Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 645: murder

"Do you think this kind of person is reliable?" Gusinsky still whispered in Berezovsky's ear when he got off the plane. Frankly speaking, he was very clueless about this plan, and he and Guo Shouyun After dealing with him for such a long time, he already had a basic grasp of this young man in his heart. In his eyes, Guo Shouyun was like a cockroach. When he was damned countless times, he would never die. Dodge, explode and he'll survive, this time... this time God knows if something goes wrong. /. qв5.

For Gusinski, now he is really a bit embarrassed. The last time he tried to kill Khodorkovsky, he couldn't succeed. Then, people kept looking for someone to assassinate him. In those days, he hardly even dared to leave the house. As for Guo Shouyun, he once played with him like that, and as a result, several of his villas were bombed down, and his beautiful mistresses also became water ghosts at the bottom of the Moscow River. Therefore, when he took the shot this time, Gusinski thought about it for a long time. He pondered that if the final goal could not be achieved and let the dead boy of Guo Shouyun escape again, then his troubles would probably be bigger. Now, the information shows that this dead boy has reached some kind of agreement with Leningrad, and there is never a shortage of killers there.

"Can we find a reliable person?" Berezovsky glanced at Major General Apatit, who was ushering in quickly, and replied with a blank face, "In my opinion, it seems like this kind of even for money. People who don’t want their lives are unreliable at any time, but the reality is that now, apart from such people, we can no longer find anyone who dares to take action.”

What Berezovsky said is right. In today's federation, although there are many people who are looking forward to Guo Shouyun's death, but if they really want to do it themselves, that is another situation. After all, it can generate interests with Guo. Those who are entangled are not ordinary people, and this type of people wants power, money, and money. Everyone is afraid of death.

After Gusinski heard this, he didn't say anything else. He also knew that the plan had reached this stage, and there was no turning back, the only thing that could be considered now. That is, no matter whether it is successful or not, this Apatit will be killed, and his mouth will be completely extinguished.

"Hehe, Mr. Berezovsky, Mr. Gusinsky," Major General Apatit had already approached during the conversation between the two, he shook hands with the two giants and smiled. "You seem to be late. According to the agreement between us, you..."

"Let's not talk about that." Berezovsky obviously lacked respect for the major general in front of him, he interrupted the other party's words directly, and asked unceremoniously, "How is your preparation work? We got According to the accurate information, Guo Shouyun and his party were indeed not on the plane. They took a train and got off the train in Surmant not long ago. According to the information provided by the Urals, their party purchased two sets of two locally. A gas truck. Yellow body, no license plate. I guess they only have two options now, one is to go to Nizhny Tagil and then transfer to Yekaterinburg, the other is to come to you."

"According to the estimates of the two gentlemen, which path will they choose?" Under the temptation of money, Apatit had lost the self-esteem that he should have as a general, and he asked almost humbly.

"There is no estimate." Gusinski said in a distraught, "He does things and never plays cards according to the rules of the card. We can't estimate what kind of decision he will make next. So, you have to think To catch him, we must allocate the cards on the two roads."

"What's good now is that Guo Shouyun has more people around him and his goals are very big," Berezovsky also didn't want to make his contemptuous attitude too obvious. He eased his tone. Said, "You send out the helicopter squad. Carry out an uninterrupted search for all possible missed areas. As long as you find a similar yellow-body gas truck, no, as long as you see a possible vehicle, give me a careful check."

Sir, do you think it is possible for this Guo Shouyun to leave the team and travel lightly, so as to avoid our sight? "Major General Apatit hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively.

"It's unlikely. But it's not impossible," Berezovsky said. "He's the person. It's hard to figure out anywhere else. But one thing is easy to grasp. That's that he's afraid of death. So. Under the premise that he doesn't know much about the situation at the moment. It's unlikely that he will leave the guards alone and go on the road. . But just to be cautious. You'd better put more eyeliner in Tyumen City. Don't let him take advantage of the loophole."

"That's good. Just do what the two gentlemen want." Major General Apadit responded. He turned his head and glanced at several military helicopters parked on the tarmac. But do not directly issue the order to dispatch.

"The money is on the plane. You arrange for someone to move it down." Gusinski saw through the other's mind at a glance. A sneer flashed across his mouth. Immediately said calmly. "Twenty-five million in cash. This is the payment. After the matter is completed. We have seen Guo Shouyun's body. We will pay the remaining amount."

"The two gentlemen are really pleasant." Apatit smiled specially on his face. He waved to the two guards behind him. Motion them to withdraw money. said at the same time. "But I still hope that you can prepare the remaining sum of money as soon as possible. Haha. Because today's action may not take too much time."

"I hope so," Berezovsky said blankly.

"What. Will the general not check the authenticity?" Gusinski took out a miniature ultraviolet lamp from his pocket. Hand it to the general. laughed. "This is not a small sum. I advise you to be careful."

"Hehe, where, I still absolutely trust the two gentlemen," Major General Apatit said, but his movements were not slow at all. He took the purple light and looked at it, and then He said again, "But having said that, in order to avoid future troubles, let's go through one more procedure."

"Lieutenant Colonel Pskov," After saying this, Apatit turned his head and said to the lieutenant colonel who was standing beside him, brows furrowed, "you go to my office first with the two gentlemen, I'll go after that."

"Yes, General," Lieutenant Colonel Pskov replied helplessly.

"Mr. Pskov," Berezovsky snorted coldly and turned his head to Pskov as he watched Apadit run towards the helicopter, "I heard you told us this time. The cooperation does not seem to be particularly optimistic."

"My opinion belongs only to me," said Lieutenant Colonel Pskov, smiling indifferently. "Come with me, gentlemen."

"Hehe, we know what you are worried about," Gusinski took two steps forward, followed closely behind the lieutenant colonel, and said, "Although I don't like your approach very much, I still have to admit that you are a smart people."

"Since you are a smart person, you should make a smart choice," Berezovsky followed, "I don't know if you have thought about it, but this plan is actually an opportunity for you, hehe , a rare opportunity. If there is a chance to get a huge sum of 50 million US dollars, and at the same time, it can be appreciated by the military region, I wonder if you will be interested?"

"I don't understand what you mean, Mr. Berezovsky," Lieutenant Colonel Pskov said without looking back. "It's very simple," Gusinski turned his head and glanced at the direction of the helicopter. There, Major General Apatit was squatting on the ground, holding a green banknote in his hand, looking carefully in front of him. "This time, we don't want too many people to know about it. Hehe, I want to come to General Apatit and have already planned to kill you, but we prefer smart people, so the one who stayed , we prefer it to be you, not the general who sees money."

Lieutenant Colonel Pskov was silent, he slowed down, obviously thinking about what the two giants said.

"What are you going to tell me to do?" After a long time, he took a deep breath and said in a low voice when he reached the door of the office.

Berezovsky and Gusinsky looked at each other and smiled. They knew that their closing plan had been finalized.

"It's very simple," Berezovsky stepped forward, stood beside the lieutenant colonel, and said, "Guo Shouyun is not an ordinary person, to kill him, someone must stand up and take the blame and pay for it. The price. I think, you don't want to come forward as this scapegoat, do you? Well, let's choose another person."

"From the current situation, our General Apatit is obviously the most suitable for this role," Gusinski replied, "What you have to do now is to mobilize the manpower and wait for our news, as long as General Apatit's people exchanged fire with Guo Shouyun's escort, then you..."

Having said that, he made a gesture of splitting with one palm.

"For the sake of prudence, you'd better report the situation here to the military commander before taking action," Berezovsky said, "Then, give our general the illusion of committing suicide, hehe. , when the time comes, the **** will die, and the responsible person will also die. We got what we wanted. You, on the one hand, can escape the disaster, on the other hand, you can also get a merit. The money that should be in our general's pocket belongs to you. Isn't this a trick to kill three birds with one stone?"

"I can accept your plan," Pskov hesitated after introducing the two giants into the office, and finally said through gritted teeth, "However, I want the 50 million right now. As for the 25 million just now, it's a matter of course. You can't take it with you after it's done, because I still have something to use."

"Hehe, it's a deal." Berezovsky and Gusinski smiled at each other and said in unison.

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