Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 64: Intervention Prosecution

?In the Russian judicial system, the Prosecutor-General of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office occupies a very special position. People like Balvi, even the Kremlin has no power to remove him from his post. According to the Western separation of powers, the political power is divided. Formally, judicial officials only have the power to picket and remove them from higher-level institutions in the judicial system. Therefore, to a certain extent, if Balvi wants to take action against Abramovich, the Moscow power level cannot interfere. , qβ5. c0m/ It is precisely because of this that Khodorkovsky is unwilling to deal with such a mess. In his opinion, it is not worth it to spend energy to save an Abu.

But for Guo Shouyun, the existence of Abramovich is a very important starting point. He not only means the growth of a potential cooperation, but also means a continuation of history. Since Guo's foothold in the Far East, the historical process has become farther and farther away from the memory that Guo Shouyun is familiar with. He himself is unable to reverse this situation, but he hopes to preserve what he knows in his previous life to the greatest extent possible, because In that way, he can have a sure-footed grasp.

As the Attorney General of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, Balvi's power is still relatively large. He has the right to inspect the large and small officials in the Moscow government system. problem. For this reason, under normal circumstances, few people touch his brow.

Now, out of his own interests, Guo Shouyun just touches this tiger ** that most people dare not touch, and he is not done with just touching it, he wants to stab the whole tiger ** off. , and throw it into the stinky ditch.

When it comes to making plans, Polaninov is not as smart and strong as Yelena, but when it comes to poaching people and collecting some criminal evidence, he is very good at it.

On the second day after Abramovich was arrested by the Moscow Procuratorate, major media in the Far East published a series of so-called "grass stories" that were unfavorable to Balvi, including his acceptance of Shero, a major construction businessman in Moscow. The fact that Shiyi paid 25 million rubles in bribes; the **** scandal that raped many underage girls; the fact that he took advantage of his position to illegally occupy seven public housing buildings of the Moscow government, and so on.

These news have been exposed. Xun caused an uproar in the Far East, and at the same time, in other parts of the Federation, there were also many media reprints of this kind of news. To describe it in one sentence, the people of the Federation were extremely disappointed with the country. Originally. What does the procuratorate do? Its main function is to supervise officials and fight against corruption and abuse of public power. When people talked about problems in the past, they would shout slogans and call for procuratorial organs to strictly enforce the law and conduct in-depth investigations. . Fortunately, the truth has been exposed, these integrity fighters who are responsible for inspecting hundreds of officials. It turns out that they are also a group of corrupt officials. Just imagine, those ordinary people who are pure at heart. Who can accept this. Fortunately, in the Moscow region, because the media is mainly monopolized in the hands of Bie, Gu Er, and various authorities in Moscow, such news has not been fully exposed, and the situation there is relatively stable. But even so, the federal judiciary became a mess, and on the second day after such news was widely published in the Far East, Skuratov, the federal Supreme Attorney General, personally hung up the phone with Guo Shouyun. He said all his good words, just hope to achieve a goal - the Far East to stop such news reports as soon as possible, in order to reduce the impact of the "Balvie incident" on the federal judicial circle.

In Skuratov's words, everyone now knows that the problems in the federal judiciary are equally serious, but the various problems here must not be exposed to the outside world. For a country, the problems of government officials can be exposed, and the problems of economic figures can be exposed. Corruption can also be brought up to speak. Even the issue of the president can be discussed and discussed on the surface, but it cannot be said about the issue of the integrity of the judicial sector. why? The reason is very simple. Officials are corrupt, and even the president is corrupt. The people can still pin their hopes on the procuratorate, and rely on these to strengthen law enforcement, fight corruption and eradicate corruption. But if people are made aware that the country's clean government and judiciary are as black as ink, what hope can they have? The whole country is eroded. no way. Elect a new government, what the Kremlin, the Council of Representatives. All replaced, and this is the beginning of a complete disaster. In fact, Guo Shouyun has long understood something like this. At the same time, this is also the biggest bargaining chip in his hand. With this bargaining chip in his hand, he is not afraid that the people in Moscow will not make concessions to him.

In the face of Skuratov's request, Guo Shouyun did not refuse, but at the same time, he also put forward two exchange conditions: first, remove Balvi and send him to a place where he should go; second, Calm down Abramovich's case and release him from prison in the shortest possible time. Only when the federal prosecutorial agency agrees to these two requirements will the similar reports in the Far East disappear. Otherwise, he will continue to expose the problems of the prosecutorial agencies in various places for everyone in the federal government to see. Clearly.

Threat, this is definitely a naked threat, not just Skuratov, I believe that everyone in Moscow who hears these two conditions can understand the meaning of this threat. But then, do they have a choice? Obviously not.

In this way, on the fourth day after Irina made her prayer, Barvi, the Prosecutor General of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, took the blame and resigned. After submitting his resignation, he committed suicide by taking poison in his office. Subsequently, the Federal Supreme Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation into a series of issues during his lifetime in accordance with his suicide note, and completed the interrogation in the middle of the month, confirming the six cases he "led" during his tenure. According to the final investigation results, within three years of his tenure, Balvi accepted bribes and embezzled as much as 140 million rubles. In order to strictly enforce the law and deter corruption, the Federal Supreme Prosecutor's Office made a decision to confiscate all of Balvi's family property and confiscated them. In addition to being punished at the same time, there are twelve officials from the Moscow Procuratorate. They will face long sentences ranging from twelve years to twenty years.

this case. Claimed to be since the founding of the Commonwealth. The state procuratorate investigated the largest corruption case in the country. the result. Naturally, a large number of federal people cheered and cheered. But people don't know it is. This comes just two weeks after the federal top prosecutor's office announced it had seized all of Balvie's estate. The Balvi family was supposed to have nothing. Grandly boarded the flight to Paris, France. First class seats are definitely comfortable. But that 17,000 rubles is a plane ticket. Compare that to the fact that they own two mansions there and have millions of dollars in savings. It's really not worth mentioning. As for where the money and these mansions come from. It's actually pretty easy to find. At least Guo Shouyun is very clear. he knows. These things are the federal prosecutors to make compensation to Balvie's family. "Laoba" is a good guy. He took all the crimes on his back. therefore. Only those officials above the Moscow Prosecutor's Office were able to keep their reputations. At the same time. Because the case is handled by the federal prosecutor's office. So those "confiscation" to illegal income. It was also "digested and absorbed" by high-level officials of the procuratorate.

"Prosecuting. Prosecuting. Picking up the ground. Wiping the ground." This is the most realistic portrayal of the federal prosecutorial agency today. Just think. In the face of such a corruption department. Guo Shouyun has nothing to worry about. Just like what he said to the officials in the Far East: "For us. When we stretch out our hands, we can ignore the issue of hands. But we must consider the issue of feet. What to take. How much? No Important. What matters is where you stand. Because people don't look at what you're holding. But they look at where you stand."

Just the day after Balvi committed suicide. The Federal Supreme Prosecutor's Office has not even had time to investigate the Moscow Prosecutor's Office. They could not wait to release Abramovich, who had been detained for nearly a week. The evidence that convicted him. It was also sealed up by the high inspection. thrown into the database.

And as the protagonist who has experienced this ordeal. The first thing Abramovich did after being released from prison. Is to order a ticket to Khabarovsk - he is not to be grateful. But to come to "another place to vote for the master". Actually for him. Whether Guo Shouyun is the real master is not important anymore. Because he has no choice. The Balverdi case is so big. Everyone in the know understands a truth: Abramovich is a member of the Guo Group. At least the three giants are united. His forehead was marked with "tags". Otherwise, the words. Why did the Far East spend so much effort to get him out?

It was also after this farce. The relationship between Berezovsky and Abramovich was completely broken. All funds invested in Abu have been recovered before. A total of $4 billion in loans. Part of it was raised by Abu himself. another part. On the other hand, the land is paid in advance by the Yuan Commercial Bank.

end of March. After negotiating with three giants including Guo Shouyun. Abramović went to Chita. Reintegrate his painstakingly run aluminum group. To create convenience for him. Guo Shouyun's first Sanariva gang spread to Chita and Buryatia. The Big Three reached an agreement in principle. They gave Abramovich seven months. As long as he can unify the forces of the two places within seven months. So. The three giants don't mind adding him as a newcomer.

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