Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 740: Seek common ground while reserving differences

"Hehe, of course, since the cooperation of Mr. is required, we will naturally bring the copy of the agreement to Mr. for the purpose of the file," Fu Quansheng said, nodding to Zheng Yongrui beside him, motioning him to Take out a copy of the document, "Everything that involves negotiations in the Far East will be recorded here. /.qв5. If you like this novel, please go to Qiana Zai Wen Xue A Network to read the latest chapter."

Following his instructions, Zheng Yongrui took his document bag, took out a sealed document bag, and handed it to Guo Shouyun across the table.

Taking the file bag, Guo Shouyun glanced at the cover and saw that on the cover of this seemingly ordinary file bag, there was a line written in large red letters: "Warning! The top-secret document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, if you need to consult it, you must There is a higher level of authorization!"

"Mr. Guo," Fu Quansheng said, watching him unhurriedly tearing down the documents, "In fact, before the Far Eastern Republic was built, our China-Russia Strategic Relations Research Institute has been paying attention to the development of the Far East. From the point of view of us and the leaders at the upper level of the central government, the strategic decisions taken by Mr.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun just took out the thick document in the bag at this time. After listening to the other party's words, his heart moved, but he didn't say anything more.

"As a regional alliance regime," Liu Suquan said, "The Far East is located in an extremely special geographical position. It is rude to say that the Far East is the most sensitive area of ​​international relations in the world today, from East Asia to the Pacific Rim. The region ranges from the Bering Strait region where the United States and Russia are facing serious confrontation to Central Asia. Furthermore, from a wide-area perspective, the Far East itself is a special area that borders China, the United States and Russia, and is directly surrounded by the three parties. If China wants to extend its influence to the territory of the Russian Federation, the Far East is the best and most convenient springboard; if the Americans want to move further into East Asia and then affect the situation in the Russian Federation and even Central Asia, the Far East is also the best way to intervene. Furthermore, the Russian Federation's East Asia policy, Pacific policy, and even its future strategy of reviving the dream of becoming a powerful country cannot be separated from direct control of the Far East. Under such circumstances, the three-nation game entangled in the Far East is naturally quite intense. In this gap, it is understandable that Mr. Guo has adopted the kind of swinging, tightrope-style outward-facing policy in the past."

"Hehe, Mr. Liu's words really came to my heart," even though he knew that the other party was saying this with a purpose. But Guo Shouyun still felt comfortable for a while, he put down the document in his hand, and after returning a smile to the other party, he said sincerely, "But in the past, not everyone can understand my decision-making. Some of the frictions between COSCO North Group are almost all due to these misunderstandings."

"Of course, of course." Zheng Yongrui said with a smile, "After all, national policy decisions are made by people. Since people make decisions, it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes in this or that place. Last night, in the In the process of finalizing the content of this meeting, several leading comrades from the central government specifically explained to us that we should apologize to Mr. Xiang. According to several leaders, in the process of communicating with Mr. The comrades made the mistake of the left. In the process of making decisions, they overly considered the realization of self-interest, while ignoring the many difficult problems faced by the Far East, and thus added a lot of trouble to Mr. Wang. In response to this mistake , in today's meeting, the higher-level organization will specially arrange a few of us to come forward to negotiate with Mr., on the one hand, because we have a better understanding of the Far East issue, on the other hand, it is also to avoid unnecessary trouble for Mr. ."

The other party's words made Guo Shouyun feel quite surprised. But within a few seconds, he thought of more questions. It can be seen that in the past several forces in Beijing’s political upper echelons have completely divided the winner and the loser, and among them, the party that advocated a more pragmatic policy on the issue of exchanges with the Far East has become the winner, and it is precisely because of this that the With the emergence of such a meeting today.

What is "pragmatic"? In Guo Shouyun's view, one of the biggest features of pragmatism is seeking common ground while reserving differences. In-depth cooperation based on mutual understanding. And in the past few years. There has always been a misunderstanding in Beijing's treatment of the Far East. That is, the Guo Group has never been regarded as a major force with an equal basis for cooperation. It is precisely because of this that Beijing always wants to tell Khabarovsk what they need and what they want. The Far East should What should be done and what should not be done, on the other hand, they never considered the difficulties faced by the Far East and what Guo Shouyun had in mind. During this process, although the exchanges between Beijing and Khabarovsk have been repeated several times, this guiding strategic thinking has never undergone fundamental changes.

Nowadays, with the changes in the international situation, the establishment and development of the Far Eastern Republic, and the further deepening of domestic reforms, especially the change of the upper-level leadership team, a more in-depth ideological change has emerged, based on Therefore, Beijing's attitude towards Khabarovsk has also undergone the most profound changes. Simply put, it means that Beijing has finally realized that although Guo Shouyun is a Chinese, he can no longer be effectively restrained by simply using the concept of "Chinese". Like most Chinese in the world, they can The issue is inclined to the broad concept of the Chinese nation, but it is impossible to bind all of its own interests to the concept. To deal with these people, the first thing to pay attention to is equality and mutual benefit.

"Haha. Mr. Zheng is too polite." It took a few years for him to finally hear something that could really interest him. Guo Shouyun didn't feel much excitement in his heart. Maybe for him. It's not excitement that needs to be done right now. Rather be more calm. "I am a very realistic person. The past is in my eyes. It is always the past. For a person. After all, the eyes are on the future. So say. Those kind of apologies. We don't have them today either. Need to say more. Well. Here. I hope to ask a few gentlemen to reply to the leading comrades in the central government. Just say...the Far East was when the Guo Group did not appear. It was the Far East. And the Guo Group appeared. After that. It is still the Far East. From a personal point of view, I am willing to further cooperate with the Beijing Exhibition. But this kind of cooperation must be based on guaranteeing the interests of the Far East... um. In In the process of future exchanges, I personally hope that both of us can hold a new type of cooperative relationship that seeks common ground while reserving differences.

"It would be great to have such an idea, sir." Fu Quansheng exchanged glances with several colleagues present. smiled. "Actually. Even if we don't say it, Mr. should know. From a geographical point of view, there are still many foundations for cooperation between the Far East and China. Just like Mr.'s discussion on Sino-Russian relations just now. The two sides of COSCO. There are also In this case, we sincerely hope that a sound and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship can be established between Beijing and Khabarovsk in the future. And this requires Mr. It is only possible with full support.”

Guo Shouyun smiled. No more interfaces. He picked up the pact backup again. Look carefully. As Fu Quansheng said before. This backup document is a summary of the Far East issue from the minutes of talks between the five leaders. Those relate to the Far East. In particular, it must be approved by Guo Shouyun in order to obtain the content of the implementation agreement. There are records of this. And beyond that. Beijing has added several content clauses to the cooperation between China and the Far East. Thus. Zero, zero, total, one accounting. The whole document also has more than 30 paragraphs in six major categories.

Guo Shouyun took a cursory look. Such as those to further expand Sino-far cultural exchanges, educational cooperation, economic and trade exchanges, development of tourist routes, fishery trade communication, marine resources development and emergency disaster relief cooperation and other aspects. Neither is the point. Really worthy of his Guo Shouyun's attention. There are only five items: the issue of the reduction of troops stationed in the Far East Military Region and the Far East Frontier Defense Forces; the issue of the safe control of nuclear weapons between the two sides; the survey of the Sino-Russian eastern border line; the issue of military technology and the exchange of military exchanges; and the issue of energy cooperation.

And in this worthy of attention to the five items. Guo Shouyun believes that the first three items are not problematic. Originally. Relations between China and the Far East are even more stalemate. Neither side is in danger of a war. under these circumstances. As long as it does not involve disarmament issues. There is no need for the Far East Military Region and the Far East Frontier Defense Forces to gather in large numbers on the Sino-Russian border. As for nuclear safety. Guo Shouyun pondered. He doesn't seem to be so mad that he wants to fight a nuclear war. so. Where are the nukes aimed at? This issue can be decided by Moscow - after all, the Far East is still a republic of the Russian Federation. There is also the question of geological survey of the Sino-Russian eastern boundary line. at this point. Guo Shouyun considered that the division of Heixiazi Island must be the top priority. And in this regard. All he needed to do was keep silent. Leave all issues to Moscow to decide.

therefore. In general. Guo Shouyun needs to think carefully now. There are only two points. Namely: military technology and the exchange of military exchanges and energy cooperation issues. These two issues are obviously fundamental issues directly related to the interests of the Far East.

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