Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 584: Rich first, then rich

?The schedule of the joint military exercise, after the final assembly period on the 21st, entered the second stage of the formal exercise stage. As the No. 1 strongman in the Far East, Guo Shouyun is not very interested in such things. , He only participated in the observation for one day, and then quietly went home. . qβ5. Unlike him, Shoucheng, who came from Baba, refused to leave. In order to seize this rare opportunity, he even dragged his eldest brother to see Major General Klemin, the US military commander. Desperately, I ran to the Kitty Hawk to observe it.

Apparently, the Pentagon had made a detailed investigation of the internal leadership of the Guo family before, and they had a very detailed grasp of Shoucheng’s preferences. Therefore, Rear Admiral Klemin did not give much consideration to his request to visit the Kitty Hawk. He agreed immediately. Not only that, when Shoucheng left, the U.S. military also specially gave him two gifts: a model of the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier, which is more than one meter long and made of titanium, and two m4 carbines with calipers.

Although Shoucheng is one of the leaders of the Guo Group, his mind never considers overly complicated issues, so the two gifts only satisfied him. .

The big brother Guo Shouyun has to think about the issue of Shoucheng not thinking about it. He knows that this kind of low-profile friendship between the Americans is not as simple as it seems. Can two m’s take down the Far East? Obviously, that's not possible, but through this kind of small favor and small favor, it can often play a better role.

In the second stage of the acting, although Guo Shouyun did not stay there to observe, he also had a partial understanding of the whole process. According to the information provided by Vladivostok, the US military was on the 22nd to the 24th. In the exercise, the blood was invested. In order to accurately determine the attack capabilities of the Russian military's aviation, ships and submarines, they even towed an oil tanker to serve as a live ammunition target.

Guo Shouyun is too lazy to pay attention to these little furry things. After all, this kind of measurement is a two-way street. The US military can take this opportunity to assess the combat power of the Far East Pacific Fleet, and it can also be used later, the only difference between the two. It is just that the Far East has no ambitions for the United States, and the United States is a little difficult to say.

As the first large-scale military contact between the Far East and the United States, the US-Yuan military exercise from the 19th to the 26th went smoothly. objectives of the military exercise.” The bizarre thing is that with the official end of the military exercise, the original voices of resistance in all aspects disappeared almost overnight. In the last few days of December, Moscow's major newspapers did not have any news except for the New Year's report, as if this controversial military exercise had never been reported. Not done in general.

For some things, if there is speculation in the newspaper, the parties concerned will be worried, on the contrary, if there is no speculation. The parties will be more concerned. Just like Guo Shouyun, the kind of pressure he felt was even stronger when the criticism from both at home and abroad for the Far East military exercise disappeared overnight - on this matter. Beijing is no longer noisy, and Moscow is no longer noisy. Does that mean that Beijing and Moscow have reached some kind of agreement that no one knows about? Undoubtedly, this suspicion is not without foundation.

The passing of December means the arrival of the Spring Festival, and at the last moment of the alternation of the new and old years, Khabarovsk ushered in the first snow of this winter. The snow fell heavily and flew silently all night. In Guo Shouyun's view, this snow came very timely. Its appearance means that the Far East will not face droughts from autumn to early winter. Troubled, the land contract farmers who have just planted land in various parts of the Far East can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as the military exercises in the Sea of ​​Japan were still in progress, Guo Shouyun convened government officials from the Far Eastern states to hold the last government work meeting at the end of 1992. According to agricultural work reports from Primorye, Amur, Khabarovsk Oblasts and Territories. The agricultural development work in the three regions has already achieved preliminary results. In the southern part of the three places, there are nearly 7,600 hectares. That is, 76 square kilometers of land has been exploited. Although this number is still a "small character" compared with the existing number of wasteland and wasteland in the Far East, it means a good start after all. This means that after next year's harvest season, parts of the Far East can be self-sufficient in agricultural products.

At the same time when the agricultural work report was submitted, the agricultural officials in the three places also made an unsatisfactory economic forecast. They believed that since the farmers in the three places were still in the early stage of land reclamation this year, despite the The Guo Group has given them a lot of financial support for the project, but these farmers still invest a lot in all aspects. In addition, in the past exhibition process, Guo's Group has always adopted the method of large-scale smuggling of scarce agricultural and sideline products to fill the demand gap of related aspects in the Far East. Therefore, the prices of some agricultural products in the Far East are quite low. The combination of these two forms a situation that is quite unfavorable to the Far East Agricultural Exhibition: the production input of farmers in the Far East is too large and the profit is too small, and some crops can even be described as making ends meet.

no doubt. If this problem is not well solved. Then the Far East Agricultural Land Exhibition will become an empty talk. next year after the harvest season. The Far East has just seen a revival in its agricultural economy. There will be a direct recession in all aspects.

This series of questions was raised by the agricultural officials of the three Far Eastern states. Guo Shouyun thoroughly felt the complexity and contradiction of macroeconomic issues. It is clear. At present, the Guo Group is going to do it. It is to do everything possible to stabilize the situation in the Far East. Bringing an increasingly prosperous life to tens of millions of people in the Far East. thus deserve their support. But this agricultural problem is raised. Immediately, a contradiction was created in this work: the conflict of interests between the bourgeoisie and the agricultural stratum.

Everyone knows. The bourgeoisie lived on wages. To some extent. Whether the agricultural harvest is good or bad. Their wages are fixed. under these circumstances. They naturally hope that the lower the price of agricultural products on the market, the better. Only then. They can spend less on "eat".

in turn. Let's look at the agricultural land. They are put into agricultural production to consume. To a certain extent, it is also fixed. therefore. They naturally hope that the higher the price of crop products, the better. Because only that. They can get higher returns.

Faced with such two irreconcilable contradictions. As the highest decision-making in the Far East. What choice should Guo Shouyun make? Obviously. If it is for long-term interests. He must ensure that the Far East agriculture has a relatively broad space for development. But this way. He had to sacrifice the interests of the Far East citizens. and to a certain extent. Intensify internal conflicts in the Far East society. Most importantly. when making decisions like this. He must also sacrifice some of the interests of the Guo Group. To know. for a long time in the past. The Guo Group has made a lot of money in the business of openly smuggling agricultural and sideline products. without it. The Guo family will lose a fortune.

on this question of conflicting interests. Guo Shouyun hesitated for two days. He had hoped he could come up with a two-pronged solution. In order to keep the agricultural exhibition area at the same time. Safeguard the interests of the citizens. But the think tank panel eventually told him explicitly. This paradoxical problem cannot be solved at all. "Fish" and "bear's paw" cannot have both.

At the end of the year, the government work meeting of the Far East states lasted for five days. In the end, Guo Shouyun made a final decision. Starting from three months before the harvest season next year, Guo's Import and Export Trading Company will completely abandon the smuggling of agricultural and sideline products. At the same time, Yuan Commercial Bank will come forward , regulating the prices of agricultural and sideline products throughout the Far East. Furthermore, in order to prevent the increase in the price of crops in the Far East from forming a "water absorption effect" within the Federation, Guo Shouyun also asked all departments to take specific and strict measures to prevent the federal regions outside the Far East from shipping such commodities into the country.

Guo Shouyun's inner contradiction seems to have become more acute with the disclosure of the contradiction between the agricultural class and the citizen class in the Far East. This is how he realized step by step that the independent development of the Far East region's economy has played a role in the emergence of the region's independent tendency. What a crucial role.

He believes that for a country, the economy is not only the foundation of the superstructure, but also the most necessary guarantee for the country to maintain its survival: the unbalanced development of the regional economy may bring some degree of The country tends to split; the unbalanced economic development of the people, that is, the degree of polarization between the rich and the poor, will lead to social fragmentation and the breeding of turmoil; and the unbalanced economic development between countries means that the international situation will change. Unrest, even the threat of war.

The economy is the benefit, and the benefit is the "original sin". Guo Shouyun, as the first person to benefit from the "original sin", felt that it was time for him to "feed back", or to say, those who were the first to become rich, after the real drive. Time to be rich. But a very crucial question is, on the ground in the Far East, how many people who got rich first are willing to give up the opportunity to seek greater interests and save more resources, and turn around and pay attention to those who used to be the same as them "poor people" "Woolen cloth?

"If you don't really get to this position, maybe an ordinary person will never be able to understand the helplessness of Stalin's decision to eliminate the rich peasants, because for a person, the amount of wealth he has is inversely proportional to the conscience he has. Therefore, in the last period when 1992 will pass away and 1993 will come, I have found the main direction of my work in the new year. "On the last night of the new year, Guo Shouyun wrote down such a paragraph in his notebook.

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