Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 566: dog or wolf

? Victor's doubts are not without reason. The federal central political system is sound. From the central bank to various administrative ministries, to the congress, the White House, and the Kremlin, each of these departments has a clear division of power, and the distribution of functions is in place. It can be said that there is nothing in the Far East. Except for a large number of state-level corrupt officials centered on the "political and economic organization" of the Guo Group, their government functions are incomplete. , and even many basic government units are in a state of powerlessness or even stagnation.

In detail, the Far East does not have a central bank responsible for macroeconomic regulation and control. This part of the function has been completely replaced by Yuan Commercial Bank. As a commercial bank, Yuan Commercial Bank is far from being able to undertake the central bank's ability to control the overall economy. There is also no foreign macro investment department in Far East. Although Guo Shouyun is now reorganizing this type of institution, its main functions are still performed by Far East Commercial Bank. Others, such as heavy industry, light industry, agriculture, etc., do not exist in the Far East. The major decisions in these areas are made by the Guo Group, and the local decisions are made by the state government departments. . Under such circumstances, the Far East can recover its economy in two years, but the Federal Central Committee needs at least eight years. Where is the difference?

Victor couldn't understand this question, so he even gave up his long-standing coveted attention to the Far East. When dealing with Guo Shouyun, this shrewd old fox was confused. For him, on the other hand, the country of the Russian Federation On the other hand, there are the interests of the tens of millions of people in the Far East. If the "little fox" is not taken advantage of now, there may be problems in the Far East in the future, which will damage the national interests of the Federation. And if you take action now and use all feasible methods to get rid of him, then there is no doubt that the economic construction achievements of the Far East in the past two years will be destroyed, because after getting rid of the little fox. No matter who Moscow sends to the Far East, and no matter who stands up in the Far East to continue to play the role of Guo Shouyun. The Far East's economy cannot continue to develop.

The most important thing is that the development of the Far East economy has been directly linked to the independence tendency of the Far East. In the absence of an overall recovery of the federal economy, the more the Far East economy develops, the more serious the independence tendency will be. , the economy of the Far East must be brought down. Bring it back to the federation as a whole. At this point, just taking away one Guo Shouyun is ineffective, and directly destroying the economic development trend of the Far East is equivalent to directly destroying the lives of tens of millions of Far Easterners. On this issue, even if Victor is more ambitious Bo Bo, regardless of personal honor or disgrace, he would not dare to make a similar decision, let alone him, even the current Kremlin leadership. Nor dare to make such a decision, because it bears a historic responsibility.

But then again, Victor couldn't figure out a question even if he tried to break his head. Guo Shouyun saw it very clearly. In his personal notes, there was a very long discussion on this issue. Why can't economic construction achieve success in the federal central government with a complete bureaucratic system, but in the Far East, an emerging place where there are many loopholes in the bureaucratic system? Can the work of economic construction achieve results in a short period of time? Guo Shouyun summed up the emergence of this problem as a "greed", and in detail, it is a "top-down greed" and "bottom-up greed", there is a big difference between the two.

In Guo Shouyun's concept of economic and political governance, the bureaucratic system with the state as a unit has three major system structures: upper, middle, and grassroots, and these three systems are closely integrated. It constitutes the state bureaucracy of the completed land. in the federal context. With the ladder of the former Soviet Union, within the federal bureaucracy. What has really changed is the upper-level power system, while the middle-level, especially the grass-roots bureaucracy, has not changed at all. It also had to rely on the support of the middle-level, especially the grass-roots bureaucracy. Under this circumstance, the power of the bureaucracy at the middle and basic levels is infinitely enlarged. At the same time, the phenomenon of corruption has also begun to spread in these two systems, even reaching a rampant level.

Conversely, looking at the Far East, due to the emergence and rise of the Guo Group, there is no so-called middle-level bureaucratic group in the entire Far East and more than a dozen states. There are only two levels here. The upper-level bureaucratic group represented by parliamentarians, and the lower-level bureaucratic group represented by the main officials of various cities and towns. At the same time, due to the strong presence of the Guo clan, government officials at the Far Eastern state are often "elected" through so-called elections manipulated by the Guo clan. out of control.

Due to the essential difference between the bureaucratic systems in the Far East and Moscow, when the grassroots bureaucratic groups are flooded, there will be two situations in the Far East and Moscow: the former can or may not arrest the grassroots bureaucratic groups. The decision is entirely in the hands of the upper bureaucracy. Then, since power comes from the support of the middle and lower bureaucratic groups, every decision in Moscow must be carefully and balanced to avoid impacting the interests of the middle and lower bureaucratic groups.

"Ye Wang is good to see, little devils are difficult to deal with."

According to Guo Shouyun's opinion, in a country's power system, the deadliest and most serious problems are definitely within the grassroots bureaucratic group. The quantitative base far exceeds that of the upper-level bureaucracy. For example, in more than a dozen states in the Far East, state-level governors and state legislators all add up to more than 100 people. Of course, these people are all corrupt, but if they are tied together, each of them embezzles an amount of money every year. Ten million is nothing more than hundreds of millions of funds. This "black money" cannot break a country, and even the Guo Group can't shake it. On the other hand, at the state level, city mayors, city councilors, town-level officials, and bureaucrats from various departments are tied together, that is, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of government officials. If a mere one million is corrupted every year, how much "black gold" will be born? Second, compared with the upper-level bureaucratic group, the grass-roots bureaucracy is actually the direct implementation of policies, and they are closely related to the tens of millions of people in the Far East. If this grass-roots bureaucratic group forms a unified system and begins to resemble other federal Like regions, with their own backbone, every decree implemented by the upper-level bureaucrats will attract the most direct resistance whenever their interests are involved. Government decrees are blocked, governance is not smooth, and favorable policies issued by the central government will immediately become actual “pros and cons” policies after direct manipulation by grass-roots bureaucrats. Under such circumstances, what kind of economic problems can still be handled well? Third, the grass-roots bureaucrats are different from the upper-level bureaucratic groups. After corruption, they directly accumulate national interests and national wealth, and it is difficult for this part of the wealth to be directly linked to the interests of the people. For example, the Minister of Finance of the State is corrupt. He will never reach out to a specific factory or enterprise, because he is out of reach, and he is not in the mood at the same time. In the past, it was different. The target of their search was to be specific to the people of a certain town, or even a certain enterprise factory. Therefore, the officials felt by ordinary people often come from the grass-roots bureaucrats, and the resulting opposition between officials and the people is basically the opposition between the people and the grass-roots bureaucrats. As the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. When the officials of the grassroots bureaucracy have obtained the umbrella of upper-level power, they often degenerate into bandits who are inferior to beasts. Yes, a town-level official is often more arrogant than the central officials.

"On the grounds of rectifying corruption, attacking the upper-level bureaucrats is purely for the need of political struggle, while attacking the lower-level bureaucrats is to ease social contradictions and weaken the confrontation between officials and the people." Guo Shouyun, a local power tycoon who started out on the official-business line, He saw this very clearly. Therefore, when constructing the power system of the Far East Guo Group, he only extended his hand to the main bureaucrats at the state level, and at the next level, he did not continue to extend his hand.

As a result, a great rift appeared in the political system of the Far East—a rift between the bureaucrats at the top and the bureaucrats at the bottom. What Guo Shouyun fully protects is the interests of the upper-level bureaucrats. All bureaucrats at the state level can be blessed by the Guo clan. Their power comes from the Guo clan, not from the lower-level bureaucrats. Their greed is also based on the Guo clan. The black gold of the pen comes from the distribution of the Guo Group. As for the grass-roots bureaucrats, Guo Shouyun has always been very dark. The snow disasters in Yakutia and Chukotka, and the grass-roots officials in the two prefectures who were suspected of embezzling and embezzling disaster relief materials, cleaned up dozens of numbers at one time - no trial, no evidence to collect evidence, as long as Wet, either go to jail or die on the street. The taxation of the pornographic industry has been implemented from the state level downward. With the cooperation of the online network and the Mafia gangs, where there is a problem or where the implementation is not effective, we will start with it, and it will not work if you have a single complaint.

"If you want your economic policy to be promulgated smoothly and achieve the greatest effect in the shortest time, if you want to resolve the crisis of trust in the government and reduce social antagonism, then you have to deal with the black hole of the grassroots bureaucracy. I think I must do this. The most effective way is to let these people learn: to be human with their tails tucked. Only by letting them clip their tails can they be dogs, otherwise, they are wolves, enough to swallow up all the Far East economy overnight. The wolves of the construction results." Guo Shouyun wrote a short paragraph in his personal notes, describing the difference between the Far East and one sentence.

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