Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 286: congratulations, you answered correctly

?The annual Christmas Eve once again comes to the Far East where the snow is flying. Logically speaking, today should be a day to relax, but for the border guards on Daheixiazi Island, the more such a day is, the more important it is. Be vigilant. /w With the advent of severe winter, the river surface as the border has once again entered a freezing period, and the broad river surface is covered by a thick layer of ice and snow, which obviously provides convenience for those smugglers and smugglers. In the past In more than a week, the border guard company on Daheixiazi Island alone captured at least hundreds of stowaways trying to sneak into China. To this end, the Border Guard Command issued an order to cancel all the holidays of the Border Guard during the Christmas period, and all serving officers and soldiers will be rotated to prevent large-scale cross-border incidents.

While the Soviet cordon side increased its alertness, the Chinese side's border patrol force also strengthened a lot. During this period of time, the situation at the border was complicated. A group of illegal "fathers" in China had turned their attention from reselling small commodities to human trafficking. They tried every means to abduct women from the Far East, and then sold them for about 1,000 yuan to make money from it. Profiteering. These "smugglers" that have sprung up in a short period of time have attracted the attention of the Chinese police. At the same time, coupled with the further chaos of domestic security, the "special struggle to crack down on illegal and criminal activities" has rarely been mentioned since 1983. The so-called "strike hard" campaign was once again put on the agenda by the Ministry of Public Security. In this "strike hard" campaign, which lasted for three years, the main areas targeted were coastal areas like the Northeast.

When Guo Shouyun, escorted by Li Chengyan and several entourages, arrived at the Daheixiazi Island border checkpoint, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the border checkpoint was still very lively at this time. There are constant walks, and most of them are the so-called "sack sacks" with big bags and small bags.

"Mr. Guo, we can only take you here." Standing in front of the Chinese border checkpoint, Li Chengyan pointed to a railing a few meters away. He smiled and said, "Across this border is the territory of the Soviets, according to the regulations. We have no right to cross the border."

"Well," Guo Shouyun turned his head and glanced at the other side of the border. The sky was very dark. Although there were searchlights flashing, he still couldn't see what was going on at the Soviet border checkpoint more than ten meters away.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your **** all the way." Turning around, Guo Shouyun shook hands with Li Chengyan and smiled. "I won't say anything extra, Mr. Li please tell the leaders above... Well, comrade leader, I, Guo Shouyun, remembered this matter. If there is a chance in the future, I will repay ."

Finished in one sentence. Guo Shouyun didn't wait for the other party's reply, he took a step forward, stepped on the messy snow on the ground, quickly mixed into the crowd, and walked towards the opposite Soviet border checkpoint.

"Hey, big brother, can you do me a favor?"

Just as Guo Shouyun was about to pass through the border checkpoint, a middle-aged man with a strong accent reached out to stop him. s The middle-aged man's words are warm, but the actions of his hands are even more warm. He put a thick down jacket on Guo Shouyun's back and said at the same time. "Look at it, let's bring something over there for us, that's all, bringing two pieces is a big unity, what's the matter?"

Guo Shouyun stopped, he turned his head to look at the honest and honest fellow from the Northeast beside him, then turned to look at the Soviet border checkpoint more than ten meters away, and said casually, "Uncle, you are smuggling."

This kind of smuggling method is very crude, it is nothing more than the use of foreign transit personnel to cooperate with entrainment. Just like this old man did. On this side of the border, he draped pieces of down jackets on the bodies of passers-by, and then on the other side of the border, a special person was in charge of receiving them, and it came and went. Bring two pieces each to them. The goods that escaped customs inspection on that day were also considerable. As for the soldiers at the border check, they all received some beneficial land. Most of them turn a blind eye to this kind of entrainment.

"What smuggling, that is to eat the whole mouth of the meal," the middle-aged uncle laughed so much that his mouth was split open. , "It's done, eldest brother, you've got this piece of great unity, look at it, is it so easy to make money?"

The middle-aged uncle said, pointed his finger to the direction of the Sufang border checkpoint, and said, "See you, from here, over there, that long and sloppy boy, the big brother gives him something, and he will I'll give you the money."

For some unknown reason, the sudden scene in front of him made Guo Shouyun feel a warm current slowly flowing through his heart. In his eyes, this uncle from the Northeast, standing in the snow at minus 20 degrees, with a wrinkled old face and a frozen face, is obviously an extremely ordinary stranger. Come to "become old money". On the other hand, in his own eyes, Guo Shouyun? Ten dollars to unite? Is that also called money? Not to mention, just the pair of gloves on his hand will not be worth tens of thousands of rubles on the black market in Moscow, and his big hand wrapped in a glove can sign any name, and it can be sold in the Soviet Union for several times. It is easy to exchange millions of funds in a big firm - from this point of view, there seems to be no comparison between the two.

But having said that, people like Guo Shouyun, who has a high status, all have a common problem, that is, cold heart, cold scum, and those people who gather around him, can't make him feel any warmth at all. Existence, but without the hot blood and hot heart, he will never feel the fullness of life. As for the uncle who ate smuggled rice, he was poor, of course he was a little poorer, but at least he lived a fulfilling life. Maybe after the business is done today, he can go home and watch his wife and children on the hot kang head, happy and happy. Waiting for the new year - from this point of view, there is also no comparison between the two.

"Uncle, two pieces of clothes are one piece of unity?" With a warm feeling in his heart, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to hold the arm of the middle-aged uncle, and said with a smile, "Don't fool me, I know people from Lao Maozi's side. If you don't give me money, I'll make trouble with you."

"Don't worry, no one can fool us," the middle-aged uncle slapped Guo Shouyun on the shoulder. Then he smiled and said, "Hurry over there, big brother, we are waiting to pick up the goods there."

"Hey. It's done," Guo Shouyun replied with a smile, wrapped in a down jacket with two layers inside and outside, took a step, and swayed like a bear toward the Soviet border checkpoint.

In the outpost of the Soviet border checkpoint, Nikita stared at a pair of big pale blue eyes and carefully looked at every Kadi people entering and leaving the station. Sun Hongyu had earlier received a secret notice from the country that Guo Shouyun would choose to enter the Far East from the Heixiazi Island border station, therefore. From more than five o'clock, Nikita arrived here with a dozen bodyguards. She wanted to receive Guo Shouyun as soon as possible, and then take him directly to the military commander. Nina has successfully summoned the commanders of the second-level units of the general district to the headquarters today, and Tiaoliamenko's work has also been completed. The only thing that needs to be done now is to issue various orders. Before that, if Guo Shouyun did not arrive in time, then the military commander had to bomb the battalion.

Because of this, when Guo Shouyun walked into the border checkpoint with the flow of people passing through the border, Nikita saw him at a glance, but the woman was obviously taken aback by his outfit at this time---- What can I say, this guy is so handsome. I saw that his outermost layer was a dark blue over-waist down jacket, at the neck. However, there is a large red collar exposed. The color matching is really bright and vivid. The most terrible thing is that his body looks too bloated. He has small arms and small legs, but he is too long. With a ball-like body, the shape is really hilarious.

"Guo, Mr. Guo is..." Standing beside Nikita. It happened to be the person in charge at the border checkpoint, Captain Polotsky. He looked at Guo Shouyun who was walking in from outside the border checkpoint guardrail. He was dumbfounded for a while, and then he stammered a few words that no one could hear. understand. And then there is no need to wear the hat. Just ran away to the gate of the sentry.

Nikita naturally did not neglect, she almost followed closely behind the captain. They rushed out of the sentry door together.

When the two rushed out of the post with a group of bodyguards and rushed to the entrance and exit of the border checkpoint, Guo Shouyun was pushing the down jacket that he had just taken off from his body to a young man on the opposite side across the side guardrail. Received a brand new ten yuan face value RMB from the other party.

"Sir, you are..." Polotsky rushed to Guo Shouyun's side first. He first glared at the young man who was putting away his clothes, and then in a panic he took off the military coat on his body. Come down and put it on Guo Shouyun's body.

"Hehe, Great Unity, brand new, listen, this bullet is still rattling," Guo Shouyun turned around, took the banknote in front of him and flicked it, smiling, "Wear free clothes and walk up to ten A few meters away, you can earn a piece of unity, you see, do I also have the potential to be a supermodel?"

Guo Shouyun could still laugh at this time, but Nikita couldn't laugh at all. She looked at the man's snow-covered head, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Sir, you're back," biting her lip hard, Nikita sobbed, then choked, softly.

"Well, I'm back," Guo Shouyun took a step forward, spread out his arms, and gently took Nikita into his arms, "How is it, have you been thinking about me during this time?"

"Well," Nikita leaned into the man's arms and snorted softly, perhaps because she was worried that the man wouldn't hear, she added, "I think about it."

"Okay, okay, just think about me," Guo Shouyun laughed loudly, and then said, "But now is not the best time for us to have a romantic relationship, hehe, wait a moment, wait for me to get rid of those disobedient guys. Clean up and talk about it."

"Mrs. has called them all to the military commander. Miss Sun said that if you want to take action, you must do it tonight." Nikita whispered.

"Well, I see," Guo Shouyun said indifferently, then turned around, and carefully stuffed the brand-new Great Unity in his hand into Polotsky's uniform pocket, and then said, "Comrade Captain, as a member of the Far Eastern Army A member of Fang, are you satisfied with the current situation of the Far East Military Region and the border troops?"

"Ah?" Captain Polotsky was taken aback, he didn't understand what Guo Shouyun meant by asking this.

"Answer me frankly." Guo Shouyun said in a flat tone when he reached out and patted the captain's chest.

"Not satisfied, sir," said Captain Polotsky through gritted teeth.

"Comrade Major, congratulations, you answered correctly," Guo Shouyun smiled and said loudly as he turned and walked towards the border checkpoint, "Remember to report to the military commander tomorrow, I believe there will be a new appointment notice waiting there. yours."

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