Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 493: intelligence

"What position are you going to seek?" Guo Shouyun asked after a little thought. The whole novel network

"We won't make it difficult for Mr. Shuvalov," said Shuvalov in the softest and least offensive language possible, "As you know, the Security Council has been It belongs to us, of course, when its remit was much larger than it is now, and we also know that there is no point in continuing to indulge in the nostalgia of the past, so we intend to start with the current reality, Take back this position that originally belonged to us little by little.”

"I understand what you mean. There is no doubt that you are looking at the Security Committee." Guo Shouyun nodded. The other party's request was completely in line with his guess. Come from the Security Committee and then go back to the Security Committee. It is the goal that the Cheka club needs to achieve now, "But you should also know that it belongs to Barannikov's territory, no matter in the past or now, the Kremlin has given him absolute trust, even if It's up to me to come forward, I'm afraid it will be difficult to shake his status."

"Sir, you can rest assured," Shuvalov said with a light smile. "As a loyal lackey of the Kremlin, Barannikov will soon be abandoned by his master. As long as the time is right, it will be a question whether he can keep a minimum position."

"Huh?" This time, it was Guo Shouyun's turn to be surprised. He really couldn't understand why the other party had such strong confidence. Of course, it is even more impossible to guess what the trap of the Cheka club is. Of course, he will never doubt Shuvalov's confidence. After all, they are people from the KGB, and blind optimism does not belong to them. mistake.

"I'm very interested in your trap for him." Guo Shouyun said casually, "If the plan is feasible, I will try my best to win for you."

"Of course, cooperation is based on mutual trust," to his surprise) Shuvalov agreed happily, straightening up and slapped twice.

"Mr. Guo, Comrade Shuvalov," followed by two rounds of applause. Yelena pushed open the door and walked in. She handed Shuvalov a tightly wrapped document bag and said, "I've brought the things you need. Do you need anything else?"

"No more for now, you can go out." He took the file bag and handed it to Guo Shouyun. Shuvalov said without looking up.

The woman said nothing. Turn around and go out the door.

"This is the whole plan we have prepared for him," Shuvalov smiled as he watched Guo Shouyun open the file bag, "So far, the plan has gone quite smoothly, even if Barannikov noticed something, he There is no way out.”

"Bill Stein is yours?" After a brief look at the contents of the file bag, Guo Shouyun gasped, he had to admit. It's too easy for these ex-KGB members to figure someone out. Most importantly, they have the means and patience. Even more sacrifices.

Judging from these specific documents, the Cheka Club planned for at least nearly six months to bring down Barannikov, from the United States to Canada to Switzerland, they used a lot of human resources, and the final The purpose is to put a **** on the head of General Baranikov, who has always been honest.

"No, he's not from us," Shuvalov gave a negative answer to Guo Shouyun's question, he shook his head and said, "He's just a clown who can betray anyone for money and women. , only Comrade Yakubovsky is our native, he is the real follower of Comrade Dzerzhinsky, and in order for the purpose of the organization to be finally realized, he is willing to give up everything, including his life and the most precious honor. = === And there are many, even countless people like him around us, so Mr. Guo should believe that it is absolutely correct that you choose to cooperate with us, everything you do for us today will be rewarded in the future Multiple rewards."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak for a long time, he finally realized what religious fanaticism is today, and he finally knew how terrifying people in a state of mental fanaticism are, just to bring down Barannikov. , the Cheka Club paid at least six lives, plus the lifelong happiness of two female agents, this thing... is it worth it?

Obviously, no one can answer this question now, but Guo Shouyun sees clearly that for such an organization that brings together thousands of religious fanatics, his best choice is to maintain the best cooperative relationship with them, at least not. Make them your own enemies. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will really not sleep well for the rest of my life.

"Okay, I agree with your request in principle," gritted his teeth, Guo Shouyun nodded resolutely, "As long as your plan can be successful, and at the same time, the negotiation between me and the Kremlin can finally be reached, then at the critical moment, I will definitely Your wishes will come true."

"Mr. Guo's wise choice is the most fortunate for us," Shuvalov said with a smile on his face. He stroked the pocket on the right side of his jacket and took out a sheet of paper with two fingers. A note that was no more than two inches wide was brought to Guo Shouyun and said, "As a return for the first phase of this new cooperation, we have prepared two gifts for Mr.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun took the note and glanced up at it with a puzzled expression. There is not much on this note, only seven or eight names, and among these names, at least four or five are familiar to him, and they are all key employees of Guo's Group's Farsighted Commercial Bank.

"This is reliable information we got through special channels," Shuvalov laughed. "These people are not as loyal to Mr. as they seem, they are the central bank or Berezovsky and Gusin. If you are interested in getting rid of them, then my people can easily do it for you. We have the exact contact time, contact information and even contact location of their contact person. And the news in this regard is absolutely reliable.”

"Very good, very good," Guo Shouyun's teeth were a little itchy. To be honest, he didn't hold grudges against his opponents more often, but he absolutely hated these guys who were eating inside and out. "This matter You don't have to intervene, I will handle it myself."

"That's fine," Shuvalov nodded and said, "In addition to this gift, I have another great gift for Mr. I believe you will be more interested in this gift, because if you use Properly, Mr. will gain the initiative in dealing with the Americans, and even with the Chinese."

Guo Shouyun didn't ask, but it was clearly written in his eyes that he was very interested in this gift.

"The intelligence we have obtained from Washington shows that," Shuvalov said, "Kissinger's visit to Russia is not a simple one. On the one hand, the Americans intend to put pressure on Berezovsky and others to force them to leave Kazakhstan. Sbratov's left-wing camp, on the other hand, intends to put pressure on you and Mr. Khodorkovsky to force you to get rid of the ambiguity between China and the United States of the past. On the whole, it is just a cover. The Americans hope that Moscow will dismantle the Kura nuclear reactor in the Kamchatka Kamen region of the Far East and transfer the 4,000 spent fuel rods there to India to support India’s nuclear development capabilities. "

"This news is accurate?!" Guo Shouyun was startled and asked subconsciously.

You must know that in today's international environment, the nuclear issue has always been a very sensitive level. For the development of North Korea's nuclear weapons, the Americans have imposed a blockade and embargo on them for several years. research, but also through Russian nuclear disarmament. There is no doubt that if this news is exposed, not to mention how China and Pakistan will react. In other Asian countries, Japan and South Korea, which exist as allies of the United States, may not be able to sit still. After all, in their view Come, China is a nuclear power in East Asia and South Asia, and Pakistan and North Korea are two countries that actually master nuclear technology. If there is another India, then the threat to everyone will be even greater. Moreover, North Korea has just made concessions on the nuclear issue not long ago, and their Yongbyon nuclear facility has only been frozen for less than two months. If there is another fork at this juncture, it is estimated that Kim will have something to say.

"Two hundred percent accurate," Shuvalov said, nodding. "We have photocopies of documents signed by the U.S. Congress on this bill. And the agreement between the Americans and the Kremlin over the past two days also It has been reached, and the dismantling of the Kura nuclear reactor will officially start in the second half of this month. According to our opinion, the Kremlin does not intend to disclose this matter to you, and the whole process will be carried out without anyone noticing. If the husband intends to seize them, he must start arranging countermeasures as soon as possible.”

"Humph, the ghosts are not aware of it?" Guo Shouyun said with a sneer, "If they don't know their plans, then there is still a possibility that they are not aware of the ghosts, but since I know it now, don't think about it. Slipped under my nose with a scrap iron."

"I completely believe in your ability to actually control the Far East," Shuvalov said in a flat tone with a slight smile, "and you should also believe in our ability to collect intelligence. Putting these two points together is the result of our cooperation. The most basic benefit."

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