Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 287: that's what i mean

?In the General Headquarters of the Far East Military Region, in the large conference hall of the Operational Staff Office, General Tiao Liaomenko sat on the main seat of the oval conference table with a blank expression, and looked at the twenty or so second-level generals of the military region present indifferently. , To be honest, it has been a few months since he took over as the commander of the military region, but he has never been so happy as he is today.

"Ten years of Hedong, ten years of Hexi" Ah, in the past few months, who the **** have these people here put the authority of the military commander in their eyes? They hold military power and run their own affairs, turning a blind eye to the orders of the military region. As for the commander of the military region, he is even worse in the eyes of these people. Ha, it's alright now, the "big boss" is finally going to take action against these grandsons. Even though he knows that these military powers will not be in his hands in the end, out of jealousy, Kliaomenko still feels very refreshed. It is a general of the military region. If there is no power, everyone will have no power together. That is fair. There is no reason why the commander of the military region is a bare commander, but all the subordinates are in control.

Thinking so beautifully in my heart, a smile flashed across Liaomenko's expressionless face. Of course, this smile was more gratifying or more helpless, I'm afraid Only he himself knew it.

The generals in the conference hall obviously don't know what a big change they are going to face tonight. These twos and threes are gathered together, either to talk about the "entertainment program" to be held tonight, or to speculate about the new year. Here, how much money the Guo Group will provide to their various units.

"Dang!" A half-o'clock chime was sent from the self-ringing bell on the roof of the staff office. Following this chime, Chiliaomenko shivered involuntarily. He knew that for the glorious years of the Far East Military Region, this A bell ringing is tantamount to the mourning sound of the end of the years, and with the full development of the plan that followed, the huge military region that has stood in the Far East for decades. It will fall into the hands of a business group.

"Cough cough," sighed with emotion, Ryomenko still had to play his role. He reached out and tapped on the table, then coughed twice, and then said, "Everyone, everyone, listen to me..."

Terryomenko's voice was not low, but it was a pity. No one in the venue listened to him, and everyone was still laughing at what they were supposed to say.


Suddenly. A gunshot came from the military compound outside the venue. With the sudden sound of gunshots, the venue suddenly fell silent. The generals looked at each other in dismay, and no one was sure whether the sound just now was the sound of gunshots.

"Everyone. It's Christmas Eve. It's customary that we shouldn't talk about business tonight." Taking this opportunity, Tyomenko swallowed hard and said, "But the situation is urgent, so this Some things, I have to make a briefing to everyone as the military commander. "Ping! "


Just as Tie Liaomenko's voice had just landed, a series of gunshots came from the military compound. Also mixed with the sound of assault rifle bursts.

"What's the matter?!" Sijakhov couldn't sit still, he suddenly stood up from his seat and said loudly, "Guards! Guards! Where is Chesvachenko?! Someone! Tell Chesva Chenko ran to meet me!"

"Cough cough," two more dry coughs. Tilemenko looked at Sijakhov. In a slightly trembling voice, he said, "Everyone, don't worry. The situation outside has nothing to do with us. It's nothing more than a small group of soldiers trying to create a riot. I believe that Colonel Nina will soon be able to lead someone to quell the riot. ......Oh, yes, I forgot to inform you in advance, my comrade Chief of General Staff, Colonel Chesvchenko of the former Military District Independent Brigade, um, for instigating riots, it is estimated that he has been executed, and now I As the commander of the military region, I propose to appoint Colonel Nina, the former staff officer of the 16th Independent Division, to take over as the brigade commander of the Independent Defense Brigade. I believe you will not have any objection?"

"What do you mean?!" Sijakhov was furious, the muscles on his face twitched frequently, and he said in a harsh tone.

"Well, this is just the first transfer order, next..." Ignoring the question from the chief of the general staff, Tiao Liaomenko took out a neatly folded manuscript paper from his military uniform pocket and took it. The table was unfolded carefully, and then he said according to the above, "Next, there are 64 relevant generals' transfer orders within the military region. You can remember them, or you can have an idea."

Saying so, Tieliamenko read out the contents of the manuscript one by one. There is no doubt that the transfer order in this manuscript is equivalent to moving all the commanders of the third-level troops in the entire military region. All are, if these orders are followed, then all the generals present will be turned into bare commanders.

"Don't read it!" When Tiliomenko read Article 24, Joseph with a pale face couldn't sit still, he slapped the table, stood up abruptly, and said loudly, " There are no doors for anyone who wants to touch me! Don’t think that if you control the independence brigade, we can be imprisoned here. Joseph has been in the army for more than ten years. Let's see, who dares to touch my finger!"


"Makes sense!"

If there is one who takes the lead, naturally there are those who follow the trend. The twenty-odd generals present are excited, and many people jump up and follow Joseph to pull out the gun from their waist. Looking at the posture, they really want to. Come for a hard break.

"Is this Nina's idea?" Ivanov sat in his chair without moving. He played with the teacup in front of him and said with a slight smile, "Or, is it Shouyun's idea?"

"It wasn't my idea anyway," Tiomenko shrugged and said with a wry smile, "I think everyone here is well aware of this."

The remarks of Tieliamenko silenced several of the generals who had been indignant just now. They hesitated for a while, and then timidly sat back on their chairs.

"No one's idea will work!" Joseph was still so furious, waving the gun in his hand and roaring loudly. "Even according to the regulations of the military region, the promotion and transfer of the third-level commander must be approved by those of us. We have the right not to accept such a hasty practice as now."

After Joseph shouted a word, he stretched out his foot and kicked the seat next to him, then turned around and strode towards the door. A group of generals who reacted fiercely saw that someone took the lead. They all drew their guns and walked quickly towards the door.

Looking at the generals who were about to leave the door, Tiao Liaomenko complained inwardly. In this plan, what he is most worried about is the scene in front of him. Like these people, none of them are good things. As a second-level general of the military region. If they really rolled up their sleeves and rushed out, who would dare to stop them?

"What, where are you going?"

Just as Tiliomenko was secretly complaining that Joseph and the others were about to step out of the conference hall, a lazy-sounding voice came in from outside the double doors of the conference hall, followed by a messy mess. The sound of footsteps sounded, and more than twenty soldiers with live ammunition. A swarm came in from outside the door and quickly spread to the four corners of the conference hall. Hearing this lazy voice and seeing the soldiers swarming in, several generals who were still following Joseph wilted for a moment, they knew. The "big boss" came back at this time.

"The old guys have put down their guns. I don't want to be accidentally injured," Guo Shouyun's voice still stayed outside the door. And with his words, the soldiers who rushed into the conference hall became busy, and they collected the guns of the generals present in an instant.

"Hehe, it's Christmas Eve today," Guo Shouyun's figure appeared at the door of the conference hall. He walked in the door unhurriedly, and then walked slowly to the oval conference table, while gently and skillfully taking off the plain white Wearing gloves, he lowered his head and said, "Originally, I wanted to spend this Christmas Eve in Washington, but after thinking about it, it felt a little inappropriate."

"Hehe, come here, Shouyun, sit down and say," Tiao Liaomenko stood up from his seat at this time, put his hands on Guo Shouyun's back, and gave him to his own seat.

Guo Shouyun didn't refuse, he sat down on the main seat honestly, and then greeted with a smile: "Come on, everyone sit down, we haven't got together for a long time, I came back from Washington today, It's just to spend this Christmas Eve with the big guys. Hehe, you big brothers won't lose face, right?"

After speaking, Guo Shouyun ignored everyone's reaction. He reached out and grabbed a bright red apple from the fruit bowl on the table, wiped it with the cuff of his suit, and put it to his mouth, "crunching". One bite.

Looking at Guo Shouyun's appearance as an old god, all the generals present looked at each other in dismay, and the group of people with Joseph as the leader stopped making trouble now, they returned to their seats honestly, and quietly sat down again. down.

"Christmas will come after Christmas Eve," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, chewing the crisp and juicy apples in his mouth, "These days are busy days, and speaking of which, all of us here are old friends. Now, everyone is not an outsider, so for the past few days, I plan to let everyone stay in Khabarovsk temporarily and have a good time with me for a few days. As for work, you can put it down for the time being. Let it go."

"Shouyun, I'm afraid that keeping us in Khabarovsk is not just to spend such a Christmas with you, right?" Polkkin was sitting in the second position on the right of Guo Shouyun, and he couldn't help saying at this time. , "If it's just one Christmas, then we don't have any opinion, but you'd better make it clear in advance, what is going on with this inexplicable order?"

"Oh? That's what you mean?" Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to pick up the order in front of him, shook it in front of his eyes, and said with a smile, "Yes, that's what I mean, why, do you have any dissatisfaction? "

The whole venue was silent. Although the generals who were originally excited were still indignant at this moment, they did not dare to stand up and express their opposition.

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