Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Death trafficker

"Wherever there is a war or there is a threat of war, my business exists," said Bout, who had just entered middle age, with the confidence and calmness unique to successful businessmen on his face. He was immersed in the steaming hot spring pool, enjoying the caring service of the two ** girls, and exaggeratedly said, "For me, as long as it is arms, it can be as small as a bullet, as large as an aircraft carrier, A nuclear bomb can find interested buyers in this world, and now, one of the most fundamental problems is that it is not easy to find really safe and reputable arms sellers.\\, qβ5.\ \"

Lying on a soft leather bed not far from the pool, Guo Shouyun narrowed his eyes, seemingly absent-minded----God knows if he is interested in Bout's business.

"Of course, I also know that Mr. Guo may feel that my identity is too sensitive, so he doesn't plan to have too much contact with me." He stretched out his right hand and played it like a piano on the white and round thigh of the woman beside him. He said very slowly, "If that's the case, then Mr. seems to be at ease. You may not know that it is me, a small businessman who is not very conspicuous, and now has 26 countries. Passport, and these include the two specially issued for me by the Russian Federation and the United States of America Immigration Administration. Oh, you know, there is no business in this world that is more attractive than the arms business, and in Among them, there are some businesses that can be done with great fanfare on the bright side, while others must be reached quietly in dark corners. There is no doubt that if the latter type of business is involved Business, whether it's the Russian Federation or the United States of America. If they want to achieve something, they have to rely on people like me. And because of this, although I now enjoy dozens of copies including Interpol The wanted order, but I can still live at ease, and no one can pose a substantial threat to my existence."

Guo Shouyun opened his eyes, glanced at the other party, but still did not speak.

"Mr. Guo, do you want to do the frontal?" The girl standing beside him leaning over to massage him. asked softly.

Use it," Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun grumbled, "then press my shoulders, this time is too much work. I always feel that my shoulders are a little sore. "

"Okay sir," the girl showed a smile, and put the two jade hands on the man's shoulders again to massage him gently.

"Does Mr. Guo have other concerns?" Butter replied in surprise, and asked with a bit of puzzlement, "It doesn't matter, if that's the case. You can say it. I will make it for you one by one. answer."

"Hehe, Mr. Bute." Guo Shouyun said with a light smile. "Since you came all the way to Khabarovsk to talk business with me, you must be very clear about who I am. Let me ask, in your mind. Am I, Guo Shouyun, a person who is afraid of wolves before and tigers later? ? Frankly speaking, it is not that I have never done the arms business, but I have done it many times. Of course, among them, there are not many experiences that can really be regarded as smuggling. , I can't be the kind of person who is afraid of things." So, your explanation just now means nothing to me. "

However, what else does Mr. Guo have to worry about? "Bout turned around, half-lying on the edge of the pool, and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's not that I have any concerns, but that I don't care about the businesses you're doing at all," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, waving his hands, "Do you know how big the amount of money I have to start a business? I'm not afraid to tell you, It's not a transaction of hundreds of millions, I don't bother to pay attention to it at all. Especially a business like yours, which is not very profitable, and is likely to get into trouble, I don't want to provoke that for the arms business of millions. Damn Interpol. Besides, as you told me yesterday, the arms you are going to purchase this time are going to Sudan, and as far as I know, there is now China and the United States in North Africa. If I choose to put my foot in it at this time, wouldn’t that mean I’m asking for trouble?”

"Hehe, Mr. Guo is too sensitive." The smile on Bute's face was very natural, which was enough to show his good mentality, "You must know that I am a businessman, and you are also a businessman, sir. People, where do we sell arms and materials, and what kind of arms and materials do we sell, it is completely measured according to the profit situation, as for the political issues of the game between the great powers, we don’t need to pay attention to it at all.”

"You **** dare to play tricks in front of me?" Guo Shouyun sneered in his heart, but said quite politely, "Mr. Bout, I don't understand this, there seems to be something between your foreword and this afterword. It's an obvious contradiction. According to what you said earlier, the existence of arms smugglers like you is also a need for big countries to deal with some difficult problems, but now, you tell me that business is business, and it does not involve The political issue of the game of great powers, so I have a question, are you planning to transfer arms to Sudan this time, are you dealing with problems for Beijing that they cannot deal with in person, or are you dealing with troubles in Washington?"

Apparently, no counterpart would directly ask such a sensitive question, so he didn't know how to answer it at this time.

"Why, for the eloquent Mr. Bout, is this question so difficult to answer?" Guo Shouyun smiled coldly and said, "It doesn't matter, we have time today anyway, Mr. Bout can think about it carefully, and then Well, give me another answer that is at least plausible."

Undoubtedly, as an ambitious federal local tycoon, Guo Shouyun is also very sensitive to the attention of international affairs. He knows that with the gradual rise of the European Union, especially the strong advent of the euro, today's Washington has become a big country. Part of the experience was wasted in the Gulf and Kosovo. In this case, the Americans did not have much energy to deal with the problems on the African continent. At the same time, it was also during this period that Beijing became more and more interested in Africa. As PetroChina obtained the exploitation rights of the three major oil fields in Sudan, Beijing's political influence on the Central and North African regions The force is flying stronger. Faced with this situation, Washington feels threatened, and they intend to obstruct, at least, delay the Chinese penetration of the African continent.

On the one hand, it is the embarrassment of its own limited energy. On the other hand, it is a sense of crisis over the spread of Beijing's influence in Africa. The effective measures that Washington can take are indeed pitiful. These unknown means to provoke a series of wars in certain parts of Africa have undoubtedly become the best choice for Washington.

It was in this context that within a year, a series of wars broke out across Africa: the large-scale armed conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia over territorial disputes; the full-scale armed conflict between the "Revolutionary United Front" and government forces in Sierra Leone. Civil war; the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that broke out between the Kabila government forces and the Mobutu government forces, and the resulting military confrontations between Rwanda, Uganda and South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia and other countries; Sudan People's Liberation Army and fundamentalist government The further intensified armed conflict between the two countries; the intensifying political crisis in Mozambique, etc., etc., to put it bluntly, the entire African continent will be in a mess.

The problem now is that although the Americans have provoked a series of wars on the African continent by some means, they themselves cannot directly guide the direction of these wars. With limited energy, Washington urgently needs to introduce a first Three parties, to dilute or influence China's political decision-making in Africa. That is to say, under this circumstance, Washington thought of the Far East, this special existence that is closely connected with China's heavy industrial base and at the same time extremely ambiguous in its external attitude.

Guo Shouyun can be sure that Bout's visit to Khabarovsk this time must have the shadow of the Americans behind it. They hope to transport the arms and weapons produced in the Far East to Africa, so as to exert influence on Beijing's African policy on another level. Pressure, in other words, Washington hopes that Guo Shouyun can come out and be the first bird.

But then again, is Guo Shouyun stupid? He is not stupid. He can see Washington's wishful thinking at a glance. Therefore, from the beginning, he did not plan to do any arms business with Bout. He wanted the other party to eat and drink well in the Far East. Okay, good play, and then turned back to Washington empty-handed to report.

The facts were the same as Guo Shouyun's estimates. Facing his calm inquiry, the arms dealer from the KGB revealed the details without saying a word. When it comes to arms trafficking, Bout's ability may be incomparable to ordinary people. , but when it comes to fighting spirit and playing wisdom, he is too far behind Guo Shouyun, who has two life experiences.

"Why, hasn't Mr. Bute thought about how to answer my question?" After waiting for nearly five minutes, Mr. Bute, who was frowning, still didn't speak. Guo Shouyun, who was a little impatient after waiting for a while, couldn't help but speak. He joked, "Hehe, as I once heard a sentence, anyway, the world is made up of lies and deceit, so why don't we start with lies? But the problem now is, you seem to be able to even a single one. You can't make up a lie that's justifiable."

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