Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 293 A Chinese Ghost Story prequel?

He Cheng turned around and left calmly,

How can a banshee with level 46 strength dance for a few ordinary people? According to the temperament of tree demons who like to eat the essence of human flesh and blood, these people must become human beings.

A small poisonous scorpion fell from his sleeve, slipped into the crack of the stone, and continued to stare.

"Beauty, stop jumping~"

Liu Zhi, who had a mustache and a scarf on his head, quickly stood up when he saw He Cheng's figure disappearing, and pulled Xiao Xue to sit down.

"Why don't you make out and make out with me!"

Xiaoxue smiled like a flower and said "ouch" when her hand was grabbed. She accidentally stepped on a stone and crashed into Liuzhi's arms.

But his eyes were looking at the direction He Cheng was leaving.

The sound of breathing in my ears was rough, like a lack of oxygen.

Seven or eight people from the caravan gathered together, their faces flushed by the fire, their necks tense with veins, their wide eyes focused on Xiaoxue, some staring at her breasts, some at her waist, and some focusing on her little feet.

"Everyone line up for me!"

Liuzhi's eyes were red, and he hugged Xiaoxue tightly with his arms. The beauty was burning in his arms, and his heart was burning with anger.

Several other people didn't want to lose face in front of the beauty, so they tried to swing the knife while holding the veins in their necks.

"Despondent!" The old man holding a pipe and smoking gun squatted in front of the horse.

Grab a handful of hay and feed it to the horse, and blow out the smoke.


Just listen to Xiaoxue sighing quietly.

"Arouse your desire and anger, how come your blood is still cold, Iceman?"

She turned around and flicked her white sleeves, like snow clouds on the winter sky, and the cold air enveloped the caravan instantly.

But in the blink of an eye, a group of people froze into ice sticks, with huge pieces hanging from their chins and elbows.

The old smoking man grabbed the hay and was stunned. He covered his mouth, rolled around in the horse manure, and plunged into the haystack.

It wasn't until the white-clothed banshee flew away that the old man hurriedly crawled out of the haystack, and finally hid in a large box made of silk. The box was so thick that it didn't feel cold even if the cold air swept over it.

The scorpion under the stone happened to see it, and Luo Zhiqiu came after a while.

Seeing that he had caught up with the caravan, Luo Zhiqiu was overjoyed, but when he got closer, he found that everyone in the caravan had turned into ice men!

A white shadow floated slowly from the sky in the distance. He hid in the box in panic, bumped into an old man covered in horse dung, and shouted "Ah" uncontrollably.

It happened that the banshee Xiaoxue flew over.

When she saw a living person, she wanted to turn him into a popsicle, but when she saw the face, Xiaoxue pressed Luo Zhiqiu into the box and closed the box for him.

"Don't come out!"

Luo Zhiqiu only nodded. It would be best if he didn't come out.

A soaring evil spirit came down from the top of the head, and the black clouds above the head also pressed down four or five feet, as if one could hit the head by tiptoeing.

A graceful old woman with a banshee floated over from the direction Xiaoxue came from.


"Yeah!" the old woman said, with mixed male and female voices.

"Why are you arresting these people with no good intentions? Their hearts are darker than monsters! The blood is cold!"

"Aren't they all living people? Xiaoxue doesn't understand the difference."

Grandma sighed, "You are building a nest under the roof of a living person, but don't forget that you are a demon. Demons are different from humans. Humans are just our food!"

"Xiaoxue knows..."

"Don't find these cold-blooded people for me again in the future."

Grandma Dryad opened her mouth, her tongue was as flexible as a python, and plunged into the bodies of each of the ice men. With a sharp thrust, the flesh and blood of the living people were sucked out. What fell out of the broken ice were pieces of human skin wrapped with bones.

After absorbing enough flesh and blood, Grandma Dryad's face obviously improved a lot.

"I will be in seclusion for seventy-seven forty-nine days. The injuries from the battle with Feng Qingtian will be much better. Don't cause any trouble for me during this period."

Grandma Dryad turned her head and looked at the banshee next to her: "Xiao Shuang, you need to listen to your sister more, you know?"

"Yes, grandma~" the little banshee agreed with a cold face.

Grandma Dryad nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly her expression changed: "There are still people alive!"

His eyes were pointed straight at the wooden box like a sword.

Xiaoxue's expression also changed: "Grandma, let me help you take a look!"

She was about to take action, but Xiaoshuang next to Dryad Granny was one step faster than her. Her long sleeves flew out like a spear and penetrated the wooden box with a "pop". When she pulled it back, the white cloud sleeves were dyed blood red.

"Don't be careless again!"

Grandma Dryad left in a hurry, muttered a few words and then flew away, leaving only Xiaoxue with a bad look on her face.

After the two demons left, she opened the wooden box and found that Luo Zhiqiu was still alive and well, but the dead one was another old man who had been hiding in the box for a long time.

I felt relieved immediately.

"G-girl..." The teeth marks on the back of Luo Zhiqiu's biting hand were red, and he almost didn't cry out.

"Stop talking and follow me!"

The banshee grabbed Luo Zhiqiu and flew away in the opposite direction of the tree demon's grandmother.

"Scholar Banshee, A Chinese Ghost Story"

He Cheng also walked over from the other side of the mountain, and the little scorpion climbed up and became part of his body.

The movie "A Chinese Ghost Story" was so successful that all these ghost-and-fox romances look like "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Luo Zhiqiu is obviously a script written by Ning Caichen, and Xiaoxue and Xiaoqian are also similar, but Honggu's beauty is different from Wang Zuxian's quiet beauty, each has its own beauty.

"However, the tree demon is the most beautiful!"

He grinned, a level 73 tree demon is going to become an immortal!

The tree demon's Taoism should not last more than a thousand years.

"I will decide your heart!"

He raises his sleeves and gets another flag.

The black and yellow ghost-controlling flag of the Thatched Cottage layman was used by him to pretend to be Yan Hong and take him through time.

"The universe is vast in the sleeves, and the sun and moon are long in the pot."

The universe in the sleeve can hold the heaven, earth, sun and moon. In the chapter of Wuzhuang Temple in Journey to the West, Daxian Zhen Yuanzi puts Tang Monk and his disciples into his sleeve.

The real magical power can catch the sun and the moon, but his fake magic can only be used as a storage bag spell.


The bright red color fell lightly next to He Cheng, with light makeup and no makeup. It was not Zhang Susu, the inner demon.

"Go to the outside world and ask about the Dryad Grandma in Black Mountain and Feng Qingtian. In short, just ask as much information as you can."

Yan Hong also picked up her mission clearly, knowing that she almost delayed a big event last time, so she left immediately after receiving the mission this time.

Three steps to a demon, five steps to a demon.

Information is the first point. He Chengmang is not stupid.

Although he put Grandma Dryad on the list to be slaughtered, he didn't like to engage in loss-making business, so he left Grandma Dryad unable to move. He could only wait until he heard clearly who Feng Qingtian was, and then think of ways to use his strength to kill him. The tree demon grandma.

So he simply went outside on the river, sat on a boat, and read through the Corpse Buddha Sutra.

Turn tens of millions of people into zombies, raise immortal believers, and become eternal corpse Buddhas.

It's also quite interesting.

On this day, he sat on the bow and let the wooden boat drift along the current.

The sun slanted through the thick fog and fell on the bow of the ship.

"Boatman! Boatman! I want to ask you something!"

He Cheng looked up when he heard the voice. There was a big group of people coming.

In front of him were twelve generals in golden armor, holding swords astride tall horses. They wielded the sword with their left hand and pulled the reins with their right hand.

Horseshoes made of fine iron, with a few lines of small words on the side.

There were also twelve people guarding the back, and in the middle was a carriage covered with blue brocade curtains.

There are three clean white horses in the carriage, and the carriage looks spacious.

The voice was the head peeking out from the opened carriage curtain.

It was an old man with a smiling face. "Excuse me, how to get to Gujian Villa?"

"Never been"

Whether he was a rich man or an official in the imperial court, he was not interested in it.

If it weren't for the ineffectiveness of living human blood, these people would have turned into mummies long ago.

"Boy! Do you know that my lord is Fu Tianchou, the current Minister of War in the imperial court? Master Fu!" The carriage driver said to North, "It's your honor to ask you this!"

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