Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 278: "Major surgery" in the Far East Military Region

The sudden change in the situation in the Far East has drawn attention from all sides, and the northeast, which is only separated by a river, has also felt the unusual "air flow" from the north. . qβ5. Due to geopolitical considerations, the turmoil in the Far East, especially its independence, has a huge impact on China's surrounding environment. How big is the Far East territory controlled by Guo Shouyun? The total number of states and territories plus a republic is a vast land of more than 6 million square kilometers, which occupies one-third of the entire territory of Russia. And in such a huge territory, there are nearly seven million people living, with an average of one person per square kilometer. Just imagine, in this case, can the Russian government sit back and watch the independence of the Far East? This is clearly impossible. One side wants to be independent, and the other side wants to maintain territorial integrity, then there is only one final result. Like Ingushetia in Chechnya, a protracted war will be launched.

The independence of the Far East is not in China's national interests, nor can it be in the interests of Guo Shouyun, and the only one that can gain huge benefits from it is the Far East Military Region, which is based in the Far East and has hundreds of thousands of troops. The Yuan Consulting team quickly came to a conclusion that the instability of the Far East, to the greatest extent, originates from the Far East Military Region, which is self-reliant - a controlled armed force, which is a weapon for protecting the home and the country. , and an armed force that is out of control is the source of chaos.

Although Guo Shouyun has been dealing with the Far East Military Region, he is not an insider from the military, let alone how to control a huge military region with hundreds of thousands of troops and piles of generals, before. He interrupted Moscow's effective control of the Far East Military Region through bribery and provision of military funds. Such a move by him, on the one hand, enabled the Guo Group to gain strong support from the Far East military, but on the other hand, it also created incentives for the current instability. It is rude to say that the situation in the Far East is now so complicated. The fundamental reason is that the Guo Group has grown bigger in the Far East. It severed the close relationship between the Far East and Moscow, but did not effectively control the generals of the Far East Military Region who were armed with self-respect, in this case, with the passage of time. In particular, the days of sufficient military spending are passing by more and more. It's no wonder that ambitious people don't get distracted.

The turmoil in Chita Prefecture, the mutiny of the forty-nine teachers and students of Morolev Tetan, is everything behind this really that simple? Just in response to Shavakolov's call for independence? This is clearly not possible. Fundamentally, Morolev's Tanzania 49th Division was affiliated with the Border Guard, and it was a less formal armament. Linley and from his station to the east, 140 kilometers away is the location of the Ivanov Independent Sixteenth Division Base Camp, which is well-equipped and strong. under these circumstances. Morolev, a small major general, how dare he play with fire? The most important point is that the economy of Chita Prefecture is stagnant, and the local finances can be described as depletion. Morolev's Tan 49th Division is also a "poor child" whose grandfather does not love his grandmother. Where is he going to make money and play rebellion? and no money. Could his hundred or so tanks still be able to drive to Ulan-Ude with drips? Of course, this is the most obvious flaw. It was the question of the direction of Morolev's advance. From the beginning of the mutiny, his troops quickly moved in the direction of Ulan-Ude, but they did not take any precaution against the sixteenth independent division that was eyeing the rear. All of this hints at the possibility that behind the turmoil in Chita, there is a shadow of the Far Eastern Military Region.

Beiyuan's consulting team are all experts from various fields. They will never look at problems only on the surface, but come to a conclusion after thorough research. Although it is not yet clear which side of the Far East Military Region this shadow supporting the Chita state turmoil came from, it is certain that this side exists within the Far East Military Region, and it is likely to be the power that holds the most power. figure.

Experts in the consulting team believe that Guo Shouyun is too careless in his treatment of the Far East Military Region. He cut off the connection between the Far East and Moscow Central, but did not clear the threats from within the Far East Military Region. Let’s take a look at the changes in the Far East Military Region during this period of time. , The leadership of the military region changed a few people, and then there was no movement. Ivanov, Joseph, Polkkin, those with heavy soldiers in their hands, are still sitting on their soil emperors. Compared with before, the power in their hands has not been reduced, on the contrary, it has been increased. , they may not listen to the Moscow Central Committee, and they may not listen to the military districts, so what is the next? Think and guess.

Of course, one thing that is fortunate now is that, on the one hand, these generals are still afraid of Guo Shouyun. The moment the plane was born, and the Far East, it is impossible to maintain relative tranquility until now.

Obviously, the people behind this conspiracy decided everything in advance. They knew that Guo Shouyun would lose contact with the Far East for a while when he went to the United States, and they chose to act at this time to take the opportunity to create an established fact. , pulling more people into the water. Just imagine that if there is a rebellion in Chita Prefecture, Moscow will definitely order the Far East Military Region to take action, and at this juncture, Guo Shouyun is not in the Far East, so whether to obey the order or obey the order, the Far East Military Region command will definitely not be able to respond in time. Since the military region cannot make a timely response, then this matter has to be delayed, and a series of changes will quietly occur during the delay. When Guo Shouyun learned about the situation in the Far East and got in touch with this side, a series of problems arose: he supports independence, it is easy to say, but if he does not support it, the generals of the military region will be held responsible for disobeying Moscow's orders. What are your thoughts? It's hard to tell.

Zhao Kuangyin is not the only one who can catch up with the "yellow robe plus body" good thing. Driven by power conspiracy, this kind of "good thing" often falls on some people's heads, but unfortunately, Zhao Kuangyin can play "yellow robe plus body" in addition to playing. He also has a good amount of alcohol, and he can also play a hand of "a cup of wine to release the military power". As for other people, they often die on the wine table.

Guo Shouyun is a capable person, but he is not a god. Since he is not a god, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes, and there will inevitably be omissions when considering problems. In the Far East Military Region, the biggest mistake he made was not only did he not take away the actual power of the second-level commanders, but instead gave them more room to play. And the biggest mistake he made at this stage was that he believed too much in the experience of his previous life. In his memory, at the moment when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Far East was quite calm. Therefore, he dared to leave the nest at this juncture. Go to the United States frankly. But what he didn't know was that with the rise of the Guo Group in the Far East, at least in this geopolitical history, changes have taken place. Those cognitions in his previous life have largely become "expired products". There is no decisive reference.

However, how should I put it, when there is a crisis, there is an opportunity. In this great turmoil on the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, some people plan a conspiracy, and some people stand up to solve the conspiracy. Live on this plate—everything has opposite sides, this saying is always true. As Guo Shouyun, who is at the core of the conspiracy, if he can get through this difficulty, it means that he can defeat a group of potential enemies and win over a group of friends who have never been seen or paid attention to before. Just like Beiyuan's consulting team, this think tank-like existence will officially enter Guo Shouyun's field of vision from this moment.

After careful and thorough analysis, the consulting team has made a detailed response plan for the current situation of the Far East Military Region. They believe that under the current situation, three steps must be followed: First, Guo Shouyun did not return to the Far East. Before, stabilize the generals of all parties in the Far East Military Region, so that they will not have trouble at this juncture. Second, it is necessary to control the central organization of the Far East Military Region, that is, the Commander-in-Chief of the Military Region. To achieve this goal, the best way is to obtain the command of the Military Region's 103rd Independent Armored Garrison Brigade. Third, treating diseases cannot only treat the symptoms but not the root causes. If Guo Shouyun wants to maintain the stability of the Far East and firmly control the Far East Military Region, he must cut off the real power of the generals at the second level of command, at least They can't make their respective troops like steel balls, and water can't get in.

Political leaders have intrigues, and military leaders also have intrigues, but most of the previous seizures of power were born implicitly. Until the end, no one knew what happened, and then it was explicit. , a general is placed there, with as many soldiers as he has, he has as much power. Therefore, it is not easy to cut the real power of the second-level commander of the Far East Military Region. This requires a very ingenious operation process. In the opinion of the experts in the Beiyuan consulting team, now is the best opportunity for Guo Shouyun to make a move.

After having a systematic plan, Sun Hongyu, who was the coordinator and the president of Beiyuan, left Harbin overnight and rushed all the way to Khabarovsk in the Far East. When she arrived at the destination, it was the next morning. Half past six.

Nina stayed up all night last night. On the one hand, she had to wait for news from Guo Shouyun, and on the other hand, she had to take care of her grandfather. Since the fall of the Bolshevik Party, General Semyon's health has deteriorated sharply. After he came to the Far East, he suffered another heart attack. Now he can't live without a wheelchair, and his speech is slurred. clear. According to the doctor, that's a pretty bad situation.

When Sun Hongyu and his party arrived at the villa, Nina had just coaxed the old man to fall asleep. She chose to meet the "Sister Hong" in the living room on the first floor, and then straight to the point made her realize for the first time. The crux of the problem - the Far East Military Region, must undergo "major surgery".

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