Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 678: banknotes and knives

?Guo Shouyun is not a stingy person, but in his view, all natural resources except logs are non-renewable. If you sell more of these things, you will reduce what you can control. As far as any country is concerned, it is quite stupid and short-sighted to open up its own natural resources unchecked simply to win the high development of the economy. Anyone who makes decisions like economic development is betraying the interests of future generations. , in order to expand its public support in today's conditions. \\、qb5.c0m\\ The economy of the Far East really needs to develop high, but at the same time, we must also pay attention to a high efficiency problem. As a person, we may not be able to leave any classic works that we can be proud of for future generations. , may not be able to leave any profound honest ideas to future generations, but at least, we have to find a way to leave some conditions for them to continue to survive, right?

In the previous stage, in order to restrict the non-processed export of similar raw materials, Guo Shouyun once issued orders to the state governments to increase the tariffs on such exported materials to a more stringent level. The increase is not high enough, and the levy is not large enough. Judging from the current situation, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the amount of tariffs in this regard.

In addition, compared to the profitability of Guo's Group Import and Export Trading Company in the first half of the year, Guo Shouyun can also see that the group's profitability in imported materials such as soybeans, wheat, and meat products has shrunk, compared with the same period last year. In comparison, the amount of profit in this area has been reduced by about 2.5 percentage points. Although this level of profit shrinkage is not very obvious, it is enough to make Guo Shouyun feel excited. At least, he can conclude that through the previous stage With the implementation of this favorable policy, the agricultural and sideline industries in the Far East have begun to take off and have developed to a certain extent. In any case, this is also for Guo Shouyun. It's also good news.

Furthermore, among the imported materials of the import and export trading company in the first half of the year, the profit amount of clothing, children's toys, leather goods, luggage and even high-end luxury goods has increased significantly. Compared with the same period last year, the profit amount of these major aspects has increased. up nearly four percentage points, and from that. .. Guo Shouyun can see two problems: First, the light industry exhibition in the Far East has great problems, especially those labor-intensive light industry enterprises, their exhibition is obviously not ideal. But then again, this is also related to the main economic strategy adopted by the Guo Group. Before, Guo Shouyun decided that if the Far East wants to achieve the largest and most stable economic development, it must adopt a high-tech and value-added economic development model, so. Since then, the economic policies promulgated by the Far Eastern states have not specifically taken into account the favorable policies of the light industry exhibition, which eventually led to the consequences. It is the small garment factories that once appeared in the Far East, but they did not get much development. Second, this phenomenon can also illustrate another exciting reality, that is, the economic development of the Far East has brought more practical and significant benefits to the residents of the Far East. At least, they no longer have to eat for food. Worrying about the problem, the family-based financial support has been "eaten" from the original. Turning to the current "wear", at the same time, due to the emergence of some wealthy families, the consumption of high-end luxury goods has begun to enter people's field of vision. For Guo Shouyun, the appearance of this phenomenon seems to be more in line with his wishes. He can foresee that he is one step closer to the goal of success.

It was not easy to check all the government revenue, Guo Shouyun threw down the pen in his hand and closed the notepad full of notes. Pushing with one hand, he pushed the computer keyboard and the documents all over the table to one side, and then he stretched his waist vigorously, and then slowly stood up and walked to the large glass window on the opposite side. In front, through the toughened glass of the mirror, overlooking the streets of Khabarovsk under the scorching sun.

At this time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Because of the high temperature. There are basically no people walking on the wide street, as opposed to this. On the contrary, there is an endless stream of vehicles coming and going, and they show another prosperous scene of Khabarovsk, the Far Eastern Republic.

From the position where Guo Shouyun stood, you can see half of the main building of the Far East Commercial Bank Building, where the Far East Stock Exchange has been officially put into operation, the Far East region and even the entire Federation, and even some multinational business groups , they all set up branches there. For today's Far Easterners, investing their savings in the stock market seems to be safer than putting them in a bank. After all, the stock prices of those multinational business groups will not depreciate with the ruble. And devaluation, to some extent, has become the best way for Far Easterners to escape currency devaluation.

Looking away from the main building of the Far East Commercial Bank Building, Guo Shouyun looked towards the northeast. From here, he could see the lush forests on the outskirts of Khabarovsk. .

In the previous stage, the Khabarovsk city government had issued an urban expansion plan. They planned to expand the urban area to the Fourth Ring Road and build a new Khabarovsk urban area in the northeastern suburbs. Before 2010, the main government departments in the urban area were relocated there, while in the old urban area, commercial institutions were mainly reserved, especially in the area where China and Russia meet the borders of Honghe Street. In a special border trade area, in addition to the six main commercial pedestrian streets, a street of casinos and a street of bars and dance halls will be opened, thereby fundamentally prospering the nightlife of Khabarovsk.

However, after this decision was submitted by the Khabarovsk state government, it fell into the hands of Guo Shouyun, and was partially rejected by him. According to his request, the Khabarovsk city government revised the city expansion plan. , they changed the original plan of extending the city to the northeast to the northwest and west. As for the vast woodland on the northeastern outskirts of the city, it will be converted into a natural national park and will be free after completion. Open to the public.

Of course, the revision of this urban expansion plan was not done easily. During the whole revision process, Guo Shouyun’s decision was also partially resisted by the Khabarovsk city government department. The leadership of the entire city government has been changed over and over again. The final result is that one mayor of Khabarovsk, four deputy mayors have stepped down one after another, the entire city expansion plan has been revised, and two real estate developers have declared bankruptcy. collapse.

Who is Guo Shouyun? He started out by collaborating with officials and businessmen. Naturally, he has a clear understanding of the ways between officials and businessmen. He knows that the reason why the Khabarovsk city government insists on setting the direction of city expansion in the northeast is because There are mainly jungle wasteland, and the two real estate developers who have close ties with them took the lead in acquiring the real estate there. Then, as long as the city expansion plan is passed, the two real estate developers will buy the real estate. The land price of the land will roll up and turn up, which will bring huge profits to them. Guo Shouyun started his career by colluding with government officials, but now he is most jealous of the collusion between officials and businessmen on his own territory. For this reason, he learned about the Khabarovsk city government and two real estate developers through secret channels. After the collusion between the two, he did not ask the judicial department to intervene in the investigation. Instead, he directed the city government to revise the expansion plan, thus, on the one hand, the officials involved were relieved of their duties, and on the other hand, the two companies were completely destroyed. Real estate agents who buy government officials.

Perhaps because of the influence of this incident, Guo Shouyun has been thinking of a plan recently, that is, within the scope of the Far Eastern Republic, all the real estate industry will be brought under the management of the state, that is, the management of the Guo Group, so as to put an end to that. The phenomenon of real estate developers colluding with government officials to make huge profits appeared.

In Guo Shouyun's eyes, the situation in the Far East is different from that of Moscow or even other parts of the world. This place is vast and sparsely populated, with relatively rich land resources. For this reason, the main profit directions of the real estate industry are concentrated in several major cities. At the same time, In addition, the current domestic government corruption is serious, the ruble has depreciated wildly, and people's living standards are generally not high. In this case, once a limited number of real estate developers collude with local officials to hype up land prices and housing prices, there has just been a turnaround. The Far East consumer market will be hit hard to a large extent. The most important thing is that most of the real estate developers in the Far East are the owners of empty-handed white wolves. They themselves do not have much economic power. Every time they operate, they bribe government officials first, and then take them out of their hands. Get the land approval note, then mortgage the approval note to a branch of Yuanshang Bank, get a construction loan, use this loan to build the land they got for free, and finally, auction it out in the building After that, repay the loan and pay the land rent. In this way, from the perspective of the whole process, these real estate developers are using the Guo Group's money to earn the Guo Group's money. They paid nothing in the whole process, but only used the Guo Group's grants to some people. The public power of man has made a fortune on the Guo Group. Just imagine, as the head of the Guo Group, in the face of such "real estate thugs", how could Guo Shouyun allow them to exist?

"Clothing, food, housing, and transportation" are directly related to the four major issues in the lives of the people. Through the work in the previous stage, Guo Shouyun has solved the "food and clothing" problem of the Far Eastern people to a large extent. At this stage, he must first start with those real estate developers who are unkind and greedy for huge profits. He wants to let these people know that the Guo Group’s pockets not only have colorful banknotes, but also A sharp blade that kills without blood, whoever can take away the "sharp blade", the Guo Group can kill him with banknotes, otherwise, it is self-evident who wants to come here to take out the banknotes.

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