Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 247 Seventh Master and Eighth Master are coming

The blood stream has dried up, leaving broken arms and limbs all over the ground.

Taking a deep breath, you can't even smell the smell of blood. On the contrary, the air is dry and astringent.


He Cheng suddenly turned his head. The crow he had just sent to follow and take away the ghost of the blind boy was killed by a sudden force when he was halfway there.

"The more you hide it, the more you feel there is something wrong."

Fingers grew instantly.

The corpse energy was shaken, and the Yaksha ghost Lao San, who was carrying the soul-taking fork, and the Qing-taking ghost Xiaohua got the message and walked out.

"Master!" The two ghosts lowered their heads.

"Ask the ghosts around you what's going on with those ghosts. It's best to find the hiding place of two ghosts in the world!"

"Yes!" The two ghosts lowered their heads and their bodies turned into smoke and disappeared.

Within ten minutes, early morning joggers saw the corpses strewn on the ground and called the police in panic.

Ten minutes later, the police came to cordon off the scene of the crime. The Hong Kong reporters, who were two minutes faster than Cao Cao, were even faster and took many photos before cordoning off the crime scene.

"Call someone to identify me!"

A big case involving hundreds of casualties was enough to bring the top brass together.

Although this is essentially a good thing, dog eats dog, the police are more effective, and they save them the headache of gangs every day, but there must be an explanation after so many people died, and it takes a lot of brains to make up lies.

While the police were "cleaning the ground," He Cheng was already in an alley a street away, waiting for the results of the two ghosts' investigation.

The third child's big foot stepped on the kid's head, and the soul-catching fork was inserted in front of him, only an inch away from the tip of his nose.

"Tell me, what happened to those ghosts?"

"Big, big, boss, please spare your life! Please spare your life! I don't know what's going on with those ghosts. Since there are no ghosts in this area, there are many more lonely ghosts on the street..."

"Let's get to the point!" the third child roared at the top of his lungs, his wildly beating voice frightening the kid to tremble.

"Yes...yes, yes..., it's been a long time since Yinshi came to the earth, and there are more and more lonely ghosts. Just a few days ago, there were suddenly a few more ghosts. They are usually just like ordinary people, but if When someone dies, their soul will leave their body and extradite those people to the underworld!"

"Do you know where the ghosts in the world live?"

He Cheng, who had been standing in a dark corner without speaking, suddenly asked.

The kid's head was like a chicken pecking at rice, "I know! I know!"

"Take me to him!"

A pair of eyes exuding bloodthirsty red light, He has become his own zombie creed, and the only way to solve it is to defeat all enemies.

"Damn, it's not that exaggerated, right?"

Zhao Zilong opened his eyes drowsily and saw his father watching TV.


"The underworld fought for territory and hacked each other, and hundreds of people died!" Father Long stuffed a mouthful of bread into his mouth: "I think you don't go out today, don't get hacked!"

"Is the world so chaotic now?"

Zhao Zilong didn't take it seriously, pulled out a stool and sat down.

"What else do you think?"

There was a burst of snowflakes on the TV screen, and the news host who was reporting on the casualties was blocked. The content of the broadcast had been changed!

"Look, the problem is so serious that we won't even allow it to be broadcast."

"At first glance, I got the wrong manuscript." Zhao Zilong shook his head.

But he saw his father pinching his eyebrows, shaking his head and saying, "I'm so tired, I have to go back and rest for a while!"

"You just got up, forget it, go to sleep!"

Zhao Zilong shook his head and watched his father go back to his room to sleep.

"Why don't we let Ade treat us to dinner?" He really had no appetite for the food in front of him.

"Dad, I'm out!"

There was no response from the bedroom.

"Sleep like this, forget it"

Shaking his head and walking out of the house, he saw a man standing at the door holding an umbrella in broad daylight, looking at their home.

Zhao Zilong smiled and nodded at the other party, frowned slightly, and secretly said "weird". The most unprovoked person in the world is the weirdo who came out of Qingshan Mental Hospital.

"Is this right here?" He Cheng turned his head, and under the umbrella stood the kid who couldn't stand the sun and was trembling all over.

"Yes, the man inside is a ghost, and he has collected the souls of many people."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soul penetrated the door and walked out.

"That's him! My mission is completed, can I leave?" The kid was about to be burned to death by the yang energy of the day!

He Cheng nodded lightly, and the kid beside him disappeared in a flash as if he had been granted amnesty.

"Someone died again. The work frequency must be too high."

Father Long looked at his hot and red right hand, and the image of the target before his death appeared on it.

I passed the guy holding an umbrella carelessly and continued walking forward.

Although the man holding an umbrella behind him was walking the same way as him, he didn't take it to heart. It was impossible for a living person to see ghosts. He might just be along the way.

By skillfully collecting the ghosts and taking them to the shelter where they belong, his mission will be completed.

"When will it arrive?"

Ask questions behind your back.

"You're already dead. Why are you asking this? Are you really in a hurry to reincarnate?"

"I didn't ask." Soul shook his head.

"It's not you, who is it?" Father Long turned his head strangely. There were many pedestrians on the road, people rushing to work, going to school, and people coming off the night shift. The crowds were crowded and shouting.

"What I'm asking" is He Cheng holding the umbrella.

"You can see me!"

Father Long was surprised. He thought that the other party was walking along the way, but he didn't expect that he was following him all the time.

"Take me to your leader."

"You, a living person, want to see dead ghosts?" Father Long shook his head strangely, but did not refuse. After seeing so many lives and deaths, he would not care unless the people around him died.

And he could see ghosts, so he might have real abilities, so he didn't bother to care about it. He was forced to do this job anyway, and he felt comfortable if he could bring trouble to his boss.

"Then come on."

The two ghosts and one zombie walked further and further into the countryside, and finally came to a dilapidated building.

Under the strange gaze of the old gatekeeper, he walked to the elevator.


The elevator opened, and a group of ghosts poured out, each walking silently and sullenly.

"Only ghosts can ride in this elevator. I think you should go back." Father Long persuaded He Cheng, but He Cheng stepped into the elevator. The elevator was like paper with a big hole in it.

The whole person fell down, and after a long time there was a muffled "dong" sound.

"Brother Gui Cha, the elevator is broken, what should we do?" Soul asked.

"What should I do?" Father Long picked his nose: "Wait a minute!"

He turned around and walked to the door and said to the old man: "Old man, the elevator is being repaired!"

"Huh? Burning?"

The old man stood up in a daze, found a bunch of keys from the table, and opened the room next to him.

There are paper elevators, paper bridges, and paper boats inside.

The old man walked out of the elevator with his arms, and lit the elevator with a match. The elevator with the big hole suddenly turned into a brand new one with a burst of paper dust.

The two ghosts went down in the elevator and saw that the man who came with them had his foot on the ghost's head!

The ten-foot-tall evil ghost looked as aggrieved as a little daughter-in-law.

For a moment, all the ghosts in the world forgot to take action. What happened?

"It seems you recognize me?"

He Cheng grinned and pinched Gui Cha's neck like a child grabbing a lion's neck, but the lion didn't dare to resist.

"I don't recognize it! I don't recognize it! But I've heard of it!"

"Oh, what have you heard?"

"Every generation of ghosts in Hong Kong were killed. I heard that it was a very capable ghost fairy who did it. The ghost fairy's subordinates are also very capable. You must be one of them!"

The zombie's claws pinched his neck, and the corpse poison burned his ghost body, causing the ghost to scream "Ouch, yo," in pain.

“The underworld didn’t take action?”

"Yes, yes, the judge has sent the seventh and eighth masters to the Ghost Mountain in Guiling Continent, telling them to make amends this time, otherwise they will be stripped of their priesthood and cast into reincarnation!"

Gui Cha's fist-sized eyes rolled, he glanced at He Cheng, and whispered: "You'd better not argue with a brat like me. It's better to go back and prepare quickly, so as not to be caught off guard by the seventh and eighth masters!"

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