Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 492: aversion to cold

?Perhaps it was born out of the former KGB. Compared with other political parties and organizations of all kinds, Sirovik is obviously more likely to accept a political investment oligarch like Guo Shouyun. Organization, there are only two methods of division: revolutionary or counter-revolutionary. \\According to this distinction, those who support "revolution" are naturally revolutions, and those who support counter-revolution are naturally counter-revolutionaries. In contrast, Guo Shouyun's actions for a long period of time in the past undoubtedly showed that he was a stand-in. On the "revolutionary" side are the revolutionary "enlightened capitalists" who stand on the same stance as the Cheka club. For this kind of person, the club should unite and try to recruit him as much as possible. It is precisely because of this that Guo Shouyun has the opportunity to attend the high-level decision-making meeting of the Cheka Club and have the opportunity to discuss further cooperation issues with them.

As for Guo Shouyun, the moment he stepped into the conference room, he realized what kind of person he was about to deal with.

In the small conference room that doesn't look spacious, there are nearly a dozen young people sitting. Today's Shuvalov can only be regarded as a mature man. The old, sharp-looking eyes have not yet bulged out big blisters, and the skin on his forehead is also very smooth, and there are not many wrinkles to be seen. In addition to him, Guo Shouyun can still feel familiar, there is only one Stubrov. He remembers that this guy was very famous in his previous life in 2002 and 2003. When he was running for the governor of Kirov state, The two competitors of this guy all died unexpectedly. At this time, there was an uproar at the time. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation directly intervened in the investigation. Governor of Fuzhou, and served two consecutive terms.

This is a group of energetic and politically ambitious young people from the former KGB. They have a common goal: to regain the power of the country that once belonged to them; they have a common code of conduct: iron-blooded, tough, unscrupulous; Strict organizational discipline: KGB-style absolute obedience; even has the same character performance: uniformly taciturn) but acts like a thunderbolt.

Look at what these people looked like when they were in a meeting. They all stood tall and straight, no one talked to each other, no one smoked or drank water, and didn't even make a small gesture. The order of words was from the front to the back according to the seat order of each person. , If anyone wants to insert a sentence and express his opinion on the spot, he needs to wink at the chairperson of the meeting first. Then get up and walk around to the back of the chair. Hold the KGB "Sword and Shield" badge on your chest in the palm of your hand before you can speak.

To be honest, seeing this unique meeting scene, Guo Shouyun felt a chill in his heart, a chill that went deep into his bones. He finally understood in the previous life's understanding. Why is Sirovik, a political organization with a large scale, but there are few corrupt members, because these people... let's count people, they no longer have such things as personal thoughts, and their souls have long been destroyed The KGB has eroded cleanly, and these people sitting here are bodies with goals but no personal decision-making ability, no personal sex, or even lack of joy and sorrow. These people lived, fought and moved forward according to the program that the KGB had set for them. Don't know how to turn and don't know how to avoid. Even if there is a wall in front of them, they can hit it head-on, and if they fall, they get up and hit again, and then they hit again, even if they hit and die, they will never stop.

"They are often the tools of power, not the struggle for power." Indeed, is there a better tool for those who truly desire power? No and it is destined to not be.

What makes Guo Shouyun much regret is that such a group of tools are easy to use and practical. But it's not something he can control. ^^^^ It doesn't matter how much money you pay, after all, a truly loyal person cannot be bought back with money.

Attended for nearly an hour. It was not until about eleven o'clock that the decision-making meeting convened by these "tools" was over. A dozen people jointly performed a standard military salute in the original KGB era, and then quietly exited the stage. During the whole process, no one looked at Guo Shouyun. At a glance, no one asked him about his identity and purpose. It was as if he didn't exist at all in that scene.

"Mr. Guo," Shuvalov, who was slightly thin, turned his attention to Guo Shouyun, who was sitting in the corner of the sitting hall, after there were only two people left in the conference room. He took off the badge on his chest and carefully wrapped his He put in a piece of red silk cloth, then kicked them into his jacket pocket, and then smiled, "I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It doesn't matter, I feel pretty good," said Guo Shouyun with a smile, "Frankly speaking, this is the first time I have seen a meeting scene like this, um, it feels very... very alive, very **, I think, if the political meeting of the Kremlin can be regarded as this, if the meeting of representatives can also be held like this, then the federation will probably not have reached this stage.”

"Sir's statement is a little one-sided," Shuvalov stood up and walked straight to the door. He stretched out his hand to open the door, said a few words to Yelena, who had been standing at the door, and then turned around. He came and said with a smile, "Our meeting is like this, it's not a hard requirement, it's just a habit in the past. Once a habit is formed, it will be difficult to change. I think Mr. Deep understanding."

Smiling and nodding, Guo Shouyun agreed with this statement.

"I heard that Mr. is planning to return to the Far East at noon tomorrow?" Dragging a chair by the conference table and sitting opposite Guo Shouyun, Shuvalov asked, "Why is it so hasty, is it because of today's meeting in the Kremlin? Did the negotiation go well?"

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "Of course, the main reason is that the situation in Moscow is too complicated. I really don't want to be in the muddy waters here, rather than being wrapped up by the military, the Americans, and the Kremlin. I might as well go back to Khabarovsk early."

"Understandable," Shuvalov nodded and agreed, "The Moscow of today is no longer the Moscow we were familiar with back then. It is now full of conspiracies, full of the stench of foreign hostile forces, and full of capitalist bureaucrats. If the pus is not thoroughly cleaned, this place will not be suitable for upright survival at all."

The other party's remarks almost made Guo Shouyun laugh out loud, "Integrity?" The word sounded a bit harsh, and he couldn't see who was truly upright in today's federal upper echelons. Yeltsin, the president, was ? Victor are they? How many giants are they? Hasbulatov are they? Are these people in the Cheka club? There is no doubt that everyone is no one. As long as one footsteps into the **** of political power, no one is upright.

"On behalf of the club's executive committee today, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Mr. for his strong financial support." Perhaps he felt that it was a bit funny to talk about integrity, Shuvalov said, "It is precisely Because of your support, we have successfully passed the most difficult period since the club was established. Similarly, it is also because of your support that our scale has grown so rapidly. It is certain that for us, for the current Cheka Club, you and your Guo Group are the most trustworthy friends, old friends."

"This is asking for me," Guo Shouyun knew in his heart. The other party never mentioned the misunderstanding caused by the previous Sanariva assassination incident, but he poured out a lot of good words. This is definitely not for nothing. It came out, but to pave the way for the requirements to be made below.

"You are too kind, for me, the best cooperation between your club and our Guo family is originally the best cooperation," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, "and everything in the past shows that our cooperative relationship is progressing very smoothly. , this is an irrefutable reality. By cooperating with you, we are able to solve many problems that we cannot solve on our own, and you also get what you need, so from this point of view, Shuvalov need not thank me ."

Guo Shouyun said gently and skillfully, once again widening the distance between the two sides. In his eyes, since it is cooperation, then the relationship is secondary, and only interests are the main thing.

"Sir said," Shuvalov could naturally hear the meaning of the words, but he was not in a hurry, because from the current situation, the club still has the capital to continue trading with the Guo Group, and it is still Very strong capital.

"Since Mr. is optimistic about the prospects for our cooperation with each other, do you plan to further strengthen this cooperative relationship on the original basis?" Shuvalov said, moving forward of the chair. "Oh? I don't understand what you mean," Guo Shouyun asked directly, ignoring the strategy of stealing the concept in his words.

"Actually, in view of the negotiation between Mr. and the Kremlin this time, the club has some ideas," Shuvalov said very directly, he did not go around detours, and went straight to the subject, "Sir also knows that our club has always hoped to obtain Opportunities to directly participate in politics, but at this point, we have achieved very little in the past, and we have not had any opportunities in really important state functions. For this reason, we hope that Mr. can use this opportunity to help us achieve this. a goal."

"You mean, plan..." Guo Shouyun's brows furrowed, he heard it, the Cheka Club hoped that they could use the means of trading to send their people to the top.

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