Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 279 Zhong Kui is being hunted

There is an elderly village.

There are not many young people in the village, and there are only two or three elderly people. The doors of every house are closed.

The village is most famous for a murder that occurred decades ago.

According to legend, the female ghost took revenge and massacred the entire village.

No one knows the details, and the village is remote, with fewer and fewer visitors, and it gradually loses its vitality.

A mountain not far from the village is being developed. The excavators have just stopped working late at night, and men in short-sleeved shirts are pouring water.

"The water on the mountain is so evil, don't drink it!"

"Mountain springs are cool. Making tea will burn your mouth. What's good to drink?"

"Three are dead!"

The man holding a tea cup and wearing a yellow safety helmet grabbed a yellow towel and wiped his face, "You'll die if you drink water. I heard there's evil in the water!"

"Don't play with me, I can't drink hot tea!"

Another person came over with a tea cup, "Drinking water will kill you? Who believes it?"

"Why are you drinking tea if you don't believe me?"

"Hehe... I'd rather believe it or not... Besides, I heard that the first team threw a lot of corpses into the lake over there when they came to open the mountain! They're dirty!"

After saying that, he shook his head with a tangled expression.

A few people who were filling water stopped and poured water on them with water ladles. "You can just die of thirst. Don't disgust us!"

The men splashed water and played happily to wash away the heat on their bodies.

Even in autumn, I can't stand the sweat from a lot of work, and my skin is as hot as fire.

A man suddenly stood up and fell motionless on the ground with a plop.

"Hey! Hey!"

The man next to him stretched out his hand and saw that the man who had fallen to the ground just now had his mouth wide open and his eyes were wide open. His eyes were very small and the whites of his eyes were very large.

Like seeing something terrible.


hiss! !

The cold water poured on the body is like a basin of water on the fire, cooling the heart.

Goosebumps arose.

"Call the police!"

"Chopper Boy!"

The young man nodded. He had just drank a lot of water, and he was still a little scared. "Is it true that drinking water will cause death?"

"Don't worry, your two uncles lied to you. Someone died on the construction site. Call the police immediately. Don't forget to contact the boss!"

Chopper Boy nodded, turned his head and suddenly stopped.

He lay down on the ground with a plop. His dead appearance was exactly the same as that of the man just now. He seemed to have seen something terrifying before he died.

There is a chill in the tail bone.

The remaining few people did not dare to move to the dark place and stood under the lamp, for fear that they would be the next to fall to the ground.

The more this happens, the sooner you will die.

One, two, three...

They were all scared to death with their mouths open.

The remaining two couldn't bear it any longer, screaming "Ah" and rushed down the mountain overnight.

“This is it”

Immediately after the two people broke down and fled down the mountain, He Cheng and Yan Hong fell from the sky.

"It's hard to get rid of resentment, tsk tsk"

Touched lightly, there was still a bit or two of resentment remaining on the corpse.

"This is a world of fists. It's time for me to show my fists."

Where does good and evil come from in the world? Whoever has the biggest fist is right!

He Cheng picked Chu Renmei off his shoulder and raised his hand to crush her. It would appear again after a while. This was the curse of resentment that could not be shaken off.

Tie a mouse and a cat together, and the mouse will naturally become depressed.

But tying a cat and a lion together, isn’t this called delivering food?

When we arrived at the lake, we stood still.

He Cheng roared, took off his clothes, and turned into a three-armed giant corpse.

After jumping into the lake, the water was up to my waist.

Corpse energy boils the lake, and the Buddha's light shines brightly.

Yan Hong narrowed her eyes slightly, but half of her face looked seductive, "Master's Buddha is so similar to my inner demon..."

The evil demon transformed by the Buddha is more terrifying than the evil demon itself.

"Hahaha! So refreshing!"

He Cheng looked up to the sky and laughed, the sound was like thunder.

Resentment: +5

Resentment: +6



Every drop of water contains Chu Renmei's resentment, and these resentments are his nourishment.

Finally, it stopped at 1300 grievances.

"Let's go"

He Cheng jumped ashore, picked up his coat and put it on. The water droplets were burned dry by the corpse gas.

His movements were sudden, and the smile on his face was not hidden.


A short man came running towards me, panting rapidly.

Wearing children's clothes of seven or eight years old, wearing a small hat, carrying a schoolbag, and having an ugly smile.

"Master Qi, long time no see"

It was Bai Wuchang who was struck by lightning and turned into a dwarf by the Thousand-year-old Peach Wood Sword. It was a pity that he would not dare to touch this innate magic weapon to defeat evil, otherwise it would be regarded as a big killer in his hand.

"It's your boy!"

When Bai Wuchang saw He Cheng, he jumped two meters high in fright, turned around and was about to run away, but a purple gauze wrapped him up, wrapped it into a cocoon and pulled him back to He Cheng.

When he fell into the hands of his mortal enemy, he still managed:

"Boy! I tell you, it's best not to be presumptuous. There is a Vajra Warrior around here. Even if there is a ghost fairy around you, if the Vajra Warrior hits you, he will beat you to death!"

The black and white impermanence that He Cheng could not avoid with a casual move back then was now easily caught in his hand.

The world is really amazing.

"What does Master Qi want from Vajra Warriors?"

"Humph!" Bai Wuchang snorted coldly and turned his head. He knew that he would definitely not be able to escape if he fell into the hands of this zombie. Their hatred ended decades ago. Now they just begged the Vajra Warrior to appear quickly and save them.

Buddha's power reappears.

Bai Wuchang's eyes widened, "Is it you? You are a zombie..."

"Master Qi, do you want me to ask you something?"

He Cheng likes to put a long line in to catch big fish. Even if he catches a dragon, he is still willing to eat it.

"How can a zombie be a Buddha? A corpse Buddha?"

Seeing Bai Wuchang stunned, He Cheng opened his mouth and was about to swallow him.

"Don't! Don't eat me! Boy, I'll give you a chance now. Master Zhong Kui is in trouble now. Go rescue him and make sure your previous debt with the underworld is wiped out! Do you know that Master Zhong is the biggest in the underworld now..."

Before Bai Wuchang could finish his words, He Cheng held him under his arm and jumped into the sky.

He Cheng remembered that when he went to the underworld to look for the City God's lineage, he met Zhong Kui's married sister!

In "Zhong Kui Marries My Sister", Zhong Mei accidentally falls in love with a short-lived scumbag male prostitute. For the sake of her lover, the brother and sister steal the book of life and death, and Zhong Kui loses all his magic power!

Zhong Kui has lost all his magic power!

He Cheng looked up at the moon that was completely covered by black clouds, "Today, the sky is falling."


“Today, it’s pie in the sky.”

The thousand-year-old bat spirit drooled profusely and looked overjoyed at Zhong Kui who fell to the ground.

Who hasn’t heard of Mr. Zhong’s reputation? When I met her today, she actually lost all her mana.

This is the master ghost hunter canonized by heaven!

God's meat should taste good.

The bat spirit clapped his hands, and suddenly a strong wind blew up, and Zhong Mei, who was protecting Zhong Kui behind her, was immediately blown away.

"Bah! Why haven't you invited that little savior Xie Bian?"

Zhong Kui held the folding fan and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Instead of being chased by a ghost judge, he first encountered a thousand-year-old demon!

"Thank you Master Zhong for the meat!"

The bat spirit spreads its arms and transforms into bat wings, transforming into its original form as a monster.

Rush towards Zhong Kui!


A giant of four to five feet rushed out of the sky, with a back as thick as a mountain and three arms.

The golden arm reached out, grabbed the bat spirit's legs, and lifted it up like a chicken.

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