Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 617: Think Tank Conference

? Yakov died, and died silently, like a stone the size of a grain of rice, thrown into the vast ocean of blue water, without even the slightest splash of water, if you insist on saying what is his death? The effect is to bring Guo Shouyun a brief conscience, and at the same time, it also creates an appropriate time for Yelena to express the "successful inhumanity theory". /, qв5.

On the same day, after returning to the villa area from the "Jindalai" private club, Guo Shouyun immediately called his old father-in-law who was far away in Leningrad and told him bluntly that he had not made it to the last opportunity. The old man who lost his only son should have some sad expressions. But it turned out that Yelena's analysis was completely correct. After listening to his words, the old man just calmly said - "I see." Then he said nothing. From this it can be seen that Yakov's death was not worth it, and it was quite worthless.

A former head of the KGB Far East Bureau disappeared, and it did not have any impact on the daily work of the Far East. After a brief conscience, Guo Shouyun made some necessary arrangements, for example, specializing in handwriting imitation masters. Time will write a letter to Nina in Yakov's name, reporting safety or something. Because he is an important wanted criminal in the Federation, simply relying on writing letters will not attract too much suspicion from Nina. As for after that, Guo Shouyun returned to his busy work. He told himself that if he wanted to not "die like a dog" like Yakov, he couldn't "live like a fairy", and It should be "live more like a wolf than a wolf".

"Sir, I don't agree to re-establish economic ties with China at this time," said a tall and burly man who looked at most forty, but had already lost half of his head at the meeting of the Guo Group's think tank group. The guy who stood up stood up, he faced the thirty or so experts present, and said with a blank face, "You know. For a region as sensitive as the Far East, frequent changes in foreign policy are extremely unwise. , it will keep the entire region under diplomatic pressure, and even lead to a deep sense of distrust from various forces, thus making the international environment of the Far East into a quagmire. Furthermore, although from a geographical point of view, the Far East is more connected with China. Close, but don't forget, our position is equivalent to being in the middle of the game between the three major forces, and in this game, Washington's advantage is too obvious, and they can even affect the political situation in Moscow. Faced with this If we continue to be close to Beijing, it will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction in Washington, and then. Lose the advantage in Moscow.”

"I agree with Shakomov," another small man stood up behind the big man, "and from an economic point of view, our current re-establishment of ties with China is not conducive to what we have just formulated. , a four-year economic construction plan. We must not forget that there are only seventy-two construction projects in this four-year project with a total investment of 120 billion US dollars. More than half of them need support from the West. From the high-tech city to the Khabarovsk financial center, to the high-tech industrial parks in twelve cities, these projects will become the pillar industries in the Far East in the future. Therefore, We must not be sloppy on this point. Besides, we should all know that China has achieved great results through economic reforms over the past ten years, but their main economic model is export-oriented It is an export-oriented economy, that is to say, if the Chinese economy continues to develop, they are likely to become a country with a high export rate in a few years. At the same time, our Far East is also revitalizing the economy. Due to our low population base, the narrow scope of the regional inland market, and the continued decline in the overall economic state of the federation. Therefore, in order to obtain a high economic growth rate in the shortest time in the future, we also need to develop an export-oriented economy. In this way, the Far East and China have become two competitors with the same economic development model and close to each other. Just like France and Germany now, we will become enemies in the international market. Most importantly, Now China's domestic economy is in good shape, with high population density and low labor prices. Compared with them, we are in a very disadvantageous competitive position. Faced with such a situation, I don't see the possibility of developing all-round economic cooperation with China. help."

"Well, that's right," Guo Shouyun, sitting in his own seat, held a cigarette fart that was about to burn out. He smiled, "Anyone else to add? Are there any objections?"

Yelena was next to him. Almost from the beginning of the meeting, the woman held her chin with one hand and stared at the man beside her to take notes. In her opinion, the man looked very charming when he was diligent. , there is even a kind of heart-pounding feeling, and every time she feels this feeling, she can't help but think of a word - "diligence can make up for clumsiness".

Ye Liena remembers very clearly that since the establishment of the think tank group, Guo Shouyun has never been absent from the three monthly seminars, and when he attends such meetings, he is not just listening in, but taking notes all the time. , So far, there have been three thick books of this kind of transcripts he made by himself. To be honest, Yelena felt tired for him looking at those three large books. However, from another perspective, she also knew that this man was learning something. He was learning the thinking of these think tank experts when they thought about a series of issues such as politics, economy, and diplomacy. In order to achieve this purpose of learning, he did The transcripts are often re-processed, and those scattered dialogues and speeches must be outlined in the structure of a "thinking tree".

For example: what is the main purpose of a press release issued by the White House in Washington, this is the trunk of the tree; the whole announcement is split into several scattered sentences, each sentence is a tree branch; and behind each sentence , what kind of deep intentions Washington hides, which international issues are alluded to, its political causes, economic focus, the extension of regional disputes, the omen of Washington's decision-making, etc. These are the leaves; finally, this The ground part of a big tree came out. Combined with these trunks, branches, and leaves, the real purpose of Washington was considered as a whole, and the roots of the tree were poured out. This is an accurate way of thinking for a diplomat to consider additional problems, and at the same time, it is also the best way to analyze international problems. Now, Guo Shouyun has learned this method. Although he has not considered it comprehensively most of the time, he has a similar foundation after all.

In addition to this kind of study on diplomatic issues, he is also diligently studying the formal way of thinking in terms of politics, economy and many other aspects. Frankly speaking, in the think tank group, there is no expert system for him. He has explained the problem in this regard. All of this is that he is groping and stealing learning. From Yelena's point of view, this man's stealing skills are obviously very powerful. To describe him in one word, he This technique is called "doing the trick".

Sometimes Yelena even wonders, what will happen to the man beside her after a few years as she goes on like this? This is hard to say, but only one thing is certain, that is, if the senior officials of the former Soviet Union had his perseverance and his eagerness to learn, the current situation would probably be a different scene.

"I don't agree with Sharomov's and Karmenko's opinions." Following Guo Shouyun's initiative, those who opposed it quickly stood up, "Just now, Sharomov mentioned a geopolitical issue, I think I would like to raise my own point of view from this aspect. Indeed, for the current Far East, if it embarks on the road of competing with Washington, it is obviously beyond our own power, but the key problem is that we blindly follow Washington's **. , is it wise to follow their dictates? Obviously, the answer is no. Maybe I'm not very good at economic issues, but I believe everyone can agree on one thing, that is, the development of the economy of any country or region is far away from the The stability of the regional international environment is not open. In the past few decades, in order to block the Soviet Union, the Americans have created a series of wars around East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, thus causing serious economic development in this region. Lag. The anti-American wave that appeared in South Korea and Japan a while ago was, to a large extent, also because of the Americans' East Asian policy, which directly affected the stability of the situation in East Asia, and thus had a direct impact on their economic development. , Washington is trying to win over the Far East, which on the surface seems to be beneficial to the economic development environment of the Far East, but in fact, if we completely give up in order to approach Washington, or even go to the opposite road with Beijing, it is foreseeable that the Far East's economic development environment The surrounding environment will continue to be tense, which will fundamentally affect the economic development of the Far East. Based on this consideration, I personally believe that the best choice for the Far East at present is to maintain a close relationship with China politically, while economically We should continue to increase bilateral mutual trust and exchanges, that is, the so-called political cold and economic heat, and use the economy to promote the political mutual trust between the two sides, so as to achieve the purpose of maintaining a delicate relationship."

"Well said," Guo Shouyun put the pen in his hand on the notepad, raised his head and smiled. For this giant, attending think tank group meetings is now the best pastime. He has to admit that every time he hears the debates of these experts, he has an eye-opening feeling. What is it that everyone is rowing a big boat? This reflects a kind of collective wisdom.

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