Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 785: three o'clock

?The assets of the Guo Group are so large that it is only the main account records of the subordinate companies. There are several high stacks on Guo Shouyun's desk. Looking at these things, Xie Qin's heart trembled. , He knows that these things are treasures. As long as they master them, the total assets, trade transactions and all secret transactions under the name of the Guo Group can be seen at a glance. (Provide the latest chapter to read>.

With this kind of excitement, Xie Qin walked quickly to the front of the desk, and couldn't wait to grab a blue envelope of accounts, which he planned to open and read. However, at this moment, his sensitive nerves suddenly sensed something strange----there was someone behind the table! And it was a sleeping person. Although the slight snoring was not loud, it was already able to make him hear it clearly.

This realization made Xie Qin's heart suddenly tighten. He subconsciously grasped the account in his hand, then staggered two steps and looked carefully behind the table.

As Xie Qin felt, there was indeed someone behind the desk, and this person was the person he least wanted to see right now—Guo Shouyun, the financial giant who single-handedly controlled the entire Far East, was curling up at this time. Sleeping in the soft office chair, perhaps because he was worried that he would catch a cold, someone covered him with a blanket, and the tycoon probably slept comfortably, so half of his head was buried under the blanket, exposing it. Only the part above the nose.

"It's over!"

I felt a bang in my head, and the ledger in Xie Qin's hand slid to the ground.

Guo Shouyun has returned to Khabarovsk, and this is definitely the most unfortunate news for Moscow. To put it bluntly, these accounts are now worthless. As long as this guy sits here, even if the special team finds out more problems, it will be meaningless, because to most of the political factions in the Federation, Guo Shouyun is far more valuable than the crimes he committed. , as long as others are in the Far East and can control the Guo Group. In the federation, no one dared to convict him, unless Moscow dared to take the risk of forcing the independence of the Far East.

"What's the matter?!" Seeing the strangeness of the old friend, Ivanov also noticed something was wrong. He lowered his voice and asked as calmly as possible.

"Hehe, I'm sorry," Guo Shoucheng put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up slowly, and said in a relaxed tone, "My eldest brother was busy all night last night, originally. He was going to have a good rest today, but I think ./Since you want to know the business situation of the Guo Group, it is obviously more suitable for him to come forward to discuss with you, so... Hehe, he is probably too tired, oh, so let me wake him up …”

"Oh, no, no." Xie Qin jolted back to his senses. He first subconsciously made a silent action, and then lowered his voice and said. "Since Mr. Guo is tired, let's talk about checking the accounts later. We have time, and we have time."

"I'm afraid it's not suitable, right?" Guo Shoucheng narrowed his eyes and said in a cold tone, "You know, the Guo Group will continue to operate, so we can only use these accounts in a short period of time. If If it is verified that there is no problem, we will send it back. Therefore, I suggest that we should start today, otherwise, our losses will be great. "

"Why is it so noisy?!" While Shoucheng was talking here, Guo Shouyun had already been awakened. He opened his eyes in confusion, stared at two bloodshot eyes, and asked without raising his head, "No Do you see me resting?"

"Oh, eldest brother," Shoucheng walked quickly to the desk. He first stretched out his hand to pick up the blanket that was covering eldest brother's body, and then said, "Ivanov and the others are here and are preparing to check the accounts of the group."

"Really? Let's check, aren't everything ready?" Guo Shouyun stood up after hearing the words, without even looking at Ivanov and the others standing opposite, he rubbed the corners of his sour eyes and said in a low voice , "Tell them that if there is no problem, I will treat them to a big meal. If the problem is found, they will not go back to Moscow. I will arrange a better place for them."

"Brother, they are here now..." Shoucheng frowned and reminded pretendingly.

"Ah? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Guo Shouyun seemed to wake up just now, he glanced at Ivanov and the others, and his face instantly changed to a bright smile, "Oh, honored guest, honored guest, my dear Friends, don't take what you just said to your heart, it's all joking, joking, hehehe..."

Ivanov and Xie Qin were sweating on their backs. They knew how much "joking" was in what Guo Shouyun said just now.

"Mr. Guo," hesitated for a while, and the two exchanged glances. Xie Qin stood up and said, "I think you may have misunderstood the issue of checking the accounts."

"Oh? Really?" Guo Shouyun stood up from his chair, walked around the desk full of account books, and walked straight to the front of the sand in the center of the hall.

"The specific situation is like this," Ivanov said, "As you know in detail, the financial situation of the Federation was very bad during this period, and there were many problems in various banking institutions. Of course, we believe that the funds of Far East and Far Commercial Banks The situation is normal, but the problem is that there are too many negative news from all sides, and at the same time, you have never come out to explain the situation to the public, so that rumors from all sides have a tendency to spread. In this case , In order to maintain the stability of the Far East, and at the same time, to break those rumors, the Kremlin specifically asked us to come..."

"I understand, I understand," Guo Shouyun hurriedly said without waiting for the other party to explain, "Actually, I have already understood the issues you mentioned."

Bending down and sitting on the sand, Guo Shouyun took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, and then continued: "How can I put it, the main problem in the Far East during this period is me, I have oversight and improper employment. Responsibility. / You don't know, just when I left the Far East, there was indeed a big problem at the Far East Commercial Bank. Among the twelve department managers of the commercial bank, three of them had serious economic problems. A series of illegal means swept away the assets of the firm of two billion US dollars... The most hateful thing is that these three guys also bit me back, saying that I was secretly transferring the assets of the Guo Group. Now, I An application has been submitted to the Far East Judiciary, asking them to arrest these three people according to the law and recover the funds they swept away from the business as much as possible, ah, I believe that the letter of assistance from the Far East Judiciary has now arrived in Moscow, right?"

"Despicable!" Ivanov and Sechin cursed inwardly at the same time.

"Hey, the most regrettable thing is that these three guys also used the funds they embezzled in the business to bribe officials of the Far East government," Guo Shouyun ignored the thoughts of the two, and continued to take care of himself, "According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, The investigation concluded that Mr. Sakrenko had accepted several bribes from them, oh, the amount involved was as much as 1.5 billion rubles."

"Well," Ivanov said with a forced smile, "why don't we... Moscow know anything about such an important matter?"

"How is that possible?" Guo Shouyun glared at him, and said, "Saklenko made such a big noise, how could you not know about it?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, we can confirm it to Sakrenko himself in a while," Sechin said with a dry smile, seemingly intentionally changing the subject.

"Oh, I'm afraid this is unlikely," Guo Shouyun said indifferently with his eyes down, "because according to the news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, our Mr. Saklenko committed suicide at three o'clock this afternoon. , This guy is really cruel to the extreme, he is not going to die himself, and at the end he has to pull his family... Crazy, it is so crazy."

"How is this possible, we just..." A member of the special investigation team behind Ivanov was more courageous. He stared at a pair of bull's eyes and asked in an incredible tone.

when! "Just before he finished speaking, in the lounge of the office, there were three clear and pleasant chimes... Three o'clock in the afternoon. Accompanied by these three clear and audible chimes , the face of the special team member who opened the question turned blank in an instant, and people in the office could even hear the clicking sound of his teeth touching each other.

"Is there anything impossible in this world?" Guo Shouyun smiled. He glanced up at the other party and said casually, "The key is to see how this impossible thing works reasonably. What do you think?"

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Guo said is." Although he hated to death, Ivanov still had to speak in the tone of the other party. A hero does not suffer immediate losses. This principle is understood not only by the Chinese, but also by the Russians. very.

"Okay, don't say more about those digressions, check the accounts!" Waving his hands, Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, "What about you guys, check carefully and earnestly, you can check for as long as you want, as for me, still There is a TV interview, in addition, this afternoon, I will go to Yuan Commercial Bank to meet with representatives of depositors, so I will not accompany you more in the audit, you are free."

After speaking, Guo Shouyun stood up and walked towards the door.

"Oh, yes," he suddenly stopped when he reached the door, and added without looking back, "The Far East has been in chaos recently. If you have checked the accounts, you'd better return to Moscow as soon as possible. In addition, don't forget to give me a greeting to the Prosecutor General of Semarkov when you get there, saying that I am in touch with his friendship, and let him take care of his health during this time. If there is a chance, I will make a special trip. Moscow to visit him.".

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