so there is no need to worry about destroying a large number of buildings and having the spiritual stones collected afterwards.

Soon the smoke dissipated, and Li Zhirui slowly appeared. Except for the excessive consumption of mana and his face being a little pale, everything else was fine.

It seems that this Taoist friend of unknown origin will successfully form an elixir! The shopkeeper couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

It is true that the third thunderbolt is very dangerous, but for ordinary monks, like Li Zhirui, a monk with a firm Taoist heart, not to mention that he has also practiced the visualization method, the third thunderbolt is nothing at all.

So when the last tribulation thunder fell, Li Zhirui very calmly and smoothly guided the tribulation thunder into his dantian. To be precise, it was into the ethereal golden elixir above the yellow bud.


A weak force of lightning tribulation spread all over the golden elixir. Under Li Zhirui's efforts, he carefully tempered the golden elixir with the help of the power of the tribulation thunder, and it also became solidified little by little.

After an unknown amount of time, the power of the third tribulation thunder was exhausted, and the tribulation clouds in the sky were transformed into streams of rich spiritual energy, which poured into Li Zhirui's body crazily.

The golden elixir, which was originally only the size of a grain of rice, expanded very quickly under the irrigation of this huge spiritual energy, and finally stopped at the size of an inch.

Li Zhirui was very satisfied with this. You must know that whether it is Li Shiqing or Li Shilian, their golden elixirs after forming elixirs are far inferior to him!


A unique coercion of the Golden Core cultivator emanated from Li Zhirui's body, which was a signal to the nearby modifications.


This fellow Taoist...senior is really amazing. He broke through the golden elixir so smoothly. It's amazing!

Since Li Zhirui has broken through the golden elixir, he can no longer be treated as a peer, but should be regarded as a powerful senior.

After all, his previous performance in dealing with the Tribulation Thunder began to fall into the eyes of all the monks.

Li Zhirui was not a monk from Qingshan Prefecture, so after successfully forming the elixir, he entered the cave and activated the defensive formation to block the eyes of those people.


After this operation, all the monks were stunned, because according to the past practice, Li Zhirui should explain a little bit about the formation of pills to everyone, but who would have thought that he would not care about this matter at all and go directly back to the quiet room to consolidate his realm. .

Let's go, let's go! If we had known this would be the case, we shouldn't have wasted these few hours.

Everyone started to leave one after another. Although they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction openly, they did not know how many times they cursed in their hearts.

At this time, Li Zhirui couldn't care less about the situation in the outside world. He now wanted to check his golden elixir to find the magical power he had obtained from somewhere.

It is rumored that if a monk forms an elixir before he is a hundred years old, he may obtain a divine power. Li Zhirui was lucky enough to successfully obtain one of the magical powers!

Water and wood divine light, a simplified magical power of the five elements of divine light, is very powerful and is a killing magical power.

Although Li Zhirui wanted a defensive magical power, it was obviously not something he could choose and he could only make do with it.

In addition to this magical power, there is also the golden elixir true fire that a golden elixir monk must have!

However, it may be because he has just broken through, so the real fire seems to be relatively weak, but even so, the lethality of the real fire is no weaker than the ordinary third-level spiritual fire.

At the same time, real fire can also be used to refine elixirs and magic weapons. Unfortunately, Li Zhirui studied water method to refine elixirs and was very accomplished. Although he can now learn fire methods to refine elixirs, it is not necessary.

As for the magic weapon, he has never learned it. After all, if nothing unexpected happens, he will never need to use its formation except when refining the natal spiritual treasure.

After checking the golden elixir, Li Zhirui began to absorb spiritual energy and transform it into mana to consolidate his realm.

Time flies, and four or five months have passed quickly.

On this day, the door that had been sealed for a long time was finally opened.

I don't know what the situation of Daqing and Xiaoqing is. Li Zhirui muttered to himself, thinking about dodging and entering the space.

When he was overcoming the tribulation before, he was worried that the tribulation thunder would hurt them, so he took it into the space.

Then because of his breakthrough, Daqing and Xiaoqing received a large ball of mana feedback, and they are still working hard to refine it.

Perhaps when they are successfully refined, their cultivation will be greatly improved, especially Daqing, who may be able to successfully break through to the late stage of foundation building.

As expected, when he entered the space, both Daqing and Xiaoqing were still working hard to refine the mana. After all, this was the mana from the Golden Core cultivator. It was higher than the foundation building in all aspects, so the refining difficulty was naturally higher.

Since we have successfully broken through, it's time to return to the family! Li Zhirui checked various elixirs and prepared to return to Darong Island, even though this cave will not expire for more than half a year.

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