Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 695: reunite

?A mouse would not dare to bark in front of a house cat unless it was backed by a hound. For Guo Shouyun, the always timid and cowardly Smullensky was obviously the cowardly mouse. In front of the two domestic cats, Khodorkovsky and himself, this mouse dared to bark, so there is no doubt that there must be two fierce hounds standing behind him.

With such suspicion, Guo Shouyun turned his head slightly and looked at Khodorkovsky, who was walking beside him, but happened to see that the other party was also winking at him. In the change of expression, I felt an obvious abnormality.

As if nothing had happened, he secretly gave Khodorkovsky a look that could understand each other. Guo Shouyun then thought about what the cooperation between Smullensky and Bie and Gu would bring. the goal of.

Smullensky is undoubtedly a timid person, but this does not mean that his IQ is low. On the contrary, among the six giants, he has always played a very special role, which is the restraint in forbearance. Strength, it is precisely because of the existence of such a character that the Big Six have been able to maintain an apparent harmony for a long time in the past. In Guo Shouyun's eyes, Smullensky is definitely not the kind of person who dares to join the giant war easily. The reasons for this are very complicated, and the most important point is that this guy's wealth is huge, and several giants are very concerned about his existence. Always maintain a high level of vigilance. All along, the reason why no one has easily attacked him is because everyone is worried that they won't kill him, but instead push him into the opponent's camp, which will undoubtedly be a big trouble. On the other hand, Smullensky did not dare to easily choose a faction to join, because he knew that the five giants other than him were not good things. Or assist the Guo, Huo, and Wei groups to defeat the Bie and Gu groups. The party who wins and stays in the end will not give himself a good life, so he has always played a disguised trade-off between the Big Five, so as not to make one of them too weak. Nor will any of them be made too powerful.

At this point in the analysis, a question that is somewhat inconceivable to ordinary people has arisen. Obviously, according to the way of thinking of ordinary people, the reason why Smullensky chose to cooperate with Bie and Gu should be that they are strong, while Guo Shouyun and other three groups are weak. In this case, It is only natural for Smullensky to make a choice to bully the weak. But the fact is that this way of thinking comes to the conclusion. Just wrong, it overestimates the complexity of the relationship between the Big Six, at the same time. It also underestimated the wisdom of the wealthy oligarch Smullensky, and of course, also underestimated the strength of the Guo, Huo and Wei groups to a large extent.

In Guo Shouyun's view, there may be two profound reasons why Smullensky chose to cooperate with Bie and Gu at this time: First, the plan of the three giants to jointly try to deal with Smullensky was rejected by this guy. Learned, therefore, faced with this kind of threat. The old man had no choice but to choose this path now, in order to protect himself. If this guess is true, then Guo Shouyun believes that the gang of people in the Kremlin is very problematic, because news like this can only be leaked by them. Second, in the comparison of the power of the Big Six, although the Bie and Gu groups have the absolute upper hand in Moscow, their comprehensive strength is still there. However, there has been a tendency to develop in a weaker direction. As a shrewd and cautious intermediary, Smullensky is sensitive to this trend. He even believes that once the direct battle between the Kremlin and the Congress comes to an end, Guo, Huo The Uyghur Group and the Uighur Group will fight back against Moscow, and the Bie and Gu Group will face an unprecedented passive situation. It was precisely because he sensed this danger that Smullensky gave up the timid and cautious manner of the past and blatantly took the other and ancient side.

Once the war between the oligarchs begins. Largely. Even crueler than the power struggle in Moscow, which is, after all, a political one. What everyone is playing is a scheming, and the contest is a kind of hidden strength, a kind of power balance. And once the oligarchs with huge wealth and political resources in their hands start a war, the real competition is not only wisdom and hidden strength, but to a greater extent, it is a kind of money versus money, power versus power. Power, blood and **** wars, the two sides are fighting against each other with tens of billions of dollars in funds, and the offensive and defensive power of several states is not a joke. The most important thing is that a large number of black hands are kept in captivity under the hands of several giants. Party gangs, once these guys fight, it will be the most direct **** conflict. Furthermore, there is another biggest difference between wars between oligarchs and wars in the field of power, that is, the warring parties in the field of power often have to leave a way for their opponents to live in order to maintain the political balance, while wars between oligarchs This is not the case. There is only one outcome they consider, and that is to put the other side to death, and the two sides will never die.

In this September, with the cool autumn air and the cool breeze, in the private club of Lovonen, with the unveiling of a rapport talks, the largest and most costly oligarchic war in the history of the Russian Federation. , has entered a gloomy gestation period. In this protracted war, at least thousands of enterprises in the entire Russian Federation have gone bankrupt, and twenty-four rich people worth over 100 million have gone bankrupt and even been riddled with debt and imprisoned. In more than 40 large and medium-sized cities, gangs continue to spread, causing tens of thousands of direct and indirect casualties. The officials of Moscow and the local governments of the federal government are constantly changing. Flower-like changes... And all of this, the reason is that the six oligarchs who control the lifeline of the federal economy are not satisfied with the resources they have, and they want to attack their opponents , to compete for the territory that originally belonged to the other side. To put it more bluntly, this protracted war revolves around the interests of these six giants, and they are the most fundamental source of this war.

Pulling their own little abacus in their hearts, Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky entered the main entrance of the villa under the leadership of Smullensky, and then turned around the left staircase of the main hall on the first floor, holding on to the carved jade. The handrails of the stairs with the slightest flaws, unhurriedly ascended the second floor, and finally stopped in front of a double-leafed red lacquer carved wooden door.

No matter what kind of agreement Smullensky reached with Bie and Gu behind the scenes, at least he still attaches great importance to the issue of this meeting. It can be seen that if conditions permit, he will never I hope that the war between several oligarchs will break out in a short period of time, and the smoke of gunpowder will stop. If the dispute can be resolved peacefully, who wants to fight with a sword and a gun?

"Haha, Shouyun, Mikhail," In the room, Berezovsky's position was on the sand facing the door. Therefore, when Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky were standing When he flashed to the door, he was the first to stand up, and as he hurried to the door, he said with a big smile, "You are finally here, I thought you were going to miss your appointment today."

"Paris. You're thinking too much." Gusinski followed. Came up with a smile. said. "Don't you know about Shouyun and Mikhail? They are all believers. They do what they say. Since Shouyun called us to meet this time, it must have a special purpose. Just think. How could he possibly be? Why don't you come?"

"Haha. I haven't seen each other for a few days. How could the two of you have learned all of Mikhail's faults?" He shook hands with the two "enemies". Guo Shouyun had a sincere smile on his face. joked. "This meeting. It's both demoralization and support. Shouyun, I'm not in good health. It's really unbearable to toss up and down like this. So, ah. If this is a friend's land, you can spare me."

"Alas. The two of them make fun of you. But it has nothing to do with me," Khodorkovsky interjected. "Why are you pulling me in for no reason, you bastard?"

"Hehe. Mikhail. Don't you see it? This is another strategy for Shouyun to change the subject. You interjected. It happened to be his trick." Smurensky took a step forward. Standing beside Guo Shouyun. smiled.

"Ha. It was seen through." Guo Shouyun clapped his hands. laughed.

Several giants looked at each other and smiled. It looks from the outside. The meeting seemed to have a good start. any outsider. Can't see any difference from the appearance. But the hearts of several giants are very clear. A harmonious atmosphere like this is only maintained on the surface. As for what is going on in their hearts. Then only each of them can speak clearly.

"Alexander, your place looks very good," said a few simple chats after the meeting, which relieved the tension that should have appeared after the gathering of the Big Six. Under the humility of Smurenski, Guo Shouyun walked to the hall. In the middle, sit down in front of a piece of ** sand. He first groped carefully on the sand like a country bumpkin, then looked around in the spacious and luxurious hall, and then pointed to the clear glass window opposite and said, "What is class, what is atmosphere, hehe, I really realized it today. If you have the opportunity in the future, remember to introduce the construction unit you hired to me. I will also build a few places like this in Khabarovsk, so as not to have no place to greet you seniors in the future.”

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