Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 784: special investigation team

"Come on, we must seize every second when we get to the headquarters of the Guo Group," Ivanov said impatiently when he boarded the jeep prepared by Sakrenko, "I don't know why, I suddenly have a lot of trouble. Bad premonition. /w (Provide the latest chapter to read >~~.~~”

"Sechin, how long has it been since General Sijakhov contacted us?" Turning his head, he said to Igor Sechin who had just gotten into the car.

"Haha, you're worrying too much," Xie Qin's expression looked extremely relaxed, he cleaned the dust on his body and said calmly, "Have you forgotten, he only met with him half an hour ago. We have contacted, and according to what he said, Guo Shouyun has not been to the Far East yet, and this should be regarded as great news for us, right?"

"I hope so," Ivanov turned his head, glanced at the Federal Security Service agent who was quickly boarding the truck outside the window, and said with a long sigh, "As long as Guo Shouyun does not come back, then we have enough ability to control the situation. , Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov are smart people, but they ignored an important issue, that is, the Guo Group without Guo Shouyun will always be a mess, and anyone can easily remove it. Break it up."

"Okay, don't talk too much," Xie Qin patted the driver in front of him on the shoulder and smiled, "Driving, let's quickly deal with the affairs here, and then go back to Moscow to have a good rest for a while. To tell you the truth, these For the past few days, I have not been able to eat or sleep well, and sometimes I would wake up several times at night when I dream, lest there will be some mistakes in this plan, which will eventually lead to failure."

"Yeah, for us, this plan is really too risky. If we can't clean up the Guo Group in the end, then our life is probably not easy," sighed. Ivanov said, "Speaking of which, I really don't understand what Vladimir's intentions are. After all, from a global perspective, Berezovsky should be the first to deal with the Kremlin and us. They are right, and on Guo Shouyun's side, they have a good relationship with us. Yes, it is precisely him Guo Shou

"Hehe, Vladimir's considerations are more detailed than ours," Sechin stroked his chin. He said thoughtfully, "As far as I know, the current financial turmoil has almost hit Berezovsky and Gusinski's strength. Relatively speaking, it is indeed easier to move them, but The problem is that the Far East side was not greatly affected by the financial turmoil. It's too big. He's building a reputation for himself step by step, and if he doesn't break him first, then he's going to have Moscow in his pocket. Well, as for that last point, that's a bit It's complicated, haven't you seen the news from the Cheka club? During this time, more and more people in the CIS support Guo Shouyun, according to Vladimir's analysis. Guo Shouyun has already started to run a business The part of the political legacy that Viktor left for him, as Gankanov said, if it goes on like this, sooner or later, the Cheka club will be divided. So ah, in general, the reason why this time Dealing with Guo Shouyun is because we had to do it, and Vladimir's decision was also forced out."

"Hey, let's talk about it. I really feel a little sorry." Looking at the street scene flying backwards outside the window, Ivanov said with emotion. "I think back when we first entered the political world. Guo Shouyun was our leader. I still remember the words he once said to me. Hehe, at that time, who would look down on us? And he But it is a special case of no one in ten thousand. Now, we are all mature, and the power in our hands has expanded. Furthermore, we also have our own camp and our own organization faction, but looking back, our first One thing to deal with is that our own leader may be the so-called choice, right?"

Ivanov's words obviously aroused Sechin's memory. He frowned slightly and fell into silent contemplation.

The convoy carrying the Moscow special investigation team ran fast in the noisy street market of Khabarovsk. Along the way, the team members saw the crowds crowded in front of the headquarters of the Far Commercial Bank. How deep is the grievance, it is blunt to say that as long as this situation continues, then even if Moscow does not take action, the Guo Group will be finished.

It took less than 20 minutes from the airport to the headquarters of the Guo Group. When Ivanov and Xie Qin saw the headquarters of the Guo Group, they were instantly excited—— There is no doubt that the Guo Group is a symbol of wealth and power for any party in the federation. The total assets of this group are as high as one trillion US dollars, and the annual business volume is almost equal to the national GDP of the entire federal government. On either side, it can have the most profound impact on the political situation of the Federation. It can be said responsibly that even if Guo Shouyun only supports a small political party composed of dozens of people, this political party will become a powerful political presence in the federal political arena when the financial turmoil strikes.

Now, this high-level consortium is about to fall into the hands of the Kremlin. According to the previous decision made by the President's Office, the properties under the name of the Guo Group will be auctioned off within four months. The hundreds of billions of dollars in funds will be quickly flooded into the national budget, thereby easing the federal financial crisis to the greatest extent possible. After that, the military industry and high-tech operation departments of the Far East will absorb sufficient funds from China, and the oil industry and mining industry will introduce sufficient funds from several consortia in the United States. Interests are equal to reconciliation and clarification. As for the Far East... The illusion of prosperity created by the Guo Group is naturally shattered as soon as possible.

"It seems that the Guo Group is really over." Walking with the group of the special group in the ground floor hall of the Guo Group headquarters building, Ivanov looked at the busy group employees and the scattered scattered on the ground. Shredded paper, he said in a low voice with emotion, "Look at it, how can this still look like before?"

"That's not what I'm concerned about," Xie Qin walked to the door of the elevator, first bent over to pick up a scattered document from the ground, and then said while flipping, "These scattered documents must be collected in a while. , in this, maybe we can find more evidence against Guo Shouyun."

Ivanov nodded in agreement. He knew that his friend might not have much political savvy, but he definitely had unparalleled skills in auditing accounts. Account, can not escape his shrewd eyes.

"You guys, remember to collect these documents on the ground," Ivanov turned back and instructed an entourage when he entered the elevator. "For us, no clues can be let go."

"Yes, Mr. Ivanov," the entourage immediately understood the intention of the other party, he took a step back, and led a few people towards the front desk.

Taking the elevator, Ivanov and Xie Qin took the investigators of the special team and went straight to the floor where Guo Shouyun's office was located, without any stop during the period. All accounts, as long as this step is done, the next process will be much simpler.

Guo Shouyun's office, Ivanov has been to in the past, so even without the guidance of the staff, he can find the place with ease.

"This used to be Guo Shouyun's hidden beauty cave." Standing at the door of Guo Shouyun's office, Ivanov didn't directly reach out to push the door. He turned his head sideways and pointed to the empty Nuoda office opposite. , said expressionlessly, "Tell you, all those women who have made a good career in the Far East entertainment industry, almost all went out from here, for us, as long as we stab this one out, I'm afraid it's enough. His Guo brothers drank a pot."

Compared with Ivanov, Sechin is now more concerned about the group's account books. Therefore, he walked to the door of the president's office in two steps, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he pushed open the false door.

"Mr. Ivanov, you came very quickly," Guo Shoucheng sat quietly on the sand inside the door, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and looked blankly at the group of intruders , said indifferently, "But when you came in just now, you seem to have forgotten to knock on the door. Is this the etiquette of Muscovites?"

"Mr. Guo Shoucheng," Ivanov took a step forward and walked straight to the soft large flower carpet in the center of the office, facing the young man sitting on the sand, said rudely, "I believe you should know We have come here, and as a citizen of the Commonwealth, I hope you can cooperate with our work and hand over your group's financial books so that we can conduct a financial review."

"Hehe, it's really going downhill." Shaking his head helplessly, Guo Shoucheng said sarcastically, "I remember that when Mr. Ivanov met in the past, he always called me Shoucheng, why, it's only been a few months. We haven’t seen each other for a while, and the relationship between us has grown to this extent? Well, since you want to see the account books, I won’t say more nonsense. We are business-like, and the account books are on my eldest brother’s desk. , go and see for yourself."

"Thank you for your cooperation," Glancing at the embarrassed Ivanov, Sechin took the opportunity to change the subject. He turned around and walked straight to the desk filled with a large pile of account books. .

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