Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 591: Steve

?As Dongting said, with the existing scale of the Guo Group's industry, the problem of money has become trivial. If you change a yacht, I am afraid it will not be able to empty Guo's old bottom in a hundred years. But then again, if she really enters the Guo family's leadership and holds the power of Guo's party, as long as there is an occasional mistake, it is likely to bring about a disaster. Although Dongting loves vanity and lacks restraint in personal expenses, but she can see these problems, which proves that she has matured. At least, Guo Shouyun, the big brother, no longer has to worry about her.

After all, it takes money to earn it back, and in the Guo Group, the Guo brothers, including Rilke, belong to the entrepreneurial generation, and for such people, life is relatively difficult. Simplicity is innate. Like Shoucheng, his only hobby is fiddling with arms and weapons. Besides, he has no interest in food, clothing, housing, and wine, but what about Guo Shouyun? If he had any hobbies, it would probably be the word "sex", but in today's Far East, how much does it cost to find a woman? Guo Dongting's expenses for a month may be enough for him to replace all the women in the secretariat. Under this circumstance, a very delicate distribution of family interests is formed - two brothers are in power, a younger sister spends money, everyone does not interfere with each other, and is harmonious.

There is no doubt that when Dongting came back this time, Guo Shouyun spent a lot of money, jeeps and luxury yachts, both inside and out, costing tens of millions of dollars, but then again, there are only three words: he is happy. As long as the relationship between the three brothers and sisters can be guaranteed, and at the same time, there will be no problems in the development of the Guo Group, let alone tens of millions, how about hundreds of millions? Can't Mr. Guo afford it? That is obviously impossible.

Settled a worry that had been stagnating in my heart for a long time. Guo Shouyun seemed to be in a good mood. After dinner, he made an exception and added a glass of red wine, and then. After chatting with a few young people for a while, it was not until nearly nine o'clock that he found a lame excuse and invited the handsome and handsome Steve to his study - what is this young man's origin, Guo Shouyun I know it clearly, for the sake of my sister's future happiness. He thought it was necessary to give this guy a shot.

"Steve, right?" The moment he entered the study, Guo Shouyun had a smile on his face for a whole day, and he disappeared in an instant. He motioned the young man to lock the door, walked to the desk and sat down on his own, with both hands He hugged his chest and said, "Find a place to sit by yourself. You can do what you want to drink. With me, you're welcome."

"Yes," Surprisingly, Steve was very careful in his attitude. He was more than a head taller than Guo Shouyun, but in his attitude, he seemed humble and humble.

"You don't need to be so afraid of me. Although I am not picky about food, I have no interest in eating people." He pointed to the sand opposite the desk, Guo Shouyun signaled that the young man could sit there, "What's more, I I'm pretty good friends with Miss Joni, and I'll save some face to her people. The only thing I'm curious about now is... well, why are you so short In time, she was trusted by Dongting. As far as I know, she is not an easy girl to get along with."

"Mr. Guo. I don't have any bad thoughts about Lingmei," Steve obediently sat down in front of the sand and said with a cramped expression, "Actually, at the beginning, we had a lot of work on Lingmei. Similar research, from her temperament, hobbies, to work and rest patterns, words and deeds, have all been analyzed in detail. In order to try to impress her in the shortest time, we even specially used 24 psychologists to do it. A systematic study..."

"Hehe, you are very willing to pay for your money," Guo Shouyun just took a cigarette into his mouth, and couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "In order to pursue a little girl, spending so much investment, I think, something like this Only you Americans can do the so-called romantic nonsense.”

"Mr. Guo, please don't have any bad thoughts," Steve explained, "Although our motives were impure at the beginning, after getting along for a while, you may not believe it. Getting along, I really fell in love with Lingmei. In my opinion, she certainly has some small shortcomings, but in contrast, those advantages are also obvious, especially the kind of firmness on the outside and softness on the inside. Fascinating, ah, no, it should be mesmerizing."

"Don't pour me all these delusional soups," Guo Shouyun said dismissively, pouting his lips, "I know better than anyone how much the kind of love you talk about is worth. *****I think, Joan Maybe Ni didn't make it clear to you, I'm not stupid. Tell you, during dinner just now, I can guess what thoughts went through your mind. What's the matter? Dongting refused to enter the leadership of the Guo family. Does this make you very disappointed?"

Tiff was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and sighed, "It seems that what the eldest sister said is true at all. If you want to not be seen by Mr., the best way is to not think about anything."

"Second fan soup," Guo Shouyun said shaking his head, breathing out a mouthful of light blue smoke.

"Even if it is," shook his head with a wry smile, and Steve shrugged, "However, whether Mr. believes it or not, I still have to say that I am sincere to Miss Dongting, and I believe that by my side, she No matter how the cooperation between the Guo Group and the Harrison family develops in the future, I will treat her consistently and not let her suffer any harm, for which I can swear in the name of God.”

With an indifferent smile, Guo Shouyun said: "You don't have to swear in front of me, let alone confess your feelings to me. I once said at the beginning that I would not interfere with Dongting's relationship and marriage, who she likes and who she doesn't like. I don't care who you plan to marry or who you don't plan to marry, so I don't care whether your feelings for her are real or fake. But there is one thing I want to tell you in advance, Political marriage also has the bottom line of political marriage. No matter how your relationship develops in the future, if you dare to **** her, hurt her, and make her suffer a little bit of grievance, you have to be careful with me. I have a dirty hand. So, don't be afraid of getting a little more fishy. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand," Steve moved his ** in front of the sand and nodded.

"Well, that's fine." Lying on his back in the chair, Guo Shouyun turned his body leisurely and smiled, "Actually, in terms of appearance, especially in terms of how you treat people, you are much better than Liu Ran, but say To be honest, I don't like you, because you think too much in your heart, and your abacus is too loud. Under normal circumstances, I would never want to see someone like you, at least, I don't want you to appear in our Guo at the door of the house."

"But in my opinion, I'm better than Liu Ran in more than those two points," Steve hesitated and said with courage, "I've been in contact with him, so I also know that he can't give Dong Miss Ting brings happiness. He is too cowardly, and at the same time, he puts too much emphasis on false names. In his concept, the most important thing is the parents' country, and then Miss Dongting. I even doubt that if one day in the future , when Guo Shi and Beijing really had an irreparable conflict, how would Liu Ran handle the relationship between him and Miss Dongting at that time. I can even make an assertion that if that day really appeared, Liu Ran would Ran will definitely give up Miss Dongting without hesitation, thus completing his ultimate pursuit of a false name. In this case, Mr. Guo, do you think he can still bring happiness to Lingmei? "

"Hmm, I can't tell, your eloquence is very good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "I admit, I have also considered the issues you mentioned, and it is precisely because of this that I did not reject your proposals. A marriage plan. But from another angle, can you, a person from the Harrison family, bring happiness to my precious sister? Liu Ran has a cowardly personality. In this case, if you hurt Dongting in order to achieve a false reputation, what about you? What would you do? Wouldn't you hurt her for the benefit of the family? Haha, I don't think that's possible, right?"

"Why is it impossible?" Steve smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Guo can send someone to investigate. A month ago, I submitted the last report to the family, that is, to my eldest sister, and since then , as long as I can win the heart of Miss Dongting, I will retire from all family affairs and accompany her to live in Canada for the rest of my life. From now on, I have nothing to do with the Harrison family, and I don't have to do anything for their benefit What kind of sacrifice, let alone hurt Dongting's feelings." "Oh?" Guo Shouyun was stunned, he looked at the young man in front of him and speculated for a while, hoping to see through his mind, and finally, he came to a conclusion—— This kid is also a real fool.

"Fool?" Indeed, in Guo Shouyun's eyes, those men who can sacrifice their careers for the so-called love are all fools, the most pitiful and unpromising fools.

"Okay, I believe you for the time being," Guo Shouyun finally sighed and said after a long silence, "Go ahead, use your skills to win Dongting's favor, the decision-making power on this matter belongs to her in the final analysis. of."

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