Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 741: Discuss

?Although it is a summary record of the meeting, the content recorded in it is quite detailed. Therefore, Guo Shouyun can clearly see the comprehensive content of each item and each cooperation. With the emergence of wkk, the 23 Kongji has already asked for the replacement of fighters. In this case, it should be feasible to transfer the technical mastery of Su-27 series fighters to China's Shenkong.

But having said that, the upgrading of technology does not mean that old technology can be transferred casually. Before making similar decisions, Guo Shouyun must also obtain the approval of the Far East military. Those generals often have their own plans when considering these issues. As the head of the Far East, Guo Shouyun cannot but consider their opinions. In addition, similar technology transfer may also bring a series of international impacts, such as the reaction of Washington, and then the reaction of India and those countries that have long purchased weapons from the Far East. With the precedent of transferring fighter jet technology to China, what if these countries also demand similar treatment in the future?

It is precisely because of the above-mentioned complex reasons that Guo Shouyun has to treat this issue more carefully. In the same project of military mutual trust and exchanges, Guo Shouyun has to consider another issue, that is, the dispatch of Chinese students will definitely increase the influence of the Chinese side in the military circle of the Far East, and the expansion of such influence will Will it not affect his and the status of the Guo Group in the Far East? This point, he must also consider carefully.

Liberalize some issues in the military cooperation area. Let's go back and look at cooperation in the energy sector.

From the summary file. At this stage, China has changed its past practice of reaching out to buy resources. Beijing has begun to follow the example of Western countries, and has made great efforts in the aspect of "cooperation". The development of energy cooperation is a very sensitive topic. With the capital intervention of investors, many issues of energy development will be involved by investors, such as: changes in the transportation environment, improvement of the living conditions of local residents, and local investment The increase in energy consumption and the accompanying changes in fiscal and taxation status, etc., etc., it is rude to say that the process of energy investment is a process for investors to extend their influence in the investment destination. Therefore, one of the issues that Guo Shouyun needs to consider in this regard is whether the Far East can let go of its embrace and allow China's influence to spread to the hinterland of the Far East.

It can be seen on the summary file. Beijing needs to invest in several places in the Far East where living conditions are relatively backward. Such as the northern and northwestern regions of the Republic of Yakutia. Then there is the Sakhalin region. in these areas. Once the Chinese local investment enters. Then come with it. The first is to improve the local traffic environment and living conditions. under these circumstances. If the investment is successful. So the impact on the local people's hearts is great.

One more point. The entry of investment places often requires inextricably entangled entanglements with local government departments. And in the present Far East. There is a common topic within the government sector. That is**. Although it has been managed for a long time. But the Far East is also like all regions of the world. It is difficult to fundamentally put an end to the corruption of grass-roots officials. The only difference is that. The confrontation between officials and people in the Far East was not that serious. The other way around. Those local officials no longer dared to plunder the common people. However, he still dared to act on those foreign investors. under these circumstances. Once investors from China and these officials mingle. The consequences are expected to be quite serious.

As the actual control of the Far East. Guo Shouyun could not inadvertently consider this issue.

Go through this thick summary of the agreement from start to finish. until more than half an hour later. Guo Shouyun took a deep breath. Slowly raised his head.

"Mr. Guo." Almost impatiently. Fu Quan asked in a loud voice. "How about it. Do you see anything wrong with what's being said in this summary?"

"Haha. Mr. Fu is a little impatient." Guo Shouyun put the documents together. It fits lightly and neatly under the armpit. laughed. "You know. Big things like this are not child's play. I can do it now. It's just a basic statement. As for more detailed things. Such as what terms will work. Those terms need to continue to be discussed. I am now But I can't give you an accurate answer. Well. After all, the Far East is not the backyard of our Guo family. You can decide what you want to plant and what you don't want to plant. "

"Hehe, of course," Fu Quansheng also realized that he had lost his way, he said with a haha, "What is the basic statement that Mr. I don't know?"

"How do you say it?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Now, in my opinion, there is no problem with the parts of this summary that involve Sino-Russian relations. I can and am willing to give my full support to the policy propositions made. Well, such as the transfer of troops in the border areas, and the safety of nuclear weapons and the evaluation of the eastern boundary line, there is no problem with these. Haha, I think Leaders of various countries are negotiating in Beijing this time mainly to resolve these issues, right?"

"Sir is right," Fu Quan nodded and said.

"That's good, let's seek common ground while reserving differences," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "These issues that urgently need to be resolved can be discussed first. As for the others, please give me more time. I need to go back and consult all parties in the Far East. and then make a specific decision. I think you should be able to understand in this regard, right?" "Oh, of course we can understand," Fu Quan laughed, he said, "Actually, this meeting can We are very satisfied with the approval of Mr. in three major aspects. After all, it is directly related to the success or failure of the five-party talks. As for the remaining funds, Mr. has enough time to consider. Of course, if you do not object If so, Beijing also intends to send a special team of negotiators to Khabarovsk after the five-party talks to conduct further consultations with you on those issues. Mr. Guo, you mean...  ."

"Oh, I have no opinion," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "your negotiating delegation can come at any time, and I welcome it at any time."

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