Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 280 Corpse Buddha

"Corpse? Buddha?"

Zhong Kui, who fell to the ground, rubbed his eyes and looked at the figure blocking him.

There is a golden arm growing out of the bare back, and the Buddha's light shines all over it.

The King Kong Hercules grabbed the thousand-year-old bat spirit with his arm, and Foli burned her so hard that she screamed in agony.

He Cheng clenched his fist to hammer, and the thousand-year-old bat spirit reacted more quickly. He opened his mouth and bit the diamond arm. With a "ding" sound, the iron hoe cut into the stone and his teeth bounced open.

The force of the belt was not small, and it also caused He Cheng to let go of his hand.

The vampire zombie is an expert, but the thousand-year-old bat spirit also makes a living by sucking blood. Both parties are very good at it.

She fluttered her wings and flew into the sky, wanting to distance herself and fight again. He Chengnian will follow her wish? Stomping on the ground with his toes, the ground shook. He fished it out with three hands, his claws and nails sharp as knives, and he whittled ten long black horses towards the bat spirit. The arm of the Vajra Warrior was as heavy as a solid hammer, carrying a chisel. The melon's spirit follows the corpse's claws.

The thousand-year-old bat spirit hid behind a move, as nimble as a butterfly fluttering among the flowers. It missed the three-handed pursuit. Instead, it covered its mouth with its wings, opened it again, and a burst of sound waves roared out, shocking He Cheng's three souls and seven souls. Trembling!

Boom! Boom!

He took two steps back and almost crushed Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui and Zhong Mei, who had no power at all, spat out blood.

"This bat spirit has the power of sound waves. If you can't kill her, she will be consumed to death sooner or later."

Zhong Kui was in a hurry.

Two more voices, and the first one to lose her soul must be Zhong Mei, who has the lowest level of cultivation.

The bat flapped its wings, ducked three inches to the left, moved two feet to the right, dodged He Cheng's several moves, and opened his mouth to make another sound wave.

Sound waves can stimulate the qi and blood in the human body, and can also hurt the souls of ghosts!

Another sound wave was as heavy as Mount Tai pressing down on his face. He Cheng suddenly puffed up his chest, opened his mouth and let out a corpse scream, which was actually mixed with Buddhist sounds. The half-black and half-gold roar hit the monster energy as heavy as a mountain, and suddenly exploded, with restless winds. , grass shake.

The bat spirit wanted to flap its wings again, sensing the danger and trying to hide, but saw that the left, right, top and bottom were covered by big hands.

When he wanted to retreat, he was a step too late.

The zombie moves with three arms, like a tiger with three tails, and moves in one go!

It's like a poisonous scorpion that reaches the ground and roars into the sky. It kills with two hooks on the left and right, followed by a poisonous sting that knocks down the horse!

The three-handed action seems to have the effect of capturing Yan Lai in his hands.

The bat spirit was trapped within the range of three palms. He opened his mouth to roar again, and his bat wings lifted up the gusts of demonic wind.

He Cheng held up the evil wind with three hands and shuttled through the wind with three arms.

The fist is as fierce as a tiger, and the body is as light as a swallow.

He is as strong and powerful as a mortal who has practiced "Pai Da Gong"!

From palm to fist, he slapped her in the palm of his hand with two palms. One punch hit her on the forehead, and there was a cracking sound in her neck. Letting go of his hand, the bat spirit fell to the ground like a tattered shirt, with blood coming out of his mouth and nose, and his saliva drooling.

He Cheng's condition was not good either. He was not wearing corpse armor. Although his stiff body was stiff, it was much weaker than the Great Jindan Demon. Several pieces of flesh were shaved off, and his arms were twisted and broken.

In just a moment, the wound healed itself.

The thousand-year-old bat spirit is not dead yet, coughing and trying to get up again.

"Ami, you are a Buddha!"

He Cheng pretended, recited a Buddha's name awkwardly, clasped his hands together, and the Vajra Warrior's palm smashed down, creating a big palm pit!

"No wonder Tathagata likes to crush enemies with his palms so much"

Slap mosquitoes with giant palms, so happy!

The thousand-year-old bat spirit finally died and his soul passed away.

He Cheng was not polite, took out the thousand-year demon heart, opened his mouth and sucked it in, and he swallowed the red threads of demon blood into his stomach.

Not only has his experience increased by tens of thousands, but his physique bar, which has been immobile all year round, has increased by more than 40%.

The more you upgrade, the more high-end goods you have to eat.

He turned around again and looked at Zhong Kui, who was standing up holding his chest, and Zhong Mei, who was supporting Zhong Kui, and smiled slightly.

"Master Zhong, run!"

Bai Wuchang was carried over by Yan Hong.

"Master Zhong, this guy is the zombie who killed the son of the city god! Hei was the one who fell into his hands... wuwu!"

Zisha covered Bai Wuchang's mouth and finally calmed down.

Zhong Kui looked up at He Cheng, knowing that he couldn't run away, so he tried to avoid the disaster with words: "King of corpses, we two have no grievances, and we are now being hunted by the ghosts of the underworld, so we can be regarded as belonging to the underworld." enemy"

A few days ago, Zhong Kui didn't even raise his eyelids when he met He Cheng.

The target that could be easily shot to death on weekdays has now become a formidable enemy.

"Master Zhong is joking. I have never wanted to be an enemy of the underworld. It's just that as a zombie, I have been chased by ghosts and have no choice but to fight back."

He shrunk back to his normal size and put on his clothes. Only his smiling face revealed his true thoughts.

"Those ghosts in the underworld have enriched their own pockets, and they have acted in secret and violated the law. They have caused more ghosts in the underworld than people. It's just right for you to kill them, so that I don't do it!"

Zhong Kui changed his explanation. Seeing that the smile on He Cheng's face became a little thicker, he felt relieved, "The Corpse King has the power of Buddha. He must have entered Western Buddhism. Everyone will be his own people from now on."

"Let's talk somewhere else?"


After all, He Cheng couldn't see Zhong Kui's true identity clearly, so He Cheng didn't dare to take action rashly, but that didn't mean that he could watch the fat dancing in front of him, and he could cover his gurgling stomach and pretend to be panicked.

A group of non-humans came to He Cheng's apartment.

During this period, Zhong Mei still covered her face and whispered, "I'm sorry to Mr. Li, I'm sorry to Mr. Li..."

He Cheng shook his head, he didn't mind being looked at, and the female ghost was even embarrassed.

She thought that because she was touched by a male prostitute, she stole the book of life and death for him, and even caused her brother Zhong Kui to almost die. No matter how you look at it, it is a disaster.

Open the door and enter.

Die Xian's shadow disappeared, and there was still some smell of the bat spirit. It seemed that the bat spirit followed Yan Hong's breath and rushed to kill him. When he wanted to chase He Cheng, he happened to run into Zhong Kui, who had lost all his magic power. Temporarily switched targets.

"You stole the book of life and death, were hunted by the ghost judge, and when you were trying to find that man, you ran into a thousand-year-old bat spirit?"

After listening to their experiences that had almost no changes to the plot of the movie, He Cheng lit up his lighter, pinched a cigarette, and flicked it.

White smoke swirled around the beam, and Bai Wuchang on the side smashed his lips, staring at the cigarette in He Cheng's hand with greed.

If he replenishes his Yin Qi, he can transform back into the all-powerful Seventh Master of the past.

Looking at the parking lot outside the window, He Cheng bared his teeth and said, "I hate people who bully others and are unkind, so when this devil comes, I will definitely help you get rid of him!"

He Cheng added in his mind: It’s best to eat him!

"Although you are good, but the ghost judge is already an earthly immortal, and you have also been in the immortal class..." Zhong Kui said in a cryptic way, with He Cheng's ability to meet the ghost judge, life or death.

"But... in this era, there is no god in the sky. We ghosts and gods who are in the immortal class are suppressed in the earthly world. Although he cannot display his abilities 100% in the earthly world, he can't be too different."

"Don't worry, I also know a Buddha."

Happy Phra Han took the relics casually, and he didn’t know how many treasures he still had in his hands. It shouldn’t be difficult for a few of them to come out to help “their own people”.

A flick of cigarette ashes.

The ash with a few sparks fell to the ground, but the sound was as loud as a drum beating in the ears.

It's different when you know Buddha.

Zhong Kui sat on the sofa and said, "Give me one."

After receiving the ghost bone smoke thrown by He Cheng, Zhong Kui lit one and blew out the smoke. His injuries seemed to be getting better.

"What do you want?"

"Zombies have been abandoned by the Three Realms and Six Paths, but I still want to know if zombies can practice magic. I hope Master Zhong can give me some advice."

Being able to practice and get zombies is the best way to practice. After all, there are fewer and fewer people to kill in this era, and you have to rely on yourself if you want to improve.

The most important thing is to cultivate magic power and be able to use magic.

You can't practice... He Cheng was unambiguous and ate them directly. He never did business at a loss.

"You are both a zombie and a golden warrior, but I have a few articles on how to practice the corpse Buddha."

"Become a Buddha?"

"Using blood as nourishment, cultivating killing with killing, zombies will become Buddhas!"

"Zombie Buddha"

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