Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 688: drunk

"Watching the sunset for half an hour?" Maybe it was because of the wine's strength, Guo Shouyun felt that the muscles on his face were a little numb, and at the same time, when speaking, the tongue in his mouth was not flexible, but then again, he His mind was still very clear, and in a trance, he felt as if he was in a small field courtyard surrounded by mountains and shaded by green pines and cypresses. , qβ5. c0m/ This chapter was uploaded by netizens. The website hereby declares that on the top of the two-story base building in the courtyard, a woman wearing a plain white dress and fluttering gold is sitting quietly with her cheeks in her hands, sitting in a bright red On the bricks and tiles, I can't take my eyes off the sunset slowly falling between the mountains in the distance.

"Brother, go get her back," Shoucheng sighed and said, looking at the blurred look in his elder brother's eyes, "I support you."

"Looking for? Who?" Guo Shouyun's tongue became so big, he shook his head, and said vaguely, "If someone leaves, he can't...can't come back? Why should I look for it? Ah? You tell me, why do I have to look for it? She doesn't have long legs? Besides, who am I? I'm Guo Shouyun, is there no woman by my side? Is there no one by my side? Why should I..."

"Brother, you're drunk," Shoucheng knew in his heart when he saw the gesture of the elder brother, that glass of boring wine had already made him drunk. The three taels of Erguotou suffocated, and coupled with the depressed mood, even people with good alcohol could not stand it, not to mention that my eldest brother has never been very good at drinking, "Let's go, let's go back, I can talk about this today. , go back and think about it yourself, I know you can understand these things even if you are drunk."

I understand it better than anyone else," Guo Shouyun said shaking his head, holding the jug with two fingers, "However, unfortunately, Yelena and Xiquena also understand it very well. They... they all know that for people like us, worldly feelings are not only vulgar, but dangerous... well, yes, dangerous. So, so, a man must stand in the world. You have to abandon the seven emotions and six desires, hold the yuan and keep the one. The yuan here is the yuan of the US dollar, the yuan of ten yuan and eight yuan, and the one here. It is the only oneness, the oneness of all streams. A manly man, how can he let his mother-in-law's emotional problems tie his hands and feet? Our ambitions are higher than the sky. I created Guo's and the Far East for the purpose of realizing my ambitions. Ok. It was like climbing a mountain. The higher and higher I climbed, the higher I climbed, and finally I climbed over the clouds and climbed to the line of heaven and earth. Standing in this position, people can realize what a... At a glance, the mountains are small. Yes, but the scenery at this height is good. But the temperature is too low, I feel cold, very cold, very cold, I regret it, why didn't I bring an extra futon when I climbed the mountain? I just thought, if I had brought an extra quilt and some dry food and spring water when I went up the mountain, how perfect would life on the top of the mountain be? "

"Sir. He. Is he drunk?" The noise in the hall attracted the waiter. The young man stood a few meters away, looked at Guo Shouyun who was talking incessantly, and asked cautiously.

Shoucheng ignored him. For him, what the eldest brother said now was obviously meaningful.

"But I looked back and thought, when I was climbing the mountain, I brought a quilt and dry food and spring water." Of course, the drunk Guo Shouyun would not pay attention to the waiter, he still said vaguely, "It's just that , but on the way, I threw them all, these things are too heavy, I may never be able to climb the mountain with them on my back, at least I can't climb faster than others, and I can't climb higher than others. Now, I finally stand on the top of the mountain, and I finally feel cold and hungry while enjoying the scenery of the summit. Compared with the infinite scenery, I expect to get a quilt, even a bottle of Spring water, a piece of bread. But unfortunately, I found out again that the way down the mountain is too steep. As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. I, I can't go down... I can't go down already."

Having said this, Guo Shouyun seemed to be unable to hold on any longer. As soon as he lowered his head, his entire face was buried straight and onto the plate with four yam bucks.

Seeing this posture, Shoucheng couldn't sit still, he stood up in a panic, walked around the table in two steps, stretched out his arms, and helped his elder brother up from the table.

"Brother, you're drunk, let's go back, ah, go home." Although Guo Shoucheng's stature is not short, compared to Guo Shouyun, his land mass is not much bigger, so when he puts When the eldest brother helped him up from the seat, he immediately felt a burden.

"Hey, sir, sir, you haven't paid the money yet," the waiter's attitude was obviously inversely proportional to the price of the food and drink in the restaurant. Looking at Shoucheng's strenuous appearance, not only did he not step forward to help, but he kept making trouble. .

"Someone!" He pulled one of his elder brother's arms around his shoulders, Shoucheng still felt awkward, but in desperation, he raised his head, glanced at the door of the restaurant, and shouted, "Come and help! "

Not to mention, his voice is really useful. Almost at the moment when the voice fell, two burly men rushed in outside the restaurant. At the same time, they were sitting opposite each other in the other corner of the restaurant. The two young people, after a little hesitation, rushed over quickly.

"Mr. Guo, what's the matter with you guys?" Although they got up late, the two young people rushed to the Guo brothers first. One of them first supported Guo Shouyun's arm and pulled him to his partner's back. Up, this is what he said with a serious face.

"It's nothing," Shoucheng shook his head, looked at his eldest brother worriedly, and said absently, "My eldest brother is in a bad mood today, he drank too much, please help me to take him to the border checkpoint. "

"Okay, Mr. Guo," the young man nodded, took the initiative to take out his wallet from his pocket, took out a fifty-dollar bill at random, and put it on the dining table, then said, "I'll arrange it right away."

"No need, our car is outside," a big man who rushed in outside the door interrupted, "If Mr. Guo doesn't dislike it, just take our car and go."

Only then did Shoucheng understand that the four people were not in the same relationship, but under the current circumstances, he was not in the mood to ask any more questions.

"Hey, hey, you can't go, it's still thirty," the philistine waiter insisted, holding a fifty-yuan bill in his hand, he grabbed Guo Shoucheng's sleeve and shouted.

Although I have been to this restaurant many times, it has not been realized until today. The dishes here are indeed classic and nostalgic, but the waiters here...that's a bit unsatisfactory. But having said that, waiters like this seem to be the most common characters in this era. In the light, everyone is condemning such people, but in the dark, everyone is vying to be this kind of person, so, yes He, Guo Shoucheng, has nothing to say. Thirty yuan has been dealt with. At the same time, I wish him a great honor with the thirty yuan.

However, compared to him, the two big men who rushed into the restaurant had no good temper. They occasionally glanced at the waiter, and their eyes were clearly filled with anger. It could be seen that as long as this matter passed, they were not sure. will come back for trouble.

After coming out of the restaurant, watching the two big men help his elder brother into a speeding police car, Guo Shoucheng's heart finally settled down, and in the subsequent chat, he also understood the origin of these two groups of people. The two young people dining in the restaurant are on-the-job investigators from the Harbin Military Region. They are now serving the Beiyuan Group. Today, they received news from the border checkpoint that the Guo brothers entered the country, and they were He came alone without guards, and rushed over without stopping. According to the orders they received, they must ensure the personal safety of the Guo brothers in Fuyuan no matter what. The other two later burly men belonged to the Jiamusi State Security Bureau, and their responsibility was also to protect the personal safety of the Guo brothers.

That is to say, Guo Shouyun was drunk at this juncture. Otherwise, he would definitely not believe the nonsense of these four people. At least, he would think about one thing, that is, the border checkpoint from Fuyuan to Khabarovsk. It must be strictly controlled. All the business travelers and pedestrians in the past are probably under their surveillance. Otherwise, the two brothers have only crossed the border for less than half an hour. Why did the secret guards from the Jiamusi Security Bureau and Beiyuan Group arrive? ? From Jiamusi, Harbin to Fuyuan, these two journeys are not too short. Did they come by phone? So fast.

Putting aside the irrelevant right and wrong, through this in-depth discussion, Shoucheng finally understands the pain in the heart of the elder brother. The two brothers have gone through too much to get to where they are today. In less than three years, he has climbed to the high position of decision-making in the Far East. In the meantime, how many people Guo Shouyun has betrayed, how many people have been betrayed, and how many people have drained their blood and sweat, there is no way to count these things. Now, those dark things that would make people shudder to say that they finally exploded in the long-term accumulation process, and this explosion was fierce, with Guo Shouyun's strong psychological endurance, he still felt a sense of overwhelm. a feeling of. At the same time, it was also at this time that one of his biggest opponents, Victor, fell, one of his former collaborators, Yakov, died, and two women left him one after another. This series of incidents added up to a blow to the soul. The strength is beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

Having said that, if there is a blow, there will be a transformation. In the face of such a mental blow, Guo Shouyun has two directions to go. One is to become stronger, so strong that there is no humanity at all. The side of him transformed and regained some of the things he had thrown away. As for which of the two paths he will choose, it is hard to say.

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