Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 646: Doubtful Soldier's Tactic

? "Being a soldier is not for receiving such a fixed salary every month. Hehe, we are here to perform our duties, especially those of us. Perhaps from the moment we left the Far East, we were ready to welcome this moment. ...qβ5,"

The "click" sound of the train rang in his ears. Guo Shouyun sat on the somewhat sturdy hard seat, with slightly moist eyes, and stared aimlessly at the flying back out of the window. The scenery, but I was thinking back to what Major Tolocneyev said two hours ago.

Maybe Berezovsky's words are not wrong. Guo Shouyun is indeed a person who is uneasy about playing cards but is extremely afraid of death, but when this big man made this estimate, he forgot one thing. That is, this young man is very smart, and he knows what kind of choice he should make under what circumstances is the safest. Therefore, two hours ago, he took the advice of Major Tolocneyev and, instead of walking with the soldiers of the brigade, fired a carbine, went back to the station of Surmant, and boarded a train there. A train to Yekaterinburg.

When breaking up with the brigade, Major Tolocneyev turned on the high-frequency satellite phone and had a conversation with the Far East Military Region. He asked the Far East Military Region to take immediate action and communicate urgently with the Siberian Military Region and the Central Asian Military Region to prevent accidents. . \\As the commander of the special operations force of the 23rd Air Force, the major knows that although a similar high-frequency satellite phone will not be deciphered and intercepted by others, it will reveal the location of the report, and what he is trying to achieve now. , it is precisely this, he wants to attract the attention of the enemy, so as to provide the most precious time for Guo Shouyun to abscond.

The carriage is a low-grade car. The small space is filled with all kinds of pungent odors. In normal times, Guo Shouyun would not even be in the mood to stay here for a minute, but today's situation is a little different, he has to endure it, and he will endure it for a few hours. Of course. Compared with the soldiers who attracted the attention of the enemy, he was probably in a much better condition now. After all, he is still alive.

In a trance, the sun flashed outside the window, and a circling military helicopter flew by the side of the train. Because the plane flew very low, Guo Shouyun could even see the Russian soldiers with machine guns on the side door of the cabin. In two hours, this was the third helicopter to fly by the train. Guo Shouyun knew exactly what they were looking for.

"Hey, don't let me go back to the Far East." With a sigh in his heart, Guo Shouyun looked out of the window. He pulled out a note from his pocket, unfolded it carefully, and put it in front of him and looked carefully. again.

The paper was densely filled with names, from beginning to end, number 30, one more and one less. And the top one. It was Tolokneev. For these people, Guo Shouyun has nothing to say. The word "owes", although he is not a good person, he still remembers the matter of grace and hatred very clearly. Now, regardless of whether these people can return to the Far East alive or not, at least he feels that he owes his life to others. . Repaying kindness is called Birdman, but if you don’t repay your kindness, it’s not even better than Birdman. Guo Shouyun thought about it, as long as he can return to the Far East alive this time, even if he has spent all his belongings, those who should pay the price People also have to pay the price, and those who deserve to be rewarded should be rewarded.

"Hello, sir, is there anyone here?" Just when Guo Shouyun was thinking about these questions, a rough voice sounded beside him.

Lifting his head subconsciously, he glanced at the opposite side, and suddenly realized that at some point in front of him, a burly middle-aged man was standing in front of him, wearing a low-quality tunic full of wrinkles. ^^ Novel 52o^^ What makes Guo Shouyun somewhat cordial is that this big man turned out to be an East Asian with yellow skin and black eyes, and if he inadvertently glanced at him, maybe someone would regard him as Zhao Benshan. The tunic suit of coarse blue cloth, the imitation military cap that fits closely to the scalp, the black cloth upper and the home-made shoes with the naan sole, the Tangshan version of Russian that Russians listen to with great effort, all these are enough to explain the origin of the big man.

"No, just sit down." Guo Shouyun put away the note in his hand and smiled in Chinese.

"Ha, fate, I didn't expect to meet my compatriots here," the big man was delighted when he heard it, he honestly and unceremoniously patted Guo Shouyun's shoulder hard and grinned, "Listen to my buddy's accent, it should be from the Northeast. Right? Over there in Harbin?"

"There's nothing wrong with that," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "How about you, brother? People from Tangshan?"

"Luannan," the big man took off the hat on his head, wiped it on the seat at will, and then threw a large woven bag on his shoulders on the seat before pulling Guo Shouyun's sleeve and said, "Come on, Dude, do me a favor, I still have some goods that I haven't brought in, so I'll help you if you don't mind.\\"

"I don't mind, I don't mind," Guo Shouyun stood up from his seat with a smile on his face, followed behind the big man's **, and said with a smile, "I rely on my parents at home, and friends when I go out, what's the point of it."

"Hey, it can be seen that the buddy is also a cheerful person," the big man led the way in front, and said with a smile, "Why, you are also running business on Lao Maozi's side? What are you tinkering with?"

"Small business, pour some iron ingots," Guo Shouyun said casually.

"Oh, I heard that that thing loses money now," the big man turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "It was fine for the first two years, but now there are people in China doing this business with Australians. The minerals there are good and the price is good. Low, and Lao Maozi's side is stuck now, business is not good, right?"

"It's not easy to do," Guo Shouyun said vaguely, even though he was the president of Guo's Group, but he really didn't know whether the iron ingot business was good or not. The business of exporting iron ingots has always been profitable, and it seems that I haven't heard of anything bad.

"Hey, I'm an uncle from the family. He just hanged himself at the beginning of the year. He is also in this kind of business. He has a million and hundreds of thousands of goods in his hands." Not listening, he muttered, "His life is not good, just after the payment for the goods was paid, the trade with Lao Maozi's side with the country was stopped, his goods were detained in Bijin, and Lao Maozi was not allowed to pass the customs, that's all, it was delayed. In two months, a lot of goods were in breach of the contract. If the payment of one hundred and hundreds of thousands of dollars could not be recovered, I had to pay them three million in liquidated damages. The old man couldn't think of it, so he hanged himself like that. How's the business going?"

The words of the big man made Guo Shouyun feel hot on his face. He knew that the reason for the frozen customs at Bijin Port was when the Guo Group and Beiyuan fell out. In those few months, Guo stopped all trade with the country, and he was affected by it. As a result, various ports in the Far East immediately issued very strict customs control orders, and a large number of import and export goods were blocked at the customs, unable to enter or exit. "The confrontation was like a dead end.

In fact, Guo Shouyun's unexpected situation is the most real situation. The trade war between Guo's Group and Beiyuan Group has caused both of them to suffer huge economic losses. Such losses may be nothing to them, but for them For ordinary people who rely on border trade to eat, this is an absolute disaster. In just a few months, it is estimated that the small businessmen who were forced to death on both sides of the port were not just the "uncle of the family" that the big man said.

"Brother, have you found a place yet?" Guo Shouyun was feeling ashamed. The two had already passed through the carriage and reached the junction of the two carriages. At this moment, a clear female voice sounded.

"Hehe, not only did I find a place, but I also met a buddy from the northeast," the big man stopped, turned sideways, and made room for a space, and said, "Well, this... buddy, forget about it. I asked, what's your name?"

"Oh, my surname is Niu, the full name is Niu Fen, the ox of Ruzi Niu, struggling Fen." Guo Shouyun didn't know what to think, so he lowered his head and replied.

"Cow dung? That name came from," the big man laughed and laughed.

"Brother, don't you make a fool of yourself if you don't have culture?" The female voice opposite laughed, "The name of this eldest brother is very particular, um, it should be taken from the old cow who knows the sunset is late, and you don't need to whip yourself up. Fenho. Am I right, big brother?"

"Ah, that's right," Guo Shouyun raised his head, and a big girl appeared in front of him, which made him feel a heartbeat in an instant.

Frankly speaking, if the girl standing opposite at this moment is only in terms of appearance, she is not as good as Sun Hongyu. She has neither the intellectual charm of Sister Hong, nor the fashionable beauty of Sister Hong. Of course, if she is with Nina and the others. In comparison, this girl lacks that sensuality and charm, but then again, she is better in a place, a place that other women don't have-pure, the kind of pure, um, or Said to be ignorant.

Among the women Guo Shouyun has come into contact with, there are still such "pure" ones, except for little Victor. Therefore, this feeling makes him very comfortable and fresh.

"Okay, when I didn't say anything," the big man was a little embarrassed, he waved his hand and changed the subject, "Okay, let's introduce ourselves, my surname is Chen, Chen Yongjun, the third in the family, Niu If your brother doesn't mind, just call me the third brother, anyway, you don't look as old as me."

"As for her..." Chen Yongjun said, pointed to the girl opposite, and said with a smile, "This is my sister, Chen Hongbing, just call her a sister."

"Oh, third brother, sister," Guo Shouyun hadn't been exposed to such an introduction method for a long time, he hesitated for a while before he said vaguely.

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