Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 585: Moisturize

?The light in the small lounge is dim, the delicate and soft women's softness, and the repressed groaning and panting are blood-sucking. Guo Shouyun now realizes that in such an environment, his mind seems to be more sober, and his stamina in certain aspects is also stronger. gratifying.

After more than ten minutes of indulgent galloping, he ignored the pleading of the woman under him, sent all the enthusiasm into her body, and kneaded **** her chest that all men coveted, Guo Shouyun felt a little bit. He got up panting, pulled a nightgown over his body, and pressed the pager on the head of the bed.

"According to your original request, I have asked someone to make the best arrangement for your brother." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Guo Shouyun lit a cigarette for himself and motioned the woman to get up to clean up the aftermath for him. Said, "I believe that by February, he will get the job he wants as he wishes."

"Thank you... sir," the once staunch woman stammered while crawling at the man's feet.

"You don't need to thank me, you deserve it." Pushing away the woman's wet little head, Guo Shouyun Shi Shiran stood up and walked towards the small bathroom, "As for your request, um, if you want. , you can leave tomorrow, whether it is Australia or Japan, I can arrange it for you. ***** In addition, there is a check on the table, which is also for you, you can take it."

"Well," the woman lowered her head and answered in a low voice. "I don't want too many people to know about the matter between us," said the door to the bathroom. Guo Shouyun threw his pajamas on the ground, and simply rushed into the large bathtub that was disproportionate to the bathroom space, "I am a person who talks well most of the time, and is happy to consider other people's difficulties. But there are One point, that is, don't make me angry, otherwise, you will know that talking more can be a pain more often. Got it?"

"Got it," the woman curled up beside the bed. It looked pitiful. More than ten days ago, she still had her own love dream, and she was full of expectations and hoped that a certain Prince Charming would appear, and while taking away her most precious collection, she also left herself with a lifetime of happiness. But ten days later. The dream shattered like a soap bubble, she realized. For a woman like her who is too outstanding in appearance, love has become an extravagant hope. There are too many people who covet her body, and these people have countless ways to achieve their goals. \

"Dong dong!"

Just when Guo Shouyun had just finished rushing and had not had time to put on his nightgown, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Go, I've arranged a car for you, and they'll take you back to school," the cigarette in his hand was wet. Guo Shouyun took two sips, but after all, he was unable to **** out the slightest spark.

"Well," the woman got up from the carpet, packed her clothes, hugged her head in her arms, and then staggered towards the door.

Guo Shouyun stood by the bathroom door, staring blankly at her, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh, sorry." Just as he was about to reach the door. The woman who was putting her bra on her chest seemed to think of something, and she stumbled. I apologized to the man first, then walked back quickly, took the check from the table, and stumbled out the door.

"Humph, woman," Guo Shouyun shook his head as he tied the pyjamas around his waist, walked to the window on his own, lit a cigarette for himself again, pulled open the curtains, and looked at it with a confused look. To the snowy window. *****

The heavy snow continued to fall all night long. This was the second snow in Khabarovsk since the winter this year. Feather-like snowflakes fell one after another, covering everything between heaven and earth. Looking out from Guo Shouyun's position, the entire Khabarovsk city is white, and everywhere is so pure and spotless. But Guo Shouyun knows that in this pure and spotless area, there are actually too many hideous things hidden. Under the **** of the earth, people always like to do some dirty deeds while pretending to be pure, and then snicker. Hide in a corner and tap your unjust gains.

After going through all kinds of things in the past, Guo Shouyun, who is now powerful and wealthy, has completely become a contradiction. . On the other hand, he is even more disregarding people as people. Take a Koichina as an example. This woman is very beautiful. He liked her and wanted to taste her, so he did it. Unlike those criminals, he would not use violence. He had some ways to do it. Let the other party take off his clothes and lie down on his bed quietly.

What is "power"? This is called power. Don’t use moral benchmarks and human nature to preach, because power always overrides these factors. People with morality and humanity will never be able to accumulate wealth and power in the process of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and those who accumulate wealth and power in this process have no so-called morality and humanity. All he has is and needs.

The flying snowflakes followed the wind and fell on the glass window in front of Guo Shouyun, and soon, they twisted into a puddle of water and slid down the misty window glass, thus dripping a stream in front of the Far Eastern giant. Road tears.

Just last night, Chita, the poorest state in the federal economy, was in crisis again. The arrival of the severe winter caused a large-scale migration of people in this state. A train from Yekaterinburg to Vladivo On Stoke's train, nearly 2,000 people came to the Far East to seek a way out. However, these people were destined to not reach their destination. Ivanov's independent division dispatched troops to intercept the train. Immediately, a special train was arranged to send these people back to Yekaterinburg.

The Far East needs to be supplemented by foreign population, but it is definitely not in the **** winter. No state in the Far East has so much energy to take care of these refugees. Therefore, the only way is to send them back to where they came from. They are going to die. also had to die outside the Far East.

In this way, when the military materials from Yakutia and Amur were submitted this morning, what Guo Shouyun saw was a series of small-scale military-civilian conflicts, four blocked areas, four small-scale conflicts, four The casualties and all of these have demonstrated Guo Shouyun's strong determination to ensure the local interests of the Far East.

Perhaps because of her improved status, Nina's perspective is not so simple now. Guo Shouyun's decision did not attract her resistance. This woman also knows that if thousands of refugees are in this season If these people enter Khabarovsk, what kind of consequences will it bring to this region? If these people enter Khabarovsk, there will be violent clashes between the people in the urban area early in the morning in those few days. . Far Easterners are becoming more and more selfish now. In their eyes, these foreigners are "flies", and each of them may defile and occupy their own share of food.

A few years ago, the Far East Government Work Conference had just ended, and the Guo Group had not officially started to raise the prices of agricultural and sideline products such as grains, so the prices of such commodities in all parts of the Far East began to rise. This phenomenon has directly brought about two consequences. First, there are more people applying for arable land in various places, and they have all seen the potential business opportunities. Second, as Guo Shouyun guessed, there is dissatisfaction among the people in the Far East, but ordinary people do not understand the real reason behind the price increase. Therefore, they intuitively attribute the reason to the large number of people since the beginning of the winter. Immigrants entering the Far East. In the past few days, a series of violent incidents have occurred in several major cities in the Far East. The targets of violence, without exception, are the so-called "foreigners" who have just entered the Far East and have not yet found a place to stand.

"Stupid!" In response to this phenomenon, Nina gave such an evaluation, while her husband, Mr. Guo Shouyun, gave another evaluation - "human nature" while smiling.

Of course, there is another reason why Nina did not raise any objection to Guo Shouyun's interception of "immigrants", that is, Guo's group had provided the Chita state government with a total of up to two weeks ago. The 400 million rubles "Emergency Relief Fund for Winter", from the woman's point of view, it is very humane for her husband to do so, after all, Far East itself does not have to undertake this kind of obligation. For a husband who has always been unscrupulous in pursuit of money, it is unprecedented that he can take such measures.

But what Nina didn't know was that the 400 million rubles was not really the so-called "winter emergency rescue fund". Fundamentally, it should be considered a cover-up fee, which was exchanged for the Guo Group. , is tons of gold worth tens of billions of dollars. According to the current international exchange rate, one US dollar can be exchanged for five hundred rubles, which means that the Guo Group spent less than one million US dollars and swept away tens of billions of dollars in assets from Chita. Whoever wins this business earns it, and it is estimated that a two-year-old child can see it.

What Nina didn't even know was that the Chita state government did not put all the 400 million rubles into the state's winter heating project. On the contrary, the funds they actually allocated to this work were actually It was less than eighty million rubles, and it is hard to say where the rest went. But Guo Shouyun knew that right now, several key officials of Chita Prefecture were enjoying a fragrant and comfortable hot spring bath in Sakhalin.

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