Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 679: rotten eggs

?These days, according to Guo Shouyun's order, the network of gangs and informants controlled by Shana Riva and Polaninoff has been investigated throughout the Far East. The main direction of their investigation this time is the size of the Far East. Real estate development projects in dozens of cities, and according to their survey, the phenomenon of hyping house prices in the Far East has been quite serious at present. Take Khabarovsk and Vladivostok for example, nine The price of newly built houses in three years has risen to around 12,000 rubles per square meter and 9,000 rubles per square meter, respectively. According to the per capita income of the two places, the average income level of residents in Khabarovsk is four. The average income of residents in Vladivostok is around 1,500 rubles, while the average income level of residents in Vladivostok is around 3,700 rubles. Whether to eat or drink, the overall salary is not enough to buy a square meter of housing. w/(*floor) And if they want to buy a standard house of about 140 square meters, they have to work for fifteen years without eating or drinking.

On the contrary, look at the expenditure situation of the real estate industry. Due to the abundant land resources in the Far East, the government departments have always been relatively loose in the approval of land construction projects. The actual rent for 50 years of state-owned land is only between 300,000 and 500,000 US dollars. According to the price of earthwork, sand and stone, steel bars, etc., the actual cost price of a residential building with four units and more than six floors is about 2,000 rubles at most. In other words, the actual profit of the real estate industry, Now it has reached the level of four or five hundred percent. What is profiteering? This is called real profiteering, which is profiteering based on public power. If Guo Shouyun was very happy to make a profit in this industry two years ago, and he only needed to win a dozen projects, it is estimated that it would be an amazing profit of tens of billions.

but. After all, it was not two years ago. Now, in Guo Shouyun's eyes, the Far East is like his own home, and the residents living here. It is equivalent to raising piglets in his backyard. If he wants to eat fresh pork chops every day, he has to fatten and grow these piglets first. Otherwise, he can only eat those dried pigs. Skinny hard bones.

Furthermore, if Guo Shouyun wants to do a good job of the domestic demand economy in the Far East and revitalize the domestic demand market in the Far East, what does he need? no doubt. What he needs most is that the people of the Far East spend money, spend more, and spend a lot of money. To make them spend money, they must first have money in their hands, and in addition, they must be free from the pressure of living in the land, and there are not too many hidden dangers in consumption. To achieve this goal, Guo Shouyun ordered several times to raise the minimum wage level in the Far East. At the same time, he also increased the government's investment in the social security system in the mainland. Say, in this regard. Whether it is the Far East government or the Guo Group, whose money is spent? There is no doubt that it was Guo Shouyun's money, the money he earned through "honest labor and hard work". Now, stimulated by a large number of favorable measures, the economy of the Far East has finally improved, and the living standards of the Far East have been improved to a certain extent. They have just accumulated some savings in their pockets. They are ready to spend a good amount of money. Well, the real estate developers are here. They are eager to try, and they are going to use one or two houses to put all the efforts made by the Guo Group in one go into their own pockets in one go. inside. Under such circumstances, how could Guo Shouyun tolerate them?

To be honest, as the No. 1 giant in the Far East, Guo Shouyun wants to kill these vampire-like real estate developers. It's really easy. He can simply get along with dozens of ways, so that these people who live by sucking people's fat and people's ointment die without a place to die. But having said that, after all, he is not the boss of the underworld, but the actual control of the Far East. Therefore, to deal with these guys, he has to take some detours and use more methods to rectify the real estate industry. At the same time, take into account All kinds of interests - economic interests and political interests plus the interests of ordinary people.

While Guo Shouyun was leaning against the window and pondering, the phone on his desk suddenly became noisy, and the hurried voice even caused the entire desktop to jump up.

Pulling the curtains, Guo Shouyun turned around leisurely, walked to his desk, and grabbed the beating receiver.

"Hello? I'm Guo Shouyun. Excuse me..." Before Guo Shouyun finished his stylized words into the receiver, a crisp woman's voice came over clearly.

"I know you are Guo Shouyun," said the female voice on the phone. "Get me ready to eat. I'll be at your office in five minutes."

"Hehe, Xiquena," Guo Shouyun heard the other party's voice in one ear, he smiled and said, "Why, I've eaten gunpowder? Am I getting angry?"

"I've been raped!" She said loudly, in a voice that seemed humiliating on the phone.

"What did you say?!" Guo Shouyun was startled, and then a burst of anger rose from his heart. In his eyes, although Xi Quina is a complicated woman, she is, to a large extent, his own woman, and now, someone dares to touch her, doesn't it make it clear that Guo Shouyun is giving him a hat ?

"I was raped!" Hearing the man's question, Siquina repeated, and she said loudly.

"Who is it?" Guo Shouyun pressed the anger in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

"Joanie, that **** **** pervert!" Siquina said almost in a growl.

"Who? Who? Who are you talking about?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"Joanie, don't tell me you don't know the pervert," Hyquina said over the phone.

"Joanie..." Guo Shouyun's anger disappeared in an instant, and then, in front of his eyes, there appeared in front of his eyes that mad woman who looked at men like a devil, and looked at women like a satyr** Hiquina? This... this question seems more interesting. Thinking about it, a rather charming and ambiguous scene appeared in front of his eyes again. Two naked and beautiful girls hugged each other naked, tossing and turning up and down, trying to make any man madly spurt with blood. difficult moves.

"What are you thinking?" On the other end of the phone, Siquina seemed to be able to sense the man's filthy thoughts, and she almost gritted her teeth.

"Oh, it's nothing," Guo Shouyun shook his head with an ambiguous smile, "I was just thinking, between you, what... who should be who?"

"What did you say?!" Xi Quina was annoyed, she panted and said on the phone, "I said Guo Shouyun, don't forget, no matter what I say, I'm still your woman, is that what you are? treat me?"

"Oh, no, no, I'm just joking, joking, hehe, it's purely joking," Guo Shouyun said with a dry laugh.

"Just kidding? Hmph, wait, I've already seen your office," Xi Quina's car seemed to have approached the Guo Group headquarters building, and she finally said on the phone, "You still have two more Get me something to eat in minutes, don't forget."

"What is she here for?" Putting down the phone, Guo Shouyun pondered in his heart as he pressed the bell. There is no doubt that the situation in the Federation has been very sensitive recently. The Far Eastern Republic was established, and this state-founding event will also be recorded in the constitution by the Federation in the form of a constitution, thus creating a legal basis for the status of the Far East. Obviously, this incident is not only of great importance to Guo Shouyun, but also has a profound impact on the Far East, the Federation, and even the entire world. As the contact between the Kennedy family and the Far East, the purpose of Xi Quina's visit is , definitely not simple.

Furthermore, the situation in Washington was also very sensitive during this period. As the new White House owner, the first thing Clinton faced after taking office was to unify the power of the US government, especially the power from Congress. Otherwise, Even if he is the president, on many issues, I am afraid that he will be hindered by others. In the two simple conversations just now, Guo Shouyun came to a message, that is, in the past two days, Xi Quina and Joni had met, but the meeting was obviously not going well, so that they had a new life. a series of incidents. As for the meeting between the two, Guo Shouyun can make a guess even if he thinks about it with the tip of his head. There is no doubt that the issues discussed in the meeting between Joni and Xi Quina are definitely far from the point of view. Don't open the Far East, otherwise, there is no need for the two of them to talk.

"Today's Far East is probably like a cracked rotten egg in the eyes of various forces. Although this metaphor is not very pleasant, it is very appropriate," he gave a few simple instructions to the secretary who entered the door, asking them to After preparing a lunch as soon as possible, Guo Shouyun sat back in his office chair, put his hands on his cheeks, and thought quietly, "In order to achieve various ulterior motives, whether it is Moscow or Leningrad , and even Washington, must come to intervene, win over or consolidate the friendly relationship with the Guo Group, so as to obtain as many benefits as possible on the issue of the establishment of the country in the Far East, and even more right to speak. Now, the first wave of people from Washington has come, so next, compared to Joni, is it coming soon? And from Beijing, when will Sister Hong come over? When they get together, they all plan to start from What did the Far East get?"

Among the compromises made with Guo Shouyun, the most important thing for Victor was to acquire the diplomatic power in the Far East, or to return to Moscow Central, but under the current circumstances, it was obviously difficult for him to achieve this goal.

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