"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Gwen slowly put down the phone that had been hung up, and her eyes involuntarily looked at Peter.

At the same moment, Peter seemed to feel Gwen's gaze, and he raised his head slightly, and his eyes happened to meet Gwen's.

"Is it because of what happened in Harlem?" Peter asked in a questioning tone, but his tone sounded very sure.

Gwen nodded in affirmation,"Another green monster appeared in Harlem. Father suspected that this might be the trouble caused by Dr. Connors who was taken away. He asked me to go over there and help them rescue the citizens at the scene."

Peter also agreed with Director George's suspicion.

After all, a monster like this that could not have been born through natural mutation seemed to have no other explanation except that it was created by some kind of biotechnology.

In the field of biotechnology, there are not many people with this level of technology.

In addition, this time...���The Hulk in Harlem is a green-skinned monster like the Lizard Man, and Dr. Connors is too suspicious.

However, the most urgent task is to quickly solve the trouble caused by the Hulk. As for whether it is the work of Dr. Connors, we can only investigate after the matter is over.

Gwen happened to be wearing an upgraded ghost suit at this time. After briefly explaining the general situation to Peter, she was ready to leave for Harlem immediately.

At this moment, Peter suddenly called her:"Wait a minute, Gwen. I'll go with you. The enemy this time doesn't look simple. I'm worried about you acting alone."

If Gwen was facing a creature like the Lizard Man, it would be fine, but the enemy that appeared this time was the Hulk-an existence that left a lifelong shadow on Loki, the god of trickery.

Peter was really worried about Gwen facing such a powerful enemy alone this time.

"No! It's so dangerous there, and I can't keep an eye on you all the time. I don't want anything to happen to you." Hearing Peter's request, Gwen refused without saying a word.

But Peter is not someone who gives up so easily, so he continued:

"Don't reject me so quickly, have you forgotten that I still have the desperate virus potion? One shot can give you thirty minutes of supernatural power, which is much longer than Ultraman. It's no problem to protect yourself."

"Besides, I haven't been working in vain in the laboratory all this time. Maybe the research results I have come up with can become a secret weapon to deal with the enemy this time."

"Come out, Baymax! Meet your mistress."

With Peter's call, a red toolbox in the corner of the laboratory opened its lid automatically, and the high-speed air pump in the box began to work.

Soon, Gwen saw a round and soft big white fat man appear in front of her.

Baymax walked out of the box shaking his body, and the way he walked was like a giant penguin.

Coupled with the cute appearance, Gwen felt that her anxious mood was instantly soothed, and she even couldn't help wanting to pounce on Baymax and hug him.

【Hello, I am Baymax, your personal superhero. Baymax introduced himself to Gwen in a gentle voice.

But in an instant, Gwen frowned again, and she looked at Peter and said:

"Baymax is very cute, and it's clear that you put a lot of effort into the design. But isn't it a bit too much of a joke to say that Baymax can be a secret weapon?"

"No, no, no!" Peter shook his head and shook his fingers,"It's not over yet."

No wonder Gwen didn't believe Peter's words. After all, Baymax in this state was originally used as a medical robot.

If Baymax wants to be combat-capable, it must first be replaced with the combat armor specially developed by Peter for it.

The combat armor is tailor-made for Baymax by Peter. It has very few parts and is very quick to put on.

The only time Peter spent some effort was when installing the final abdominal armor on Baymax. There is no way, Baymax's general's belly is really too big.

After changing into a set of combat armor, Baymax looked like a majestic general. Gwen's originally suspicious eyes gradually turned into amazement during Baymax's transformation.

Seeing that Gwen looked as if she had never seen the world, Peter proudly introduced to her:"Hehe, this is the secret weapon I mentioned!"

"Dabai was originally an intelligent medical robot. Unfortunately, the medical knowledge database of Oscorp has not been developed yet. Otherwise, Dabai could play a greater role this time."

"But now that he's wearing combat armor, Baymax in combat mode can also be responsible for temporarily restraining the Hulk, buying us more time for rescue."

"In addition, Baymax has the ability to fly. We can get to the scene faster by sitting on Baymax!"

After learning that Baymax is indeed very powerful, Gwen said no more and nodded to agree that Peter and Baymax would join the operation.

"Well, let's set off now without further ado!"

Peter and Gwen nimbly climbed onto Baymax's back and put their hands and feet into the locking device of the thrusters.

When everything was ready, Baymax began its first flight after its birth.

Baymax's flying speed was very fast, which made up for a lot of the time the two had just wasted in the laboratory.

But what Gwen didn't know was that Peter had actually concealed something from her in what he had just said.

In order to be able to act with Gwen, Peter did not tell Gwen that Baymax did not actually have the ability to fight independently at present.

Although Baymax looked majestic after putting on the combat armor, in fact, only a rescue program was installed in its superhero chip at this time.

Because the development of this program is the simplest, so This is the first and currently the only program that Jarvis has completed.

As for the more complex protection and combat programs, we can only say that Jarvis is still working on it.

But even if Baymax only has the rescue function now, it is completely sufficient for the time being.

The reason why Peter insisted on taking Baymax with him, in addition to Baymax's ability to fly, is that Baymax can share the rescue work at the scene of the accident.

In this way, he and Gwen can focus more on dealing with the Hulk.

As for the task of restraining the Hulk, Peter's plan from the beginning was to do it himself.

After all, who could be more suitable for the role of a meat tank than him who has used the Extremis virus potion and has an immortal body?


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