Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 86: family blood

?Including Guo Shouyun, everyone seems to have underestimated Guo Xiaomei's mind. This innocent little girl is no longer the ignorant and naive girl she used to know, and her age is increasing day by day. Da, her vision of looking at problems also began to tend to consider interests. She said bluntly that Liu Ran's careful thinking could not escape her scheming. The whole novel network

People like the Guo brothers and sisters, they are in their own position, the people they come into contact with on weekdays think and make decisions that are not accessible to ordinary people. Therefore, they look at the problem from the perspective of In the long run, the deep scheming of dealing with problems is by no means what ordinary people can imagine. To give a very simple example, a person who is worth 50,000 yuan usually has to consider whether his 50,000 yuan deposit is enough to spend. If it is not enough, how should he earn more money through legal channels? , so as to be able to solve the problem of food and clothing; and for a person with a net worth of 500,000 yuan, the question he usually has to consider is how to use "as legal as possible" channels to add a money to his own savings of 500,000 yuan. Zero; as for those who are worth five million or even fifty million, five hundred million, the problem they usually consider has become to accumulate wealth through all means, as to whether these means are not Legal, but not so important. \\Looking at the Guo brothers and sisters today, almost all of them have tens of billions of worth on their backs. Therefore, for people like them, the pursuit of money is not even a pure number game. To put it bluntly, the question they are thinking about every moment is a question: what kind of people can be trusted and what kind of people can't be trusted; what kind of people can undertake what kind of work, what kind of people What kind of work can't be undertaken; what kind of mentality does what kind of person say what kind of words, etc., etc., such as this aspect. Just think. It's the guys like them who are dedicated to fighting with others all day long, what is the difference between Liu Ran and them playing tricks and axe?

The most important thing is that Guo Dongting's eldest brother is the head of the most powerful Far East gang in the Russian gang. Over the years, the Russian mafia who have entered Canada basically know what kind of person Guo Xiaomei is. To some extent Say. This seemingly weak and docile little girl is actually a princess-level figure of the Russian mafia. Almost everyone on the roads in the Ottawa area reports to Guo Dongting on a regular basis. In this case, Liu Ran wants to buy a murderer and kill someone. How could it be hidden from Miss Guo's eyes? It can be said for sure that Guo Dongting learned all the inside information when Liu Ran made a deal with those ferocious men. It's just that at that time, she didn't plan to save anyone. As a woman, and a woman of high status, Guo Dongting's jealousy was quite chilling. In her opinion. Since the unwilling little widow dared to rob the man she once liked, this woman must pay the price. As for how she will deal with Liu Ran in the end, it is impossible for anyone to know now.

Liu Randi's death was just an accidental car accident. Therefore, the Ottawa police did not pay much attention to it. In contrast, his middle-aged wife, who died tragically, caused the police a lot of thought. In accordance with the provisions of the Canadian Heritage Act. Liu Ran and the little widow have a legal husband and wife relationship. In this case, because Liu Ran died nearly an hour and a half later than the little widow, he has the right to accept the little widow's deposit in the Bank of Ottawa. The inheritance of $5.7 million in cash and the villa worth nearly $400,000. \\Since Liu Ran is also dead now, according to the principle of sequential inheritance, this inheritance will be redistributed and belong to Liu Ran's parents in China.

The inheritance of more than six million US dollars, this amount is not much, but it is not a lot. Since this couple has no immediate family in Canada, not even close friends, so, in Guo Dongting With the acquiescence of the people, some people set their greedy eyes on this large amount of inheritance. In this way, on the fourth day after Liu Ran's death, the murder of the little widow was solved. According to the confession of the suspect and the testimony provided by the forensic doctor, the murder of the little widow was nearly fifteen minutes later than the time when Liu Ran had a car accident. In this way, the notarization of the marital property that Liu Ran and his wife did when they arrived in Canada became legally binding. Because Liu Ran died before the little widow, he lost his right to inherit part of his wife's property, which also meant As a result, his old parents are no longer entitled to the inheritance of more than six million dollars. Furthermore, since the little widow has no immediate or collateral relatives, there is no heir to her part of the estate. According to the provisions of Canadian law, the money will be taken into the state. Of course, as for the money in the end, it is Not being able to enter the Canadian treasury, then the answer is only known to God. \\

Perhaps stimulated by the Liu Ran estate case, when Guo Dongting held a funeral for her first love, she wrote the first and last valid will in her life----all the property in her name , after his death, it will all be transferred to the second son of the elder brother Guo Shouyun, who is the little boy who came from Nina. In this property, it includes stocks and securities with a total value of nearly 30 billion US dollars; nearly 80% of the entire Wanlong Fund; four private docks in Canada, eight small airports, three ships Luxury yachts, six fully functional private helicopters, more than ten luxury resort residences... It is blunt to say that the little boy who has not entered kindergarten and has a somewhat dull temperament, was established from his will. Good day, has become a veritable billionaire.

Guo Dongting, who made such a will, has never married. Although she and Steve have always maintained a practical relationship between husband and wife, and have been pregnant four times, they have never left a child, let alone put them on. Steve had prepared a wedding ring for her for a number of years. This couple, who had no vows or grand weddings, but had truly been together for a lifetime, did not get married until a few years after their death, under the auspices of a Canadian-Russian. An unprecedented ghost marriage was held, which also drew a perhaps not-so-complete end to their long relationship.

Guo Dongting's practice of never marrying and leaving no descendants has attracted countless speculations, and among them, the most credible version is that she has never been able to forget about Liu Ran, who "died young". But as her eldest brother, Guo Shouyun knows the true thoughts of her sister, just like what Dongting said at a year-end gathering: To ensure the continuation of a family with a single surname, it is especially important to always maintain unity and unity within the family. , then it is necessary to prevent the spread of a bloodline. Emperor Wu of the Han used the "Pushing Grace Order" to effectively eliminate the threat of the family clan to the central government. It can be seen that the proliferation of bloodlines is the best way to weaken a family's power. For this reason, in order to avoid the Guo family's gradual disintegration in the long history, every member of the family must be ready to make sacrifices for the family at any time. Now, although the Guo family is still in the rising stage of the first generation, it is time to consider such major issues.

Originally, according to Guo Shouyun's meaning, he valued his eldest daughter more. In his mind, the eldest daughter had striking similarities with him as a father in terms of head and temperament, but in the end, his This view cannot be passed by the younger siblings at all. There are two reasons for this: First, "girls are outgoing". Since she is a daughter, she is destined to be unable to become the leader of the Guo family from the moment she is born. . Second, she is the daughter born to Shana Riva, according to the traditional saying, this is "concubinage", and in feudal society, the children born of concubines are equal to the children born of concubines, and they do not have the right of inheritance. of.

Frankly speaking, this kind of thinking of Guo Dongting is really feudal. At least in Guo Shouyun's view, this kind of thinking should belong to the category of spiritual dross. What age is this, and it is also mentioned that men are superior to women and descendants are descended from concubines. Such things, but having said that, his opinion does not affect the younger sister's decision. Among Guo Shouyun's many children, Guo Dongting only valued one from the beginning to the end, and that was the youngest son born to Nina.

Liu Ran died, at the end of 1998, when he was about to enter 1999, and when Guo Dongting held his funeral, Guo Shouyun, who was far away in Khabarovsk, once again made a huge sum of money. The large-scale arms business, because of this transaction, he received two declarations sent from here - a protest from Beijing, and another from New Delhi and sent by India. The "Certificate of Honorary National of the Indian Federation" issued by the cabinet himself, these two letters and certificates with completely opposite contents were stuffed into the trash can of the office. According to him, the previous letter of protest was simply a fantasy. , and the last honorary national certificate is flashy waste paper, "It's too hard to use it to wipe **."

Also in the approaching period of the New Year, a handsome gentleman from the United Arab Emirates appeared abruptly in front of Guo Shouyun, and this person's name may be unfamiliar to most people, but as a A person who has seen "King of War", Guo Shouyun knows the origin of this person very well - Viktor Anatolyevich Bout, a notorious "death dealer" Prominent international arms smuggler.

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