Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 618: prospect

"Everyone," Guo Shouyun first confirmed the words of several experts, put down the pen in his hand, then stood up from the chair, crossed his arms, and walked back and forth on the empty field in front of the conference table for two times before stroking. With a chin, he said, "First, I must affirm that the concerns of Mr. Sharomov and Karmenko are necessary. I believe that now not only us, but also Moscow, Beijing, and Washington, all know that our life is difficult. , qв5. Tightrope walking is a technical job. If you walk well and walk steadily, you will naturally be able to win the applause of the audience, and even gain both fame and fortune, but not everyone does a technical job like this well. More often than not, it falls and falls to pieces. Secondly, I must also agree with Mr. Stepaev's opinion that Washington is a Siberian direwolf with no teeth, and its expensive fur has never been It will be given to others for no reason, because that is also the root of its survival. Now, this direwolf is eyeing the Far East, and in order to put a foot in, it will catch rabbits and hunt jackals for us. Consider further afield, what will it do after it has put its feet in the Far East? No doubt it will pee here, fill it with its own smell, and use it to The world declares its claim to the territory."

Guo Shouyun's metaphor is very vulgar, but it is also very vivid. A knowing smile flashed on the faces of all the experts present.

"I don't know what other people think, but personally, I can allow some cats and dogs to leave a few footprints in the Far East, but if you want to pee here, that's absolutely impossible," he made a gesture, Guo Shouyun continued, "The situation I most want to see now is that the Americans can put one foot in, but they can't sit in the body, and at the same time, they have to be reluctant to retract their foot. I have the same attitude towards Beijing, and I have the same attitude towards Moscow. This place in the Far East is not too big or too small. There is no room for three feet, but there are places for three feet. Since they all want to step in, then I will let them in and turn the Far East into a place where all the three parties have interests. At that time, if they want to disrupt the situation here, it will obviously affect the lives of many people. interests. I think, in order to keep their feet, they should resolve more controversial issues through peaceful negotiation.”

"Mr. Karmenko just mentioned the issue of economic competition between the Far East and China. While I agree with this, I also have some personal views." After thinking about it, Guo Shouyun said, "In my opinion, China Although, like the Far East, both of them are developing an export-oriented economy, from a deeper perspective, the export-oriented economies of the two sides are quite different. In the past ten years, due to the one-sided pursuit of economic development, they have consumed the economic resources that were not rich to the greatest extent. The most effective example is that China, a former crude oil exporter, is, no, it should be said that it has transformed into a crude oil importer. As a strategic natural resource, the rich oil resources in our hands will become the most important resource in dealing with Beijing. The most powerful weapon, and in order to maximize the power of this weapon, we need to attract China's overseas oil investment and closely link their oil strategic planning with the stability of our Far East. Considering this, I plan to discuss with the Beiyuan delegation after they arrive in Khabarovsk an investment in the construction of a crude oil pipeline, centered on Yakutia and Sakhalin. , natural gas pipelines. Thus, to a certain extent, they are pinning their dependence on oil imports on the Far East.”

The reason why Guo Shouyun was able to put forward such an idea. All because of the memory of the previous life. At that time, Russia was in a passive position in Sino-Russian diplomacy because most of China's oil investment was in the Middle East and North Africa, and its dependence on Russian crude oil was not so strong. Because of this, Russia's energy stick can cause panic in the whole of Europe, but it cannot shake the foundation of its neighbors to the south. When Khodorkovsky advocated for the Siberian oil pipeline to China, the purpose is probably to promote the China's dependence on Russia's crude oil fields has in turn influenced Beijing's foreign policy. However, Khodorkovsky acted too late, and at the same time, the policy he proposed was rejected by many parties. Therefore, the final result is that the investment of China National Petroleum Corporation in the Middle East, North Africa and even South America is more and more As it grows, Russia has lost the biggest bargaining chip it should have to challenge Beijing.

Now, Guo Shouyun is going to take the lead, to attract Beijing's attention when China's oil investment projects in the Middle East and North Africa have not yet expanded, and prepare an energy card for the future of the Far East.

"In addition," Guo Shouyun said after pondering for a moment, "due to its large population, China's export-oriented economy is mainly based on labor-intensive industries with low-tech added value. It will bring about high economic development in the short term, but from a long-term perspective, it will cause two negative consequences: First, the polarization between the rich and the poor will be severe, and the whole society will continue to develop in the direction of polarization. It is easy to understand that a large number of labor force They are all concentrated in the low-end pure labor class, there is a shortage of technical elites, the low-income population is huge, and the middle class is shrinking. Second, affected by the first negative result, while China's economy continues to develop, it will inevitably derive such as social security. The system is full of loopholes, the national education is faulty, and it is difficult to coordinate high-tech research and economic development. The combination of these two major drawbacks will lead to a consequence, that is, after the Chinese economy has experienced considerable development, there will be a Heavy reliance on technology imports. On the other hand, looking at ourselves, after inheriting all the economic and technological achievements of the former Soviet Union, especially under the influence of the implementation of the talent policy in the previous stage, we can do it well. Including heavy industry, chemistry, petrochemical, steel smelting and even military shipbuilding, etc., these areas have technical advantages that China does not have. At the same time, with these foundations, we are also capable of researching new technologies and updating new technologies. Therefore, what I advocate is that our export-oriented economy should adopt a high-end model, based on high technology added value and low labor density. Due to our lack of population density, we should adopt this type of economic development model. , which is just suitable for the current situation of the Far East. If this road can be passed through, then there will be no substantial competition between the Far East and China for a long time in the future. On the contrary, the market in the south will be the one we seek to develop. the best foundation."

After speaking, Guo Shouyun walked back to the conference table, sat down on his chair again, took a sip of tea, then cleared his throat, and said, "My thoughts are all for now, everyone can Discuss it and see if there are any different opinions, you can put it up on the spot, and we will study it carefully."

There was no lively atmosphere of discussion at the meeting, and the economic experts present needed a certain amount of time to screen and infer whether what he said was accurate and feasible.

Don't think that the experts of these think tank groups will save face for who they are. They are all real students, and they are decision-making research trained under the former Soviet Union system. Therefore, as long as there are any loopholes in Guo Shouyun's words, or what he is talking about If there is prejudice, these people will bring it up to him in public, or even directly refute him. At the same time, this is exactly what Guo Shouyun needs. After all, no one is perfect, and no one dares to say that their ideas and decisions are always correct. , could have catastrophic consequences.

"How, what do you think of my point of view?" Taking advantage of the opportunity when everyone was silent, Guo Shouyun leaned over, leaned over to Yelena, and asked in a low voice.

"No opinion." Yelena smiled slightly. said. "You know it. I'm not very good at economics."

"Say more or less." From the woman's smile. Guo Shouyun saw the trick. he laughed. "I know you have an idea. Don't hide it. It's going to be moldy."

"Do you really want me to tell?" He hesitated. Elena said.

"Of course. Why else would I ask you?" shrugged. Guo Shouyun said.

"That's good. Then I'll just say something briefly." Yelena smiled. "When are you going to let us go to dinner? You Chinese say. The emperor is not bad for hungry soldiers. But you are obviously more inhuman than the emperor."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. He looked at his watch subconsciously. That's what happened. Unconsciously. The meeting has been on for four hours. now. It's half past one in the afternoon.

"Hehe, it's my fault, my fault," clapping his hands, Guo Shouyun laughed, "this time has passed too fast, I just saw that it was not even eleven o'clock, how could it be... ....Forget it, this morning's meeting will be held here, and this afternoon..."

"Have a rest in the afternoon," Yelena interrupted, "In my opinion, the reasons explained by Mr. are in place, and this matter can be settled. The cooperation between Guo's and Beiyuan is destined to be unavoidable. Starting from tomorrow, We should change the issue and consider how to avoid these cooperations, which will attract a strong backlash from Washington."

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