Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 772: red and black

?For a long time, in the minds of most people, Guo Shouyun is a person who can do anything in order to seek interests and power, but on the other hand, especially when it comes to his position towards friends, he is a person who can really be at a critical moment. It is a pity that there are too few people who can be regarded as friends by him, and among them, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov are precisely the very ones. special two. (Provide the latest chapter to read>. So, when everyone is short of funds and everyone is holding on to the money bag for the financial risks that may come at any time, Guo Shouyun made a great decision that almost cost him everything----- In the name of Yuan Commercial Bank, it dismantled a huge sum of US$57 billion to two commercial banks, Mena Jabil and International Commercial, to help them tide over the short-term financial crisis.

To be honest, this decision of Guo Shouyun shook the financial world of the entire federation. After learning the news, Berezovsky was silent for a long time, and then he said something intriguing to Gusinsky who came to visit: "A Really trustworthy people, sadly we showed up too late."

According to Guo Shouyun's decision, the Far East Commercial Bank's 57 billion borrowing funds have been allocated from mid-October, including 30 billion in savings and 27 billion in anti-risk reserves. It was transferred to the accounts of two commercial banks, Mena Jabil and International Commercial, which were facing huge financial difficulties. From another point of view, this decision of the Guo Group has also largely alleviated the financial risks in the Russian Federation. For this matter, Federal Prime Minister Chernomyrd, who is facing a huge political crisis Kim, made a special trip to Khabarovsk, according to his words, in the face of the financial turmoil. This decision made by the Guo Group is enough to prove that Guo Shouyun is a responsible federal businessman. He has avoided financial risks for hundreds of thousands of federal depositors. At the same time, he has also injected the latest vitality into the federal financial industry.

At the same time as Chernomyrdin visited the Far East. The Kremlin also rarely gave positive praise to Guo Shouyun's move. at the same time. In order to demonstrate Moscow's policy support for Guo Shouyun, a "patriotic financier", the Kremlin requested the government to introduce more practical policies at the subsequent decision-making meeting on the federal economic work, and to give the Far Eastern Republic government greater support in the Far East. Economic autonomy, and this includes the investment and construction plan of the "Anda Line".

In fact, as early as six months ago, due to the huge increase in China's demand for oil resources, coupled with the step-by-step adjustment of Sino-Russian relations. The crude oil transportation pipeline plan from Angarsk to Daqing, China has already appeared on the decision-making desks of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. However, in the federal political arena, a large number of right-wing political forces are fully opposed to this plan. , coupled with the Japanese side, so this plan has not been officially introduced so far. And this time, the reason why the Kremlin carried out this plan is to give some benefits to the Far East on the one hand. Thus won the further support of the Guo Group. On the other hand, it is also to boost the domestic economy. Projects will stimulate the expansion of the job market and drive the development of relevant economic sectors.

Frankly. The introduction of this plan is really important for Guo Shouyun, who is currently in difficulty in fund scheduling. You must know that this project is not a problem that can be solved by digging a hole and burying a hollow tube. It is a huge project. , is an engineering project costing tens of billions of dollars. If the Guo Group can take over this project at this time, it means that there will be huge funds of tens of billions of dollars, which will flow from China in the near future and be injected into the Guo Group's account. , which will ease the financial difficulties of the Far East to the greatest extent possible. On the other hand, the start of the construction of this project will stimulate the high operation of several economic sectors including steel, stone, infrastructure, petrochemical and so on, and it will bring no less than 150,000 jobs. There is no doubt that under the current financial crisis, this good news will revitalize the economic situation of the entire Far East, thus opening a beautiful red door for the Far East's economic development plan for the next year.

In this way, starting from an "An Da line" plan, in the few months of the end of 1997, Guo Shouyun's mood was unprecedentedly comfortable. In his opinion, although the economic situation in the Federation was gradually deteriorating. , Although Yuan Commercial Bank still has very few funds on its books, after several efforts in the previous stage, the domestic and international environment that Far East is currently facing is unprecedentedly good.

On the domestic front, Moscow has clearly learned something from the 1.3 billion tax arrears and the efforts made by the Guo Group to stabilize the federal financial industry. Therefore, several major measures successively introduced by the Kremlin are beneficial to Guo's Group and Far East Future Exhibition, the plan of "An Da Line" and the improvement of Far East's economic autonomy are all creating a better and more relaxed investment environment for Guo's Group.

On the international front, due to the external financing plan of the Guo Group and the previous hard-to-strengthening of the Hong Kong index regardless of losses, from Washington to Beijing, those wise people obviously have a good impression of him Guo Shouyun accumulated, therefore, At this special moment when the financial turmoil strikes, they are all willing to see the stability of the Far East and the development of the Far East...

But actually? Guo Shouyun was wrong. As a heroic figure who made his fortune by accumulating ill-gotten wealth, he forgot his identity, faced pressure from inside and outside, faced changes in his mood day by day, and faced the people around him who left one by one. A woman, in the face of her growing children, he hopes too much to be a "good person", he hopes that he can appear in front of the world with a positive image, he hopes that his existence can be recognized by the world, he even He hoped to create a more peaceful future for his children... Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, he suddenly forgot a truth that he once upheld and believed in: this is an inextricable relationship between good and evil. In the world, if a person wants to live and live better, he must know what evil is.

Liu Jianming, who was forced to split his personality in "Infernal Affairs", has not changed his long-cherished wish until the last moment: "I didn't have a choice before, and now I want to be a good person." And Guo Shouyun, who is now playing Liu Jianming like this A character, he wants to be a good person, and wants to find a way to escape for himself, but the reality is that those people who gather around and stare at the Guo Group are now using his psychology to build traps. To put it bluntly, when he invested tens of billions of dollars to stand up to the Hong Kong stock market, the first component of this trap was completed, and the Anda Line project was the second deep hole dug up for him by those conspirators. ditch.

Guo Shouyun has always believed that there are contradictions and suspicions that are difficult to resolve between China, the United States and Russia. It is precisely because of this contradiction and suspicion between the three parties that the Far East can communicate and live freely among the three major forces. What he didn't realize was that he, a swimming fish in muddy waters, had been wandering among the three forces for so long that everyone had lost patience with him. At this time, the Asian financial turmoil broke out, and Guo Shouyun entered the market with tens of billions of funds. For the first time, the three parties had scruples about the existence and development of the Far East. The reality is that any party wants to control the Far East, but Neither side wants the Far East to become strong enough to threaten its own interests.

Because of this, under the chaotic "mud pond", a plan aimed at leveraging the overall situation in the Far East was quietly formed.

Everyone wants to move the Far East, but the situation in the Far East is too special. For a long time in the past, Guo Shouyun started from the economy and controlled the overall situation of the Far East little by little. To put it bluntly, the political structure of the Far East , is set up through this intricate economic context. This form of political structure is not only complex, but also so stable that it is difficult to pour water into it. The officials sent from Moscow will either be assimilated in a short period of time, or have no right or name, and a large part of them even have their heels here. It is not stable, and because of this, whether the Kremlin or the other giants, there is no way to take this place in the Far East.

Well now, with the emergence of the financial turmoil, a rather weak link appeared in the capital chain of the Guo Group. Therefore, all forces have also found the best strategy to deal with him----Since Guo Shouyun uses economic The context has kidnapped the overall political situation of the Far East, so if you want to move him, you must start from an economic point of view and defeat the economic empire he built in the Far East. And when Guo's Group has economic problems, especially when Yuan Commercial Bank cannot cash the savings of Far East depositors, then the Far East banner will fall by itself even if no one cuts it down. Why did the Kremlin choose to give the Far East greater economic autonomy at this time? Why is the unprecedented cost of the Anda Line project proposed at this time? Why did Beiyuan take away tens of billions of shares and forward securities of the Guo Group, but it took several months to pay in cash? This is a series of plans, the purpose of which is to squeeze out the Guo Group's funds little by little, so that Guo Shouyun cannot raise enough emergency funds at a critical moment.

In the field of power, there are only permanent enemies, but no permanent friends. No matter who he is, as long as he puts his destiny in the hands of others, what he has to face can only be **** betrayal and betrayal. And in this huge conspiracy full of filth and betrayal, 1997 has passed forever, and a crisis of unprecedented scale will suddenly come to Guo Shouyun in the new year. .

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