The streets of Harlem had completely turned into a hell on earth.

After sacrificing a large number of police officers, the New York police had no choice but to ask the National Guard to take action.

So a large number of armored vehicles and artillery were quickly dispatched to surround the entire Harlem.

George and his police officers put all their energy into the rescue work.

But even with the heavy firepower of the National Guard, the situation did not show any signs of improvement.

The indestructible armored vehicles were like paper in front of the green giant, and were easily torn apart by his strong arms.

The artillery bombarded the green giant's body continuously, but it never caused any damage to it.

From the beginning of the war to now, the soldiers of the National Guard still don't know whether the blood of this terrifying green monster in front of them is red or green.

This kind of battle that tries its best but can't achieve any results is undoubtedly desperate.

Under the spread of this despair, the defense line that was rebuilt with great difficulty finally couldn't hold up and collapsed completely.

Affected by the collapse of the National Guard, the New York police who were still carrying out rescue missions on the streets instantly became the target of the green giant.

He just grabbed a car on the side of the road, and he looked so relaxed that it seemed as if he was not holding a car weighing tons, but a light feather.

But soon, he used his actions to tell all those who had such ideas how wrong their ideas were.


The green giant swung his arms and threw the car in his hand with all his strength.

The car cut through the air and flew towards the police who were still struggling to rescue on the street. The air waves caused the buildings on both sides of the street, which had already been in ruins, to shake.

Faced with the car that was coming towards them with the power of wind and thunder, the police had no time to react at all, and they were about to be hit completely!

At this critical moment, spider webs suddenly fell from the sky, blocking the two sides that were about to collide, and strictly stopped the high-speed flying car.

In the sky, Ghost Spider, riding on the back of Baymax, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that the tragedy that was about to happen was successfully prevented by her.

That's right, Gwen and Peter, riding on Baymax, finally arrived at the scene under the full speed of Baymax.

After seeing the tragic situation at the scene, the two immediately took a breath of cold air and contributed their own strength to the problem of global warming.

But now there is no time for them to be sad. Ghost Spider's rescue action immediately attracted the attention of the green giant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, two more cars appeared in the hands of the green giant, and then he smashed them into the three ghost spiders in the air with the same method.

But Ghost Spider's spider sense is not a decoration. At the moment when the green giant attacked her, the spider silk launcher on her wrist also fired two balls of spider silk.

The spider silk and the car met unexpectedly in the middle of the way, accurately eliminating this terrifying attack.

But Ghost Spider and Peter are obviously no longer suitable to stay in the air.

Because they had no cover in the air, they would easily become targets of the Green Giant's attack when facing the Green Giant's unlimited flying cannonballs.

In addition, staying in the air meant that the three of them could not act separately, which would not only limit their numerical advantage, but also fail to give full play to the Ghost Spider's flexible and maneuverable characteristics.

So after realizing this, Peter immediately ordered Baymax to land quickly, and then removed the jet thrusters on Baymax's back.

Baymax's mission is to carry out ground rescue work, so it does not need jet thrusters. The large jet thrusters can easily become a burden when it is in action.

However, Peter's arrangement finally made Gwen discover his plan.

Gwen asked Peter,"What's the matter? Didn't we agree before that Baymax would contain the enemy and we would complete the rescue as soon as possible?"

Peter had already thought of an excuse for this:"That... I didn't remember before that Baymax's combat program has not been fully developed, and it does not have the ability to fight independently for the time being."

"But don't worry, Jarvis has compiled emergency rescue cases from more than 10,000 accidents around the world into data and stored it in Dabai's chip. Dabai is definitely the most professional among all the people on the scene in terms of rescue."

"Peter, how dare you lie to me?!" After hearing Peter's explanation, Gwen was instantly furious,"You had already planned to carry out the diversion mission by yourself, right?"

"Don't say that lying is so harsh. Just like you don't want me to be in danger, I also want to protect your safety."Peter put his hands on Gwen's shoulders and said sincerely

"You should know that with your flexible mobility and Dabai Rescue's professionalism, it is the most efficient choice for the two of you to help the police complete the rescue work."

"I, who have used the Extremis virus potion, not only have a strong recovery ability, but also have certain attack methods. So I am most suitable to contain the Hulk and buy time for you."

"Hurry up and start the action. After the mission is over, you can punish me however you want. I will accept the punishment, okay?"

After saying that, Peter did not give Gwen a chance to object. He stepped on Baymax's jet thrusters with both feet and rushed directly to the position of the Hulk.

When Peter designed Baymax's jet thrusters, he designed them in a modular way.

So whether it is Baymax's jet thrusters or its rocket gloves, they all have separate energy cores and can be disassembled and used separately.

The separated jet thrusters have become a flying skateboard in terms of function, which is similar to the Green Goblin's demon hang glider. It's a pity that Peter is now missing some throwing knives and pumpkin bombs, otherwise he could COS the Green Goblin and let the Hulk in front of him feel what"explosion is art" means.

Although he couldn't let the Hulk feel the art of explosion, Peter relied on the speed advantage brought by the jet thrusters and his flexible snake-skin movement to let the Hulk experience what the art of flying a kite is. The

Hulk double He grabbed a car in each hand and waved them wildly in front of him like hitting a fly.

The"fly" he was chasing was Peter, who was controlling the jet thrusters to circle around him.

Peter did not have the spider sense like the ghost spider, but with his smart brain, he quickly discovered the pattern of the Hulk's attack.

It was precisely because of the predictions made by his own powerful computing ability that Peter was able to dodge the Hulk's attack every time and achieve the ultimate pull on the Hulk.

Even so, every dodge of Peter still looked thrilling.

The scary thing about the Hulk is that he not only has powerful strength, but also has terrifying explosive power.

This makes each attack of the Hulk very swift, and there is almost no pause between the two attacks.

So Peter's approach is tantamount to dancing on the edge of a knife.

After all, the Hulk's attack can fail countless times, but as long as Peter's dodge fails once, he will be greeted by the Hulk's violent blows.


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