Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 694: kill turtle

? The Lovonin Club of Smurensky is not in the urban area of ​​Moscow, but in the Ljublino district on the southeastern outskirts of Moscow, adjacent to the famous Durasov estate. \\This chapter is provided by the Internet for online reading. Since the forces of Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky withdrew from Moscow, the timid Smurensky has also shrunk his forces accordingly. In many fields , he sold his business in Moscow to Berezovsky and Gusinsky, and the businesses he retained were mostly private clubs and political clubs. Among them, the Lovonen Club is one.

To be honest, Huo and Wei's massive withdrawal from Moscow created a good opportunity for the other and ancient forces to a certain extent. Due to Smurensky's cowardice, for a long time, the economic and grassroots level in Moscow It is like falling into the hands of Bie and Gu. In this case, the two giants who monopolize Moscow have no taboo. They wantonly exclude commercial dissidents in this federal capital city and **** all the profit cakes that can be grabbed. . In the same way, it was precisely because of this situation that Bie and Gu also created a lot of trouble for themselves.

In June, in order to eliminate the influence of the Guo Group in Moscow, Gusinski attacked a construction company under the name of Khornikova, a simple commercial fraud case, which caused Kornikova to suffer nearly Four million dollars in economic losses, and at the same time, the construction company had to declare bankruptcy. Just for this matter, Hornikova specially hung up a phone call to Guo Shouyun, and cried and made trouble for nearly an hour. In the end, it was Mr. Guo Da who promised to compensate her for the loss before the little woman gave up.

Just imagine, in this place in Moscow, Bie and Gu don't even care about people like Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky. Who else can they be afraid of? In this way, in the ensuing period of time, Hornikova converged a lot. She imitated Khodorkovsky's original appearance, hiding in the Queshan villa all day long, keeping the door open, and fearing that something would happen to her. In fact, having said that, Hornikova's panic was unnecessary, before Guo Shouyun was officially eliminated. No matter how daring Bie and Gu are, they would not dare to attack this giant's woman. After all, they also have to beware of each other's crazy revenge----money debts can be repaid with money, this is something for several giants It's easy, but this blood debt has to be repaid with blood, and no one dares to take it lightly in this area until it is absolutely necessary.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the arrogance of Bie and Gu in Moscow that a large number of local dignitaries have been completely offended by them. Among them, Luzhkov, the mayor of Moscow, is obviously the most difficult force to settle.

Just two months ago, it was in the bidding for two municipal works sites in Moscow. Berezovsky used a series of means to forcibly force the "Intech Co.", which had obtained the target, to transfer the bid. You must know that the actual head of this company is Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Ba. Turina, the economic loss of 170 million rubles, made the first lady of Moscow lie in the hospital for nearly a month before recovering, and thus, the relationship between Bie and Gu can be regarded as a relationship with Luzhkov. On a vengeance. Guo Shouyun even doubted. The reason why Luzhkov took refuge in the Leningrad forces was because of the influence of this incident.

It's okay to be a bully, but don't be bullshit, because it will be retribution. Guo Shouyun can see that the arrogance of Bie and Gu in Moscow is creating hidden dangers for their own future. Ten years of Hedong and ten years of Hexi, perhaps today's Luzhkov can't pose a threat to the existence of others and ancients, but what about in the future? Who can say what will happen in the future?

The reason why Guo Shouyun is trying to tell him apart this time, Gu abandons his previous suspicions. The purpose of restarting cooperation is on the one hand for the interests of several giants, and on the other hand, it is also to further stimulate the arrogant attitude of these two Moscow giants, so that they can unknowingly be inch by inch for themselves. Digging the grave----In this world, there are many ways of killing people, and among the many killing methods, the most high-end and most artistic one. It is undoubtedly the so-called "killing".

Don't Gu and Gu think they are very good? Well. Then let them cattle, let them add cattle to cattle. The cows are very happy. In the past, when everyone realized that they were very good, especially when everyone realized that these two cows were too strong, it was estimated that the sharp and sharp knife would come to the door. .

Under normal circumstances, in China, people who are proficient in politics or have enough political skills to understand the practice of a good dish. In a previous life, Guo Shouyun once heard people talk about this "small dish" with turtle as the main ingredient. The method is to place the live turtle between two half-inch thick bluestone slabs, and at the same time, place a porcelain basin full of spices, soup and bait on the turtle's position. When these things are ready, they are placed under the bluestone slabs. Steaming and roasting with slow fire, during this process, due to the heat, the live soft-shelled turtle will keep probing to drink the spice soup bait in the porcelain pot, and at the same time, it will continuously remove the debris from the body. In this way, after about an hour and a half of steaming and roasting, when the live turtle was finally steamed, the spice soup bait was completely drank and absorbed by it. The steamed live turtle produced in this way is not only delicious and fragrant, but also has great nutritional value. The most important thing is that nothing is wasted. During the whole process, there is no trace of blood. It is very frugal and kind. .

The practice of a dish contains the highest meaning of the enemy's strategy, and Guo Shouyun is now going to use this method to deal with Berezovsky and Gusinsky. He wants these two guys to understand what is meant by : Qingshi slow-steamed soft-shelled turtle, self-salted without knife and axe bait.

"Haha. I really can't see it. Our Mr. Di Smurenski. He is also a very interesting person." Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky rode in the silver Bentley. Arrived at the Lovonin Club in the southeastern suburbs of Moscow. Get off the car in the parking lot. Guo Shouyun glanced at the building that covered several hectares. There are rockery fountains in the park. A villa area surrounded by green trees. He smiled with emotion.

"It's arty." Looking at the famous "Thought" statue at the exit of the parking lot. Khodorkovsky sneered dismissively. "Based on the size of that pig. He deserves to learn to think too? Humph. I doubt that the door beam can carry his weight."

"Pigs can think too." Hehe smiled. Guo Shouyun looked at Di Smulenski hurriedly approaching him. said in a low voice. "Look. Don't you think we, Mr. Tessamsky, are a standard thinking pig?"

"Haha. You are late." The two of them were belittling here. Described as a "pig," Desmulowski has come a long way. This one is worth billions. But timid as a mouse to a rich oligarch. He obviously didn't know that his head had been depicted as a pig's head a moment ago. therefore. His smile is still as kind and sincere as ever.

"It's been agreed long ago. Let you come over at ten o'clock. Take a look. Look. It's eleven o'clock now. You just come over." Went forward with Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky warmly Shake hands. Smulensky laughed.

"Haha. I'm really sorry. There are some trivial matters to be dealt with at the station. So it took a little while." Guo Shouyun's smile was equally sincere. He held the other's big fat hand tightly. laughed. "As for our Mr. Khodorkovsky. He was implicated by me. So it's late. Sorry. Sorry."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," Smullensky laughed, "It's already a great honor for you to come, and it's not too late for you to come, hehe, Mr. Berezovsky and the others are just now. arrive."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows, then smiled, "Then I feel even more uneasy, the two leaders... Hehe, why are you embarrassed to keep them waiting for a long time."

"Stop talking nonsense." In cooperation with Guo Shouyun, Khodorkovsky seemed accustomed to playing the role of black face, he stood beside him and said impatiently, "I'm not here to listen to you ramble about this. If you are bored, where are the two pieces of goods? Hurry up and lead the way, we can talk about things if we have something to do, and we have nothing to do with the group and leave, there are two fresh beauties waiting for me."

"Oh," the smile on Smullensky's face stagnated, but soon returned to normal, he let go of Guo Shouyun's big hand and smiled, "Okay, okay, okay, you come with me, don't list Mr. Zovsky, now in the banquet hall on the second floor."

After saying a sentence, he turned around, made a gesture of please, and then led the way, walking towards the main entrance of the villa's small building.

Watching Smullensky turn around, Guo Shouyun inadvertently tugged on Khodorkovsky's windbreaker. From the brief contact just now, he had already sensed a bit of unusual information.

Where does this extraordinary piece of information come from? Either from somewhere else, or from Smullenski's fleeting smile that solidified. What does this slight change in expression indicate? That, no doubt, is a sign of annoyance, or at least a negative emotion. In Guo Shouyun's impression, the timid Smullensky is the best at controlling his own expression, putting it in the past, in front of Khodorkovsky, not to mention the collision of words, even if it is another With a deeper level of contempt, this old thing will endure without revealing the slightest trace. Now, this situation has undergone subtle changes, what does this mean? Guo Shouyun can be sure that there is only one possibility. Smullensky has reached a certain degree of tacit understanding with Bie and Gu.

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