Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 773: "Dark Girl" Comes Out

?The one who jumped out of the car door and jumped head-on into the eyelids is the Guo Group headquarters building that has been standing in the Far East for several years. The most imposing high-rise building in the Far East outside the Central Building is as brand new as it was a few years ago, and it is so majestic. It is inevitable that I will feel a few strange emotions in my heart. . qb5, c0m.

"Madam, I just asked. Mr. Guo is now handling official business in his office. Look, do we have someone to inform you?" She specially escorted Yelena from Vladivostok. It was a female captain from the Pacific Fleet who had been guarding private beach houses for quite some time in the past.

"No need," shaking her head, Yelena walked up the front steps of the group headquarters and said at the same time, "I'll go straight up, oh, you don't need to worry about me, if you like, just walk around in Khabarovsk, I I don't think I will go back in the next two days, and you will rarely come out once, so take this opportunity to have a good time here, and I will reimburse all the expenses."

"Hehe, then thank you ma'am." She is still a young man after all, and it is naturally a good thing for her to have a chance to travel at public expense. Therefore, after a simple farewell to Yelena, the young The girl drove into the car and ran away without a trace.

Watching the captain's military vehicle disappear outside the gate of the group headquarters, Yelena sighed slightly, turned and walked towards the main entrance of the building.

I haven't left my place for a long time, and this time I came to Khabarovsk because Yelena couldn't sit still, and in her delicate and sensitive mind, she had already sensed the danger of the Far East. , aware of the mistakes made by Guo's group in decision-making, in this case, she felt that it was necessary to remind Guo Shouyun.

during this time. Although she lives in a secluded environment, Yelena's attention to the Guo Group is very comprehensive. In her boring daily life, one thing she must do every day is to read the various publications published by Far East. There are various newspapers and magazines, and her general understanding of the current situation of the Guo Group is also obtained from these newspapers and magazines.

During this time, Yelena saw the most from the newspapers. It is the heavy economic blow caused by the Asian financial turmoil to the Russian Federation. Yesterday, some very subtle voices appeared in the "Far East Look" magazine. Some people questioned the investment decision of the first phase of the Anda Line project made by the Guo Group in early February. According to this resolution, the Guo Group will invest 17 billion to build a long oil pipeline from Angarsk to the west coast of Lake Baikal in the Republic of Buryatia. Of course, there are now voices of doubt. Mainly focus on the bilateral relations of COSCO. Those who raised the question believed that the construction of this oil pipeline would directly affect the interests of the Far Eastern Republic. After all, the Far East itself has a huge crude oil trade with China, and the construction of this oil pipeline will prompt China In this regard, the focus of oil trade was shifted westward, which caused a major blow to the oil industry in the Far East.

As for Yelena, she herself is not in favor of the construction of the Anda-Dalian Line. In addition to its impact on the Far East oil industry, there is also a similar oil pipeline construction project. This will lead to the political and economic radiation of Moscow and Beijing to the Far East. At the same time, once this line is completed, it will likely lead to a series of far-reaching conflicts in the future. The Far East will be mixed up, and it will inevitably ask for trouble. Of course, for Ye Liena, the biggest concern she is concerned about is in the near future, that is, the lack of funds of the Guo Group.

In Yelena's view. The current Guo Shouyun is obviously too wishful thinking. The Anda-Dalian line is a costly project, and Moscow and China have only issued a bilateral agreement. In terms of investment funds for the entire project: Moscow has no money, and China has to deal with the Hong Kong financial crisis that may happen again at any time. Therefore, neither of the two parties will pay for the first phase of the Anda Line project, and all the 17 billion project funds must be issued by the Guo Group. 17 billion. If the economy is stable at ordinary times, Ye Liena may not have any sense of crisis, but the problem is that the fund account of the Guo Group is almost empty. She calculated it a little, Before and after, Guo Shouyun has consumed nearly 100 billion US dollars of funds in half a year, which is equivalent to making the Far East bear a Korean financial crisis. Under such circumstances, how can the economic foundation of the Guo Group be solid? degree?

Now, Yelena doesn't know what Guo Shouyun is thinking, or what kind of promises Beijing and Moscow have given him, but it is foreseeable that his stubborn behavior has brought deep economic development to the Far East. And the political crisis ---- don't forget, the political structure of the Far East is supported by the economy. The reason why those politicians and generals are so obedient is because Guo Shouyun has money, his funds can support the needs of the army, and also It can support the financial burden of the Far East. But then again, once he runs out of money and the economy of the Guo Group has problems, will these people still be so obedient? The answer seems obvious.

It was precisely because she felt such a crisis that Yelena decided to break the rules she set this time, and did her best to discourage Guo Shouyun from overinvesting. Clearly, but after thinking about it later, she felt that doing so could not fully show her attention to this issue. Therefore, it was the first time in several years that she left her residence and rushed to Khabarovsk in a hurry.

When Ye Liena took the elevator all the way to Guo Shouyun's office, the head of the Guo Group was reviewing a secret report from Moscow. The secret report was sent by the Cheka club, and there was only one situation reflected in it, that is, Smullensky is over!

A financial oligarch with 400,000 federal depositors, hundreds of billions of dollars in savings, and tens of billions of personal assets, the most powerful financial oligarch in the federal government, no one could have imagined that he would be so vulnerable in this financial storm.

At the beginning of the new year, with the further spread of the financial turmoil in the Russian Federation, overall economic control has become the most important task for the Kremlin and the federal government. Chernomyrdin was removed from the post of Federal Prime Minister, and subsequently, from the Standing Committee of the Security Council, thus becoming a truly powerless idler. At the same time, Kiriyenko, who has always been looked down upon by Guo Shouyun, was appointed as the new Prime Minister of the Federation. Shortly after he took office, the Kremlin made a series of personnel adjustments, and Vladimir was appointed as the Federal Ministry of Security. Minister; Shuvalov, who had been in the position of Director of the Asset Statistics Division of the State Property Management Board for less than three months, was suddenly promoted to the position of First Deputy Minister of State Assets; Medvedev, as St. Petersburg In less than four months, a professor at the university was promoted to the position of Deputy Chief of Staff of the President; Sechin was appointed Chief of the General Office of the Federal Inspectorate; Serdyukov became The head of the Federal Tax Administration...

This series of appointments shows a crucial signal - the St. Petersburg gang reorganized from the Leningrad faction has fully entered Moscow, and at this stage, the Kremlin intends to take advantage of this A force against the increasingly politically ambitious federal financial oligarchs.

The Kremlin is very good at choosing the timing, and at the same time, they are very good at choosing the first target to strike. A sudden financial turmoil has plunged Smurensky's "Federal Savings-Agricultural Bank" into a deep crisis of poor capital flow. , and in order to deal with the crisis, the old man recently intends to sell Berezovsky 51% of the shares of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank, that is, all the shares he has spent a lot of money in. At this time, the Kremlin sent a secret letter to Guo Shouyun. Old man Ye clearly stated in the letter that he planned to take advantage of this time to deal with Smurensky and put this guy to death.

Out of self-interest, Guo Shouyun agreed with the Kremlin's decision, and soon afterward, at the end of January, many media in Moscow published a piece of news that shocked the whole country: affected by financial hardships, especially funds Affected by the shortage, the Federal Savings Bank intends to transfer shares to several other large commercial banks in China, and its share transfer quota is as high as 51%. In other words, the Federal Savings Bank is preparing to "package and sell" the 400,000 depositors under its name. Affected by this news, from January 23, there was a frenzied run on savings funds in front of the Federal Savings Bank. Tens of thousands of people crowded in front of the branches of the Savings Bank every day, waiting for them. to withdraw their savings to avoid unforeseen losses.

There is no doubt that Smurensky was betrayed, and the person who betrayed him was Berezovsky and Gusinsky, who he regarded as his partners. These two guys played a game on the issue of equity transfer. The despicable concept of stealing, they changed the equity transfer plan of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank into the equity transfer plan of the Federal Savings Bank, thus making Smurenski lose room for manoeuvre in public opinion.

This is not to mention that at the same time when the Federal Savings Bank was in a frenzied jump, several American foundations that had partnered with Smurenski in the past suddenly announced a complete sell-off of the shares of the Federal Savings Bank they controlled, which caused Smurenski to Based on the issue of lack of funds, he fell deeper into the quagmire. .

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