Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 248: Jumping into a deadlock and fighting impermanence

He Cheng glanced meaningfully at the tall evil ghost who was strangled by his neck: "Everyone gets what he needs. You and I cooperate. Of course, I won't do anything stupid like killing the goose and taking the eggs."

As the saying goes, it's all nonsense. The few words in his mouth could not be counted as true. Looking at his eyes rolling around, it must be true that Black and White Wuchang is going to Ghost Mountain. As for when he will set off, it is not clear yet.

Guizhao giggled "Haha" and nodded but didn't dare to agree to him.

It's hard to survive the zombies and evil spirits, but it's hard to die even if you betray the underworld. You have to go to the eighteenth level of hell to swim around.

“I can’t see the sincerity”

The corpse claw squeezed, starting from the wrist and moving until the knuckles snapped, and the evil ghost's neck was pinched like a fine onion.

The voice also became shrill and thin, "How dare you, I can do whatever you want me to do!"

"There's no hard work. Just tell Black and White Wuchang that my home is in Guilingzhou!"

The ghost almost nodded and said nothing.

"has a problem?"

He Cheng raised his eyes and looked at him sideways.

His neck was almost as thin as chopsticks. How could Guizha have the courage to say no?

"It's all small things! Don't worry!"

"That's good. If you don't hear my letter, I'll kill you!"

The corpse air spurted out, and a cold sting hit his face.

"Don't worry!"

Gui Cha said "Don't worry" four or five times in a row, and the grip on his neck relaxed, and his neck suddenly changed from a thin chopstick to a big neck as thick as a fist. He looked up and saw that He Cheng had disappeared.

The ghost guards were still stunned, unable to understand what just happened.

"Hurry up and work quickly. If you waste time, none of you will survive!"

Rubbing his neck, the corpse aura was so poisonous that it killed a large piece of ghost flesh.

"It hurts me so much..."

On the sixth day of the seventh lunar month in the year of Guihai, it is appropriate to offer sacrifices to broken houses, but avoid...

Everything is not appropriate...

The sky is gloomy,

The last boat bound for Guilingzhou also returned.

Across the woods, protected from the rain and water, in front of the open-air Ghost King Temple with broken tiles, stood a man holding a piece of cloth wrapped tightly around a long stick and closing his eyes tightly.

He was wearing broken bronze armor, and there was a big crow sitting on his shoulder.

The crow turned its head left and right, looking at the rotten grass roots and piles of soaked guano and leaves on the ground.

"Hey hey hey"

The gut-wrenching laughter penetrated people's ears.

The pale moonlight fell, barely illuminating the open space in front of the Ghost King's Temple without blinding me.

Two figures, one black and one white, emerged from the moonlight.

The white-faced one is tall, has his tongue hanging down to his navel, and is always smiling.

The black-faced one is short and has a fierce look.

Seeing the man standing clearly, Bai Wuchang smiled even more relievedly: "Enemies meet on a narrow road!"

"We two brothers are dragging you down. If it weren't for Mr. Zhong's help, we would be peeled off."

"Jiao Zheng" Hei Wuchang spoke briefly, then shook his head: "Not enough."

"The zombie and the ghost fairy colluded, and they were caught together. Just in time to find the judge to settle the debt!"

Bai Wuchang holds a red-painted wooden stick in his hand, and the one Hei Wuchang grabs is called the Ghost Tou Da Dao.

Black and White Wuchang has handcuffs and shackles around his waist to catch ghosts.

"When old friends meet, why don't you say a few words?"

Bai Wuchang squinted his eyes and smiled, not daring to underestimate the zombie in front of him.

bass! The zombie opened his eyes, his eyelids were lifted by the wind, and there seemed to be a sword unsheathed in his eyes. Corpse claws wrapped in dark corpse poison rushed from the top of his head, scratching the black and white impermanence from left to right!

Two big holes were immediately blasted into the ground, and two large pits were dug up by the corpse's claws. The smelly rotten tree leaves, grass roots, and bird droppings filled the sky.

Bai Wuchang took a step to the left to get out of the way, and Hei Wuchang took three steps back in succession. The ghost-headed sword in his hand wiped out a piece of black light, and slanted it on the zombie.

The bronze armor "clunked" and was successfully broken open. Unfortunately, only the tip of the knife cut through the skin, like a dull knife cutting pig skin, and there was a "stabbing" sound!

The red paint stick in Bai Wuchang's hand was also picked up from the bottom, and hit the zombie's right shoulder. The bronze armor "clicked" and broke into another large piece.


He Cheng had no intention of retreating, and the corpse gas sprayed out of his nostrils was like thick smoke coming out of a chimney.

He stamped his right foot on the ground, twisted his waist, forced Bai Wuchang's stick, grabbed the cloth stick in his arms, and rushed towards Hei Wuchang!

Hei Wuchang suddenly felt that something was not good. He saw a silver moon slashing across his face with the tiger-headed sword in front of him. It struck his heart and almost pierced his shoulder!

"A life-threatening style of play!" Hei Wuchang looked down upon this style of play.

Seeing He Cheng's back wide open, just waiting for him to hit him with a stick, Bai Wuchang's eyes and mouth were filled with smiles.

The red paint stick hit the zombie's back with a "dong" point, exploding his bronze armor, piercing the zombie's back, and breaking his spine!


The cry of pain was not coming from the zombies, but from his companions!

Bai Wuchang felt weird in his heart. As soon as the sky went dark, the big crow flapping its wings and landed. The claws like iron hooks fell on his face, scratching and making a funny face!

The two parties are pulling apart, each fighting!

"You put a lot of effort into cutting me with a sword."

Hei Wuchang is a rare compliment.

"What a pity, it's useless!"

The short and fat body stepped back and broke away from the sword.

The ghost blood was still flowing out.

Seeing Hei Wuchang looking at him in confusion, He Cheng smiled: "I have invested some money for you two, Seventh Master and Eighth Master."

The long sword was stained with the blood of a black dog that had lasted for thirty years. In order not to reveal his intentions, he had been using corpse air to block the smell of the black dog's blood!

He doesn't fight an uncertain battle, and he is well prepared for this battle.

He Cheng seemed to be explaining easily, but in fact his physical condition was not good and he was taking time to recover.

Bai Wuchang's stick had a strong ghost energy and blew away a lot of his corpse energy. It would take a few seconds for his body to recover.

The spine in his back had just recovered, and He Cheng smiled and challenged again: "You didn't take me back, did you suffer a lot?"

"Humph!" Hei Wuchang's face became even colder.

Grabbing the ghost-headed sword, he rushed forward again.

Although He Cheng was smiling, the murderous aura in his eyes was getting stronger!

He roared "Ouch", raised his foot, and his height actually increased to four or five feet, crushing Hei Wuchang under the sole of his shoe!

There was a rumble on the ground, and the dead branches and leaves that had just fallen to the ground were shaken into the sky again.

It crackled and fell to the ground.


There was a ghostly light under his feet. He Cheng moved his feet a step slower, and there was still a cut on his calf.

Hei Wuchang, who was holding the ghost-headed sword, looked extremely miserable. Not only him, but also Bai Wuchang, who was entangled by the ghosts and immortals, did not expect such a result.

"You are a very powerful zombie, and you can actually change like this. It's a pity that you killed hundreds of Yinzai and swallowed thousands of souls. All you can do is lose your soul..."

Bai Wuchang was still talking there, but Crow Ghost Fairy abandoned him and turned around and rushed towards Hei Wuchang.

Another kick, and the old scene reappeared, holding him under his feet!

boom! The dead branches and leaves are rising to the sky again!

This small island that had just been washed by the rain felt unspeakably quiet.

He Cheng moved his feet, and there was no trace of Bai Wuchang under his feet. The ghost-immortal clone also fell back on his shoulders, looking like a sparrow in comparison.

Everything is quiet.

He rubbed his foot gently. It was unclear whether that foot hurt Bai Wuchang, but he suffered a lot of injuries in return.


There was the sound of chains on the left and right, and the handcuffs and shackles of the seventh and eighth masters who were eating were brought towards He Cheng again!

The final move was made!

Up and down, tied to his hands and feet!

"Hey! It's done!"

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