Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 63: bring down the attorney general

"Are you really going to fish out that Abramovich?" Khodorkovsky obviously let go of the two women, Nina and Irina, and kicked off his feet. The shoes, the whole person lying crooked in the sand, while tasting refreshing champagne, said leisurely.

"Can't you?" Guo Shouyun asked absent-mindedly, sitting across from him, playing with a cigarette case with a few cigarettes left in his hand.

"It's not a question of whether it's possible or not, but a question of whether it's worth it," Khodorkovsky laughed, "In my opinion, he's not worth mentioning in terms of strength, but from the perspective of personal talent. Looking at it, hehe, at best, Smolensky is the second, more cautious, but less courageous. A person who only knows how to buy peace with money, but does not know how to buy power with money, who can give him much hope? "

"Your eyes are really poisonous," Guo Shouyun secretly said in his heart. As a person with previous life experience, after this period of life, he has a good grasp of the temperament of the various oligarchs in the Russian Federation. I haven't had much contact, but I can infer the personality of this person to a certain extent based on what I've learned in my previous life. No matter how you look at it, Abu, the only remaining high-level oligarch in Russia's Putin era, is far less beautiful than his predecessors. This kid first made a "cash machine" for Yeltsin, and then he honestly made "a cash machine" for Putin. money machine", in the end, after everyone could not use him, the boy retired from the stage lonely. Whether it is the governor of Chukotka or the owner of Chelsea, even if these identities are tied together, I am afraid that he will not be able to make his seniors look at him.

"Again, this time it's clear," Khodorkovsky continued, "the power struggle in Moscow has entered its final stage, whether it's the Kremlin or the Council of Representatives, they're clearing the field. Like Abu People like Ramovic who don't find a good team in the end must be eaten by others. For us, the best option now is to watch and let them fight to the death and then come out to clean up the mess, but you Once you intervene in the Abu issue. It is tantamount to entering the game, which is not a prudent choice."

"What you said makes sense," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, "but now I have a deeper consideration."

"Let's hear it." Khodorkovsky frowned slightly and said.

"We can all see now that Abramovich, as a representative figure of the emerging wealthy class in the federation, has nowhere to go under the suppression of the powerful." Guo Shouyun lit a cigarette for himself, not in a hurry took a breath and said. "In Moscow, the Kremlin will be cleared, the conference of representatives will be cleared, and Berezovsky and Gusinsky will also be cleared. For the first two, they clear the political field and the official field, while for the latter two In other words, it is the economic field. It is the shopping mall. It is true that both you and Vinogradov withdrew from Moscow under the threat of those from Acharov, but then again, you are so willing to put yourself in the Are all the foundations over there handed over to goodbye, Gu?"

Guo Shouyun's remarks made Khodorkovsky's brows even tighter. He now knows the true intentions of his old friend. Indeed, for today's Moscow, with the withdrawal of the two giants. There has been a lot of changes in the upper-level economic circle there. Originally, some businessmen who were relatively close to Huo and Wei are being suppressed at this stage. Maybe it is to maintain a relationship of face. People have not gone too far, otherwise, there will be many people who are now bankrupt in Moscow.

Guo Shouyun said these words to remind Khodorkovsky. The clearing in Moscow was aimed at clearing out those who didn't pick the team. At times like this, if they ignore all the problems. Then when the situation in Moscow stabilizes, the three giants will come together to realize that their power in Moscow has been uprooted. What's worse, the power struggle in Moscow may bring down people like Hasbulatov and Rutskoy, but it is impossible to bring down Berezovsky and Gusinsky, who are in economic The power at the level is too great, and there is local support. Therefore, the Kremlin can only "incorporate" them, but cannot erase them. The biggest possibility is that after the Kremlin has unified the various forces in Moscow, the Ye family will rely on the other parties and the ancient parties to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing the alliance of the three giants. Under such circumstances, if the Big Three do not retain some powers that tend to be their own in Moscow, they may not be able to "fight back to their hometown" in the future.

"Yeah." Khodorkovsky finally nodded and agreed with a long hum in his throat, "Shouyun, you have considered a comprehensive range of issues, indeed, on this matter, my thoughts are a bit too much. It's simple. Maybe it's because I've gotten used to the comfortable life during this time, so that the struggle in Moscow has been simplified. In the final analysis, we can't just be outsiders in the things over there. We should intervene where we should intervene. ."

"It's best if you can figure it out. Save me a lot of time and effort." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"By the way. Do you think this Abramovich is available?" Khodorkovsky thought for a while. He turned around and said again. "Honestly. I don't like him. Compared to this man. I'd rather choose your little lover. Hornikova is ambitious, but not uncontrollable. Besides. She also has a brain. "This woman is very bold."

"Why don't you say she has a close relationship with me. The upper-level people in Moscow know this. So it's easier to support." He rolled his eyes. Guo Shouyun said angrily.

"Hey. Of course, there are also considerations in this regard." Khodorkovsky was very cheeky. Mind is looked at by others. He didn't mean to be embarrassed at all. "But that's only secondary. Think about it. In Moscow today. Did you find someone more suitable than her?"

"I'm sorry. I can't agree to this." Guo Shouyun shook his head and said. "To this woman Hornikova. You know far less than I do. Her ambitions are more ambitious than you can imagine. There is only one way to control her. That is to make her live in your shadow forever. Once you let her see the sunshine of power. You realize how dangerous her ambitions are."

Glancing at Khodorkovsky's disapproving expression. Guo Shouyun continued. "You don't know what I've been adhering to. Not in the Far East. Not directly interfering in Moscow. It is because of this policy. Washington will trust me. Those in Moscow will ignore me. Break that policy. That's going to change right away. Honestly. I don't want to die so fast."

"It seems that you made up your mind to keep this Abramović," Khodorkovsky sighed as he climbed up from the sand with helplessness written on his face, "That's good. Well, I reserve my opinion, and at the same time obey your arrangements."

"It's not a delegation meeting, what kind of opinion do you keep?" Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile.

"Tell me, come on, what are you going to do," Khodorkovsky was obviously still dissatisfied with the decision. He was not in the mood to joke and said directly.

"What am I going to do? Why don't you plan to do it?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Me?" Khodorkovsky froze for a moment, then curled his lips and said, "If I came forward to do it, it would be simple, wouldn't it be a Moscow Prosecutor's Office? Find a few people to smash it and take that Abramo Vicky grabbed it and killed Balvi by the way, in fact, you don't know, I have long disliked him, just in time, take advantage of this opportunity to solve it together."

"Good way," Guo Shouyun said helplessly, holding his forehead in his hand, "You can also get rid of Berezovsky and the others by the way, and then the peace and prosperity will appear."

"It can be considered," shrugging his shoulders, Khodorkovsky said in a relaxed tone, "but in terms of specific operations, it may be more difficult."

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun knew that this kid was making trouble. He didn't want to take care of Abramović's affairs at all. "I'll do it myself."

"Then what's your plan?" Khodorkovsky asked. He didn't want Guo Shouyun to make too much action, because under the current circumstances, too much action might attract certain forces in Moscow. Fang's rebound is not good for the alliance of the Big Three.

"Don't worry, I'm a smart person, and Moscow is also a smart person." Standing up from the sand, Guo Shouyun walked straight to the telephone on the left, and answered the phone while saying, "Balvi I have been sitting in the position of the Attorney General of Moscow for a long time. I believe that there is always something unclean on him. Find someone to shake his bottom out and overturn his chair. The person who started Movich should know what's going on. The situation in Moscow is complicated now. We don't want to get too deep there, and others don't necessarily want us to get stuck in. In this case, we are overturned. Balvi, I believe this is over."

"Well, this plan is also feasible," Khodorkovsky nodded and agreed.

"Hey, I'm Guo Shouyun," the call was connected, Guo Shouyun held the receiver in his hand, and said in a solemn tone, "Notify Polaninov for me and ask him to come to the president's reception room immediately."

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