Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 592: not in his place

Dongting has nothing to do when she returns to the Far East this time. Apart from being the last meeting between the three siblings before the new year, her only purpose is obviously to play, and to be able to carry out the word "play" to the end, She also put a lot of thought into it. . qв5. From Khabarovsk to Vladivostok to South Sakhalin, wherever she can go, wherever there is fun, she will go for a turn. The funniest thing is that after turning around, she seems to be unwilling to give up, and has turned around the bars, dance halls, and casinos in Khabarovsk, and in order to allow her to do it, at the same time, To avoid letting her come into contact with things that are too decadent, Guo Shouyun also specifically greeted Shanariva and asked her to temporarily stop all **** business in Khabarovsk. As a result, for two weeks, Khabarovsk has become a heaven and earth that is free from pornography, gambling, and drugs, and with this, is the income of the Khabarovsk branch of the gang. sharply decreased.

But having said that, in two weeks, Guo Shouyun will not take a deficit of one hundred thousand rubles into his eyes. According to the current exchange rate of USD to ruble, 1:475, what is one hundred thousand rubles? It was just drizzle.

Similarly, in the past two weeks, the two arms ships bound for South Africa were finally seized by the Americans before they reached their destination.

In his spacious and clean office, Guo Shouyun looked at the two middle-aged men sitting on the sand opposite him, with an intriguing irony on their white and plain faces.

These two people are military attachés of the Canadian Consulate in Khabarovsk, and they came to the Guo Group today. There is only one, and that is to show Guo Shouyun the attitude of Canada on the issue of the two arms ships. The two military attachés, one named Williams and the other named Norman, according to them, the Canadian government is extremely dissatisfied with the Guo Group's intervention in South Africa's affairs, because it will directly damage Canada's overseas interests.

actually. For a question like this, Guo Shouyun didn't have to wait for the other party to raise it, and he could keep a close eye on it. This time, the arms buyer of the Guo Group. For the Ugandan army in the midst of the civil war, and for the country of Uganda, it has nothing to be coveted by foreign forces. It needs resources and no resources, and it needs political bases without political bases. Hundreds of thousands of black people are entangled together. "If it weren't for its special geographical location, who would care about their lives or lives.

And this time, the reason why Guo Shouyun let his two freighters move away from each other, abandoning the Somaliland 6, and instead docking from the farther South Africa, the fundamental purpose is to touch the interests of the Canadians. You know, in this era, China's influence has not spread in the politics of the African continent, Beijing's investment in Africa. Basically, they are purely aid-oriented, and there is no consideration of competing interests. In contrast, the situation in Canada is completely different. As far as Guo Shouyun knows, the South African metal processing company controlled by Canada has always monopolized most of the foreign trade in South Africa and Central Africa. What **** ammunition, conventional artillery. They sell everything and lose everything, but when they turn around, they use the proceeds of arms sold to support a civil war to invest in mining and resource development in war-torn countries, thereby making huge profits.

Of course, Canada is not the only country that is currently pushing for civil war in Africa. Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, etc., a lot of countries are fighting civil wars. And behind every war. There are also arms aid from certain countries, at the same time. There is also mining investment and trade that is advancing along with the battlefield. Now, Canada's Barrick Gold Company and Heritage Oil Company are both circling around the Congo. They want to compete for the mining rights and oil development rights in Congo. It is precisely because of their intervention that the domestic situation in Congo continues to deteriorate and ethnic conflicts Tend to be sharp, a large-scale civil war is brewing.

What Guo Shouyun has to do now is to stretch out a hand in this war-torn land, stir up a turbid current, and then see if he can seek more benefits. If the Americans don't plan to let him stretch his hands in this area, then it doesn't matter, just retract his hands. On the contrary, if he can pass the American level, then he has nothing to fear. Nothing to be ashamed of. Recalling the "King of War" I watched in my previous life, Guo Shouyun still doesn't know whether the Olof played by Nicolas Cage really exists. What he does know is that the great warlord Andre is the real thing Yes, the Liberian dictator named Charles Taylor had previously ordered two helicopters from the Guo Group. As long as this test passes, Guo Shouyun will immediately deliver the goods to him.

The talks with the two Canadian diplomatic attachés lasted for nearly two hours. Guo Shouyun understood that the so-called Canadian government's opinion was just a hope that he would not intervene in the civil war in Uganda, because it is close to the northeastern part of the Congo. Any degree of nonsense may directly damage the interests of Canadian Heritage Oil.

Guo Shouyun did not intend to pay any attention to the opinions put forward by the two officials. He made an exhaustive list. The data showed that, in the past four months, Canadian arms dealers have successively sent to Uganda. The two sides in the civil war provided arms worth $600 million in exchange for the safety of Heritage Oil's oil extraction industry in northeastern Congo. As an international arms provider, the Far East also has the right to sell conventional arms to the outside world. Then, since Canadians can sell a large amount of arms to both sides of the civil war in Uganda, why can't Guo's? Is Guo's "international second-class citizen"?

Facing Guo Shouyun's tough attitude. The two Canadian diplomatic attachés didn't seem to be able to do anything. Because they know it too. At present, Guo is regarded very seriously by Washington. They land arms transporters. across the Indian Ocean. in Somali waters off the east coast of Africa. Twice encountered by the Americans to blockade ships. But in the end, he continued to drive towards his destination. This shows what? no doubt. This shows Washington's actions towards Guo. adopted a tacit attitude. They don't intend to meddle in this.

Facing this circumstances. There are people in Canada who advocate a harsher approach to Guo. Use the government's influence in South Africa. Deduct the goods of the Guo Group. Even detain their employees. Expose what they have done. Of course. If such a suggestion can be passed. The relationship between Canada and the Far East. A confrontation will arise. therefore. Some dissenting voices. It also appeared in Canadian politics. Dozens of lawmakers have strongly resisted the Canadian government's proposal. they think. Extreme measures will not only harm the Guo Group. In particular, "Guo Xiaomei" has made direct investment of US$3 billion in Canada. at the same time. It will also affect U.S.-Canada relations. so. They advocate the use of a consultative approach to solve this problem.

If only from this point of view. Guo Dongting spends a lot of money in Canada. How much still has some effect. At least in the eyes of the politicians who have taken advantage. The Kwok Group is a friend, not an enemy. so. at some critical times. They are about to speak. objection. Thus forcing the government to consider their interests more. The attitude of one party is uncertain. One side is firm. It is obviously impossible to reach a consensus in such negotiations. therefore. After two hours of negotiation. Guo Shouyun also failed to reach any consensus with the two Canadian military attachés. but. When this negotiation is coming to an end. He still came up with a compromise. That is, the Guo Group can give up its plan to expand its influence in the Congo. But in exchange. The Canadian government should give up the arms market in the mainland, including Uganda and Congo. So that the Far East and Canada can achieve a kind of "equalization" of interests. Win-win cooperation.

It can be seen from this. At present, Guo Shouyun is focusing on the main interests of the African region. Or simply rely on the development of the arms trade. He wants to expand the arms market in the Far East. Open up the sales link for the powerful military enterprises here. Find a buyer. So as to seek profit. Expand production scale. Further ease the employment pressure in the Far East.

The best way to resolve domestic conflicts. It's not how superior policies are introduced. Rather, it transfers this contradiction to the outside world. in other words. That is to harm others to protect themselves. From ancient times to the present. Since the emergence of a country. There has never been a change in this way. therefore. Guo Shouyun is naturally unavoidable.

Don't measure people like Guo Shouyun with any secular morality. After all, his interests are already connected with tens of millions of people in the Far East. He has to consider his own survival. It is necessary to ensure that these tens of millions of people can live comfortably. As for other places. For example, what **** diamonds, African war violence and the like. He had neither the leisure nor the energy to think about it. The ancients said it well. Not in his place and not in his own affairs. Now Guo Shouyun is in power in the Far East. So he has to consider the Far East issue. As for the suffering of the Africans, he must put it aside. If one day he becomes the chairman of the African Union. I believe he will also turn his head to consider the issue of the African Civil War.

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