Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 687: Oligarchy's Troubles

"So, for our Far East, any kind of ideological work is boring and useless," Guo Shouyun paused, and then continued, "because even if we spread the lies, there is no real benefit. People from the Far East will still not support us. To stabilize the situation in the Far East and maintain local political stability and social harmony, the only way is to do everything possible to develop the economy, so that millions of Far East people can see the development of the local economy with their own eyes. , I realize that the living conditions are getting better day by day.. qβ5. / This chapter was uploaded by netizens, and the website hereby declares that there is also the most important point, that is, the country can use national sentiment and patriotism to stabilize social conditions and unite people's hearts , but what about us? We can’t use this method. The only thing we can use is the local complex in the Far East, and this kind of complex can play a limited role. It lacks the national basis in a broad sense and lacks A deep sense of identity. To sum it up in one sentence, the Far East regional complex has emerged from the thriving economy of the Far East. Therefore, in order to maintain it, it must rely on the continuous development of the economy. Do you understand when I say this?”

"I can understand," Shoucheng smiled. He nodded and said, "But in my opinion, on this issue, it's the elder brother that you can't bear to see."

"How do you say this?" Guo Shouyun was stunned. *****

"Brother, don't hide it from me, I can see that your mood is very low during this time," Shoucheng said, "It can be said that since the middle of this year, especially after Yelena left, your mood has been very low. No, not to mention frowning all day long, it's not too far away anyway. Not only I can see this, but also my sister-in-law and the others. I've thought about it before, such a low mood situation . But it's never happened to you, it's abnormal."

"Hehe, so you think I'm being dragged down by the affairs of the Far East?" Guo Shouyun laughed, "Even because he couldn't find the way he should go. So this kind of depression was born in the confusion?"

"On the contrary," Shoucheng shook his head and said, "In my mind, eldest brother, you have always had a very right mind, and said without hesitation, whatever you decide to do, the way to go, even if it is Ten cows can't pull it back. I think. The reason why you are emotionally low is because you have chosen the path you want to take, and on this path, you may need to hurt some people My feelings, especially the feelings of some people around me. \\Haha, since I established a foothold in the Far East. I have heard comments about you, brother, from many people. There is no doubt that in the mouths of those people, brother, you are just like A hero in troubled times, ruthless, vicious and capricious, but after all, my eldest brother is only me who knows best. In my opinion, eldest brother, you are cruel and suspicious, but you can take ten thousand steps back and talk about your share. Capriciousness is a manifestation of warmth. It is precisely because in addition to being ruthless, you still retain that precious warmth in the deepest part of your heart, so you will show a kind of repetition in some decisions. I feel emotionally depressed today. Brother, what you said I said was right?"

"Shoucheng, it's rare for you to think about these things," his brother's remarks made Guo Shouyun feel a little more emotional. That's right. During this period of time, I have really thought about too many things, as people often say. What I hold in my hands will never be cherished, only when I lose it, will I feel To the deepest pain in your heart, unfortunately, now your eldest brother, you feel that you have lost too much, and even if you can pursue it, it is too late."

"How is it possible," Shoucheng said disapprovingly, "It's not too late to mend the prison. Since the eldest brother intends to find what he once lost, why is it too late now?"

"It's not too late to make up for the dead sheep, but the premise is that there are sheep in the prison," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled bitterly, "But for my eldest brother, there are no half sheep in my broken sheepfold. , they were either eaten by foreign wolves, or they were exterminated by my own wolf heart, you say, in this case, what should I do to make up for it?"

"Shoucheng," said with emotion, Guo Shouyun hesitated for a while, and then continued, "Look back, how many people who worked with us at the beginning are still living comfortably in the Far East or even in the Federation? Basically? Are you gone? Don't talk about others, just say Yakov, he is dead, Viktor, he is not far from death, Sister Hong rarely comes to Khabarovsk now, Yelena is gone, hehe, just This morning, exactly an hour ago, Siquina also left, although she didn't say it, but I know that from now on, I probably won't have the chance to see her again.**** *Hehe, it is said that life is free of charge, but in this short half year, too many people have left around me. For me, they can only be kept by my side as a memory from now on. Now, I'm even worried that if it goes on for a while, this memory may also be lost from my brain. Hehe, at that time, what else will be left in my mind? Power? scheming? Doubt ...even anguish and fear?"

"Big Brother..." Hearing what Big Brother said was so sad, Shoucheng only felt his nose sour. In fact, he felt that compared to his eldest brother, he was happy. In the Guo Group, since all external affairs are controlled by Guo Shouyun himself, there is no need for him to be his younger brother when it comes to intrigue with others. to worry about. Some people may say that less responsibility means less power, but the problem now is that with less power, there are also fewer responsibilities and negative emotions to bear. Therefore, in more Most of the time, the mental pressure Guo Shouyun endured, Shoucheng couldn't understand at all - just like now. "Why, do you know that you are worried for me?" Glancing at his younger brother, Guo Shouyun smiled, and he said, "Don't worry, your elder brother is not the kind of mentally fragile person. Since I chose this path, I will Make all the mental preparations, whoever comes will leave, no matter who it is, let's pay attention to a chance. \\ Again, this is fair, God, if he gives us something like this, he will definitely take it. Let's take our other thing, on this issue, we have nothing to complain about, I see it clearly and think thoroughly..."

"Two gentlemen," while the brothers were talking, the waiter came out again. He put a few plates on the brothers' table and asked casually, "Do you want to drink? We just got it here recently. A batch of Red Star Erguotou, in bulk, customers say it's good."

"Drink, why don't you drink?" Guo Shouyun didn't even think about it, so he twisted his head and said loudly, "As long as it's not blended with alcohol, no matter what kind of wine it is, give me a pound first."

"Okay, wait a moment," the waiter said happily with a grin, "I'll get you a drink right now."

"Big brother," Shoucheng hesitated for a while, and after the waiter brought up a wine jug, he said in a low voice, "Did you want to go and get Yelena back?"

"Find it back?" Guo Shouyun held the jug in his hand and filled himself and his brother with a full three or two cups, and then sneered, "She's gone, it means that she doesn't intend to let me keep it. Now, with her temper, is there any use for me to go to her? Besides, I don't know where she went, and it's so easy to find her... how can it be so easy?"

"Brother, this is your excuse," Shoucheng shook his head disapprovingly, and said, "You said that you couldn't keep her, this is a clear reason for not validating, as far as I know, when she left, you never I've kept it, so if you can't keep it or not, how can you know the answer without trying? As for where she went, you don't know but I know."

"You know?" Guo Shouyun said casually with a look of surprise.

"Well, I know," nodded and Shoucheng said, "Actually, after she left, Polaninov saw your loss, so, since this time, he has been investigating secretly, I will try my best to investigate Yelena's whereabouts. It's just that he doesn't dare to tell you about this. As for the reason, you should know it yourself."

Nodding silently, Guo Shouyun stared at the wine glass in front of him. After a long silence, he suddenly raised his neck and poured the full two or two into his stomach.

His move shocked Shoucheng.

"Big brother, are you crazy?!" Subconsciously grabbing the wine glass, Shoucheng frowned and said, "This is Erguotou at fifty-six degrees, not wine."

"Tell me, where did she go?" Ignoring his brother's surprise, Guo Shouyun asked with a cough and a hoarse voice.

"According to Polaninov's investigation," he sighed and put the wine glass aside before saying, "After leaving Khabarovsk, Yelena went to Leningrad, but there, She stayed for less than a day, and then... she went abroad, went to Argentina by herself, and now lives in Buenos Aires."

"Then, how is her life now?" Guo Shouyun lowered his head and asked softly, "Is there anyone else around?"

Shoucheng shook his head and said, "No, according to Polaninov, she bought a house on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, opened a small market near her residence, and now has a A puppy named Binxi. She lives a very regular life now. She goes out at ten o'clock every day to run her own city, and goes home at five in the afternoon. Then she walks in the yard and goes to the roof to watch the sunset for half an hour.. ...the rest, nothing else."

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