Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 294 Meeting the Dryad

"Fu Tianchou?"

He Cheng raised his head and looked at the man smiling at him in the carriage. He scratched his head and instantly remembered who it was.

An important character in "A Chinese Ghost Story 2" committed a crime and had to be taken back to the capital to be beheaded. He met Ning Caichen on the way, which led to the plot of "A Chinese Ghost Story 2".

When I remember the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story, I cannot forget the giant centipede spirit in it.

He Cheng is now in a hurry to find the heart of the thousand-year-old demon, Cheng Feizheng, and he can travel freely in the sky and the earth from now on.

When I met Fu Tianchou by chance, I sent him a letter.

With a smack of her tongue, Yahuazi took two breaths of air.

"Centipede! I wonder which one is more powerful, Corpse Buddha or Demon Buddha?"

It's a pity that he hasn't taken care of the tree monster yet. It would be too troublesome to go to the capital to find the centipede spirit on other people's territory.

The group of people saw that the young man in the suit lowered his head and thought, waiting for half a cup of tea. However, the man only dug his fingernails into the ship's plank. His thin fingers were like sharp knives, thrusting into the ship's plank, without any intention of answering. .

"Hey! Do you know Gujian Villa?"

asked the proud driver of the carriage.

He Cheng raised his head in confusion, "Didn't I tell you earlier? I don't know."

Are these people planning to stay and let him drink blood? A group of corrupt officials could detect the smell of blood through the water. If he hadn't been so hungry, he wouldn't have taken a sip.

"You!" The groom came over to teach him a lesson with his whip in hand, but the general in golden armor who was riding on the horse fiercely snatched away the whip.

"Excuse me, this servant is ignorant!"

General Jinjia solemnly raised his hand to He Cheng and struck the groom on the shoulder with his whip.

Seeing that the groom's eyes suddenly turned red, he didn't dare to respond.

He was used to being a bully and pretending to be powerful, but he had never experienced anything like this before?

"Master Fu, let's set off to find the Ancient Sword Villa..."

"Let's go!" Fu Tianchou nodded.

The team walked along the river for more than 20 miles before stopping.

Hearing the slow sound of the horse's hooves and the flying dust on the dirt road stopping with the iron hooves, Fu Tianqiu opened the brocade curtain.

"General, did you see something wrong?"

"The man on the boat is not ordinary." General Jinjia raised his eyelids slightly and pursed his lips. "The wood used to make the boat is often soaked in water and is more difficult to chop than dry firewood. However, the man easily poked the ship's board with one finger. Some military generals who specialize in external martial arts don’t have this ability either.”

"Only based on these?" Fu Tianchou frowned. To run away based on just these would be too bad for his reputation as Fu Tianchou.

The generals around him are all good soldiers in the army. They can fight one against ten, and dozens of people can wipe out the rebel bandits. But now they are afraid because of the enemy's finger?

"We have been traveling for fourteen or five miles, and the surroundings are deserted. However, there is a young boatman on the river filled with thick fog. In my opinion... it is better to be careful."

When soldiers are marching and fighting, they often see monsters and ghosts, but Fu Tianchou is so proud of himself, when has he ever seen these?

After hearing General Jin Jia's intention, Fu Tianchou didn't point it out, but his face was displeased.

"Let's find a place to stay first. This place is very close to Taiyuan. Let's go and rest first."

"Yes, sir!"


The water rippled, and a lone boat got into the thick fog.


The fish tail disturbed the water surface and finally brought some noise to the quiet water surface.

He Cheng watched the large group of people leaving, stood up and suddenly said, "Gujian Villa? Where is it?"

Yan Hong had already stood behind him at some point. When she heard the question, she immediately lowered her head and answered:

"Gujian Villa is a villa in Shanxi. It is said to be an inheritance passed down by the ancient god Kuafu. It has the legendary method of resurrecting the dead and unpredictable ghosts and gods. The villa usually takes it as its mission to eliminate demons and monsters and protect the surrounding people."

"Kuafu chasing the sun?"

He Cheng looked at Black Mountain. There were not only monsters and ghosts in this world, but also gods and goddesses. It was difficult to deal with it.

He went too far and provoked the gods to come down to earth. It is estimated that a few heavenly soldiers and generals can take his head.

"Yan Hong just learned from the surrounding ghosts that the sword god Feng Qingtian fought with the tree demon in the Black Mountain for three days and three nights three years ago, and almost lost in one move. He is a world-famous master and has three apprentices. , after being defeated by the tree demon, he lost all fighting spirit and is already a useless person."

"Have you ever heard of Yan Chixia?"

"Yan Chixia... I've never heard of it."


He Cheng smacked his lips, "Are you here early?"

Fu Tianchou was not taken to be beheaded. It is estimated that Yan Chixia is still working as a head catcher somewhere.

However, whether or not the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story takes place has nothing to do with him. At most, the two or three monsters in it can attract him.

Yan Hong stood quietly behind He Cheng, waiting for him to think.

"Looks like we have to go see Grandma the Dryad"

If you can't walk steadily, you have to try a dangerous move.


From that night, Luo Zhiqiu left with the banshee Xiaoxue.

The two of them lived together naturally, as if they were destined in their previous life.

In the bamboo house on the top of the mountain, during the day, the sound of playing the harp is played, poetry is recited, and paintings are made. It is so unhappy.

It's more monotonous at night, but it sounds happier.

On this day, Luo Zhiqiu, who woke up from the soft pillow in his jade arms, woke up and looked at the beauty beside him. Her face was sad, and there was a trace of sadness hidden between her eyebrows.

"Xiaoxue, why don't you look good?"

"No matter what you see later, don't make a sound!"

"What's wrong? Tell me, what's your problem?" Luo Zhiqiu grabbed his fair arm and shook it gently. The more he shook it, the more he could see Xiaoxue's frown tightening.

"Don't make a sound!"

Xiaoxue warned her, got up from the bamboo bed, turned around, put on her white skirt, and opened the white curtain.

The wooden door of the bamboo house was opened violently, and a gust of wind came in like a steel knife.

Xiaoxue's sleeves fluttered and her black hair fluttered.

"Xiaoshuang, why are you here?"

The wind stopped, and the banshee Xiaoshuang stopped at the door.

"Sister, you have been gone for many days!"

"I don't feel well, that's why..."

Unexpectedly, Xiaoshuang's hands were faster. With a wave of his hand, the strong wind opened the curtain and blew out Luo Zhiqiu who was hidden in the soft blanket.

"He's a human! You're a demon! I didn't expect you to actually fall in love with a human!"

"Xiaoshuang...don't tell grandma, grandma will definitely kill him if she finds out!"


There was a cold snort like rolling thunder coming from outside the door.

"Eat everything inside and out!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiaoxue's eyes. He slapped her on the chest and flew her backwards like a cloud.

"Grandma! Please go around him..., I promise you won't see him again in the future!"

Grandma Dryad was furious and was about to kill Xiaoxue and the useless scholar behind her, but she suddenly froze.

"Okay, scholar, as long as you swear not to tell anyone what happened in Montenegro, I will let you live!"

Of course Luo Zhiqiu quickly agreed when he got the chance to live.

"Remember what you said, otherwise I will definitely kill you and beat you to pieces!"

His eyes flashed, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that the bamboo building, chess, calligraphy and painting had all turned into white mist and dispersed, leaving only a damp and shabby house with a stinky smell.

"What's the point of this ghost fairy's sudden visit?"

Grandma Dryad appeared and looked at the female ghost standing in front. As for the little zombie behind her that exuded the aura of jumping to death, Grandma Dryad ignored it.

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