Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 565: Dilemma

"Your precious little fox's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger," said Sobchak, who was getting older at Viktor's apartment in the Smolny Palace in Leningrad, after repeated coughing, and asked Vladimir to hand him over. The water cup that came over took a sip of water, and then he gasped. \\

"Really? What's wrong with the Far East?" Lying comfortably on the leather soft chair, Victor asked absent-mindedly, squinting his eyes and shaking his head back and forth.

"Don't you know it yourself?" Sobchak rolled his eyelids and said, "I remember that your intelligence network over there has always been active, but why haven't you heard any news recently."

"Because I didn't go to inquire, and I don't plan to go to inquire about anything," Victor laughed lightly on the old hand full of folds, patting on the sand handrail, "You know my temper, you never disdain me. Yu is doing useless work, and now the Far East is obviously no longer under our control, why should I pay attention to the situation there?"

"Hey," Sobchak said with a deep sigh, "in the past four days, your precious son-in-law has inspected the four major aviation industry complexes in the Far East, the Amur Shipyard, the Kamchatka Machinery Industry Association, the Yaku Tsk Thermal Machinery, Sakhalin...”

"I don't want to hear any more of this," Victor waved his hand and laughed before his old friend finished speaking, "because for us, whether he wants to produce planes or tanks, shipbuilding, or ammunition, we all I can't stop him, what's more, I didn't want to stop him. I only know that he has his thoughts, and I can't see the purpose of such thoughts. You know, I have been very busy these days. Lost. Because I suddenly realized that I have done a lot of wrong things in the past and missed many opportunities that should not be missed. People can be confident, but not conceited. This is really reasonable. "

"My friend, your will is sinking." Sobchak was stunned for a while, then said in amazement, "I haven't seen you in this state for nearly 20 years."

"Then you saw it today. Is it worth celebrating?" Turning his head and glancing at his old friend, Victor said with a deep smile.

Sobchak was speechless.

"Hey, in fact, I've been thinking about one thing the most these days." Standing up from the chair, Victor took two steps back and forth in the small room. ===He put his hand on his chin and said, "I don't know if you have thought about it, in the current federal economic environment, just take the two places of Leningrad Oblast and the Republic of Karelia as an example. Power, let you restore and rebuild the economies of these two places. How long will it take you to see results, old friend?"

Sobchak still didn't speak, because he already knew what his old friend was going to say.

"Not easy to answer?" Victor smiled slightly. Turning his gaze to Vladimir who was standing aside, he asked, "Vladimir, what about you. If you are given absolute power, how long will it take you to get the effect?"

"Mr. Victor," Vladimir pondered for nearly two minutes before raising his head and said, "Judging from the current economic conditions of the two places, it will be quite difficult to restore the overall economy. After all, economic recovery depends on the reconstruction of social order, and the reconstruction of social order must be based on comprehensive political rectification. To do the first two tasks well, you need to touch the interests of all parties, integrate them, and guide them. Finally absorb them. It will take at least two years. ***** After completing these tasks, we will focus on market recovery. Reduce unemployment, regulate prices, increase social production, increase residents' income, etc. Wait, wait, we need a step-by-step and prepared response to this series of problems. Therefore, in order to see results, we... need at least eight years. Of course, the premise of this is that , the implementation of all plans is very smooth, otherwise, we will need a longer time."

Vladimir's answer is still very accurate. Judging from his subsequent ruling, it took nearly eight years for Russia's economy to partially recover.

"Hehe, you are very confident," Victor smiled, he nodded and said, "Okay, eight years, even if it is eight years, such results are already very good, far beyond my expectations. But the problem is , we can also turn around and look at the situation in the Far East and see how long it took for the economy to recover there. Two years..."

Stretching out two thin fingers, he vigorously swung an arc in the air. The smile on Victor's face disappeared in an instant. He coughed violently and said, "It took two years for the Far East. Discarded profiteers with dirty blood in their bones; a group of corrupt officials; a local consortium that relied on bribery to bribe power and steal state assets. It only took two years to take the lead in bringing the Far East, the most impoverished and poorest country in the Soviet era, into the Far East. The region with the least development prospects and six years of negative population growth has led to the predicament of a complete economic collapse."

As soon as he turned around, the old man grabbed a pile of newspapers from the table behind him, threw his hand on the ground, then pointed at them and said, "Ingushetia, a Transcaucasian military region with nearly 300,000 soldiers, can't handle thousands of Chechnya. Bandits, the reason is that there is no military salary, no fuel, and no ammunition. Look at our newspapers, what is the Far East doing? The Guo Group invested 280 million US dollars to reach an equipment and technology transfer agreement with Ukraine. The purpose is to maintain the Pacific Fleet two aircraft carriers; the Amur Shipyard, which is on the verge of bankruptcy and has a debt of up to 34 billion rubles, has received a capital injection of US$1.2 billion from the Far East Commercial Bank, and has undertaken the first military order in five years. The construction plan of two cheetah nuclear submarines is put forward On the schedule, 1,200 skilled workers are back on duty; the Komsomolsk Aviation Industry Complex has received military orders from the 23rd Air Force for the third time since last year, and the construction project of 16 Su-27 improved fighter jets will be completed at the beginning of the year. Get on the horse. ^^^^ In the surrounding areas of Moscow, the Federal Central Bank is complacent about achieving the minimum wage level of 1,400 rubles, and in the Far East, the government departments of more than a dozen states have once again imposed minimum wage restrictions, mandating female workers monthly The salary shall not be lower than 2,110 rubles, and the monthly salary of male workers shall not be lower than 2,500 rubles. In all regions of the Federation, in the past month, there have been more than 1,400 large and small demonstrations, which directly The number of casualties has exceeded three figures, but in the Far East, there was not even a single small-scale demonstration on the ground of 6 million square kilometers. Now, the Federal Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance are working hard to reverse and eliminate the fiscal deficit. They have done a lot of work, hundreds of government workers have been working all night for this, what is the actual effect? ​​Ha, all the data show that it is impossible to achieve a government surplus this year. And On the other hand, after experiencing a rare snowstorm in the two major states, the Far East once again achieved a surplus in government revenue in November, with a year-on-year increase of 13%."

"My friend, I'm very confused and confused right now," Victor's face was almost desperate, he swayed, walked to the leather chair and sat down, coughed violently, and continued, " My life experience in the past 70 years does not give me any hints as to why the Moscow regime system composed of a large group of so-called political elites and national pillars cannot achieve the same construction achievements as a profiteer interest group in various work of governance reform. ? This question is very weird, weird and even chilling. I even wondered if this problem could be thoroughly researched and formed into an academic paper, would it be possible to get a Nobel Prize nomination? What's the opportunity?"

"Actually, Mr. Guo is a rare talent in my eyes," Vladimir glanced at the pale Sobchak and said with a dry cough, "At least, he can be regarded as a... . Heroes."

"Xiaoxiong?" Victor lay down slowly, narrowed his eyes, and said to himself, "Maybe so. But from now on, I really don't know how to deal with this situation. Rovsk came back and had a meeting with our old adversary, in the Kremlin, he asked me to join hands with him to take measures to eliminate the threat that exists in the Far East. I did not agree to him at that time because I...  I can't think of a reason to take action. Two years later, the Far East has almost become a blessed land for the people of the Federal Republic. For them, there are better employment conditions, relatively superior welfare measures, no soaring prices, and no housing. The high crime rate and the continuous plummeting of the ruble also seem to pose too great a threat to the lives of people there. Tens of millions of people in the Far East, in their eyes and in their hearts, any action we take against the Guo Group will It is on the opposite side of the people's interests, which is different from the Chechnya problem, and even has a fundamental difference. For Chechnya, if we destroy a Dudayev, we may be able to solve the problem, but for the Far East, even if we kill the little fox If you catch him, how can you try him? What charges can you put on him to offset the resistance of the Far Easterners? And after he is removed, who will dare to take his place, and who will dare to boast that he is better than he is now? Do better and be more easily accepted by Far Easterners? This is not a matter of one's interests, but the interests of tens of millions of people. This rebellious force is amazing. If you don't let them live well, they will Let you die, it is safe to say that if we do not take measures against the little fox now, the Far East can still maintain a delicate situation of being inseparable from Moscow, and once we go out this step, the Far East...even if it is completely far away from Moscow already."

"Little fox, he gave himself a problem. Unfortunately, this problem also stumped us." With a sigh, Sobchak said finally.

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