Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 277: The plight of spies

? Speaking of the Democratic Party, Guo Shouyun's first reaction was that Clinton would take office in more than a year. George Bush, who was born in the Republican Party, had been in office for four years. Although his foreign policy was very successful, the results of his domestic economic construction were Terrible. w/ The Great Recession that lasted for several years has led to a surge in the unemployment rate in the United States. In the United States, there is a strong voice against Bush. Under such circumstances, the chance that Bush can get in next year's US election is extremely slim.

Of course, for Guo Shouyun, who has had the experience of rebirth, although he does not know much about the history of the United States, he still knows a little about such important events as Clinton, who was born in the Democratic Party, became the president of the United States in 1993. Now there is an opportunity to have a relationship with the Democratic Party, and of course he will not give up. If there is any noble thing about American politicians compared with Soviet politicians, it is that American politicians will get paid when they receive money. To do things, and the politicians of the Soviet Union may bite people if they receive money.

"It's done, let's do this," Guo Shouyun threw the three platinum cards on the table in front of him and said casually, "By the way, sir, is Polaninov back?"

"It doesn't seem like it yet. I haven't seen him this afternoon," Rilke replied. "Why, he went out to run errands?"

"Well," Guo Shouyun didn't explain much, he nodded, stood up from the sand, and said, "Is the international line connected to the hotel? I want to call Shoucheng."

The ideological war between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted for decades, during which the confrontation between the two countries was severe. It can only be manifested in terms of cross-communication with each other. In the United States, any international call to the Soviet Union needs to be approved by the security department, and then connected. This connection is two-way, and the United States has approved it. It needs to be connected to the Soviet communications department, and then censorship there. The connection can only be completed after the review is passed. During the entire call, the security personnel of the two countries will also monitor the whole process. Of course, with Gorbachev's new thinking reform, this cumbersome procedure in the Soviet Union has been gradually abolished. But the US still has it. Therefore, Guo Shouyun stayed in Moscow to keep a call, and he had to go through this set of procedures first - what are two camps, that is, the continuous confrontation between the enemy and us, it is impossible to fight on the battlefield, and the soldiers of the enemy and us are still there. I can play on the phone.

Of course, when Guo Shouyun came to the United States this time, he also brought a military miniature high-frequency satellite encryption phone, but the use of that thing is too complicated, and there are a lot of public key and key conversions. Linley had to strictly follow the agreed format, so no one would use that thing until it was absolutely necessary.

"I don't know," Rilke shrugged, also displeased with the inconvenience of such calls between the two countries. But this is the situation now. There is no way to change the dissatisfaction, "Find someone to ask. But the possibility of opening is unlikely."

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded and winked at Hornikova, who was sitting next to him. That meant, it was up to her.

"It's me again, why do you always ask me to do this trivial thing?" Hornikova stood up from the sand, pouted her lips, and twisted her small waist, twisting and twisting towards her. Go to the bedroom.

"Sir," Polaninov walked in from outside the living room just as Hornikova's figure disappeared from the bedroom door. He stood at the door and said with a blank face, "I'm back."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun said with a casual smile, taking the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, "I asked the old man about you just now, come, come and sit."

Polaninov was not polite, he went straight to the sand in the middle of the living room and sat down.

"How's it going, have everyone been in touch?" Guo Shouyun bent down and pushed the cup of tea he hadn't touched in front of Polaninov.

"I'm in touch," Polaninov said, taking out a thick document from inside his suit and placing it lightly on the table, "but most of them haven't been there for a long time. The event has passed, so the information I have at hand is limited, I have compiled it, and these are estimated to be available to Mr.

Guo Shouyun picked up the document bag, opened the sealing line at the mouth of the bag, took out a thick stack of documents, and browsed the first few sheets at a glance.

"It's not easy for these people here." When Guo Shouyun was flipping through the documents, Polaninov picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea in the cup, and sighed, "Though they It is said that most of them have their own protective identities and have a certain income, but without the above allocation, it is impossible to get the funds for this activity. Moreover, the husband may not realize that people who do work like them, that is Those who are unlikely to go ashore in their entire lives, in good conditions, may be able to survive until the day they retire in the future, and in bad conditions, prepare to spend the rest of their lives in prison. They do not have the status of diplomats, so they also enjoy Without diplomatic immunity, once your identity is exposed, you will either be executed by your own people or sentenced by the Americans. Hehe, the minimum sentence for espionage cases in the United States is 20 years in prison, and these people I know, it is estimated that no one is willing to be in prison. Twenty years in prison."

Who is Guo Shouyun? He is the best at inferring other people's thoughts from their words and deeds. Therefore, as soon as Polaninov finished saying these words, he knew what the other party meant.

"Well, I can understand their situation, and I also understand what you mean," Guo Shouyun put down the document in his hand, and said casually, "Look back and list their list and file number, and I'll see if I can find a way to get their The foundation is gone."

"Thank you, sir," Polaninov said with a hint of gratitude on his face.

Indeed, for all the KGB spies currently lurking abroad, the biggest problem they face is not the shortage of funds, but the heavy psychological pressure. KGB spies are generally divided into three types. One is "online", that is, intelligence staff with the identity of diplomats. Such intelligence staff are regarded as spies with the prefix "Ming", that is, spies whose identities are open. They usually have diplomats in the destination country, either as military attachés, or as counselors, or at least as secretaries, so once their espionage activities are caught, it doesn't matter, the big deal is deportation. And there is an unwritten rule in the world. Two countries involved in espionage cases, once one party uses the espionage case as an excuse to expel each other's diplomats, then the other party will also have a reciprocal countermeasure - you expel I have ten diplomats, and I will expel ten of you, and no one will suffer. The second type of spy is invisible, the so-called "dark thunder". These spies have various identities to cover up, or they are businessmen or learn something. They have a lot of resources, a lot of energy, and their identities are very hidden, but one thing is that they have no diplomatic immunity. If there is a mistake, it will either be silenced by one's own people, or it will be dealt with by the security department of the destination country. Of course, some lucky people can be freed, that is, through the exchange of spies between the two countries, which is similar to the exchange of hostages between countries. Seven times, therefore, most of the exposed identities in the second type of spies were steamed. As for the third type of spies, it is not worth mentioning. They themselves are not so much spies as they are another form of bribery equivalent to money, "beauty" is their weapon, "**easy "It is the only way for them to achieve their goals. The "swallows" and "crows" that people often refer to after a meal belong to this category of people. This third type of spies has the lowest status, but the training they receive is the strictest and cruelest. A qualified student is a walking corpse whose integrity and conscience have been completely wiped out.

The people Polaninov had in their hands belonged to the second and third types of spies. These people were lurking in Washington, some were government workers, some were wealthy businessmen, some were courtesans, and some even entered the CIA. In a word, their identities are well concealed, but one thing is that they still have a file in Moscow. As long as that file exists, even if they become the President of the United States, they will not be able to get rid of the endless nightmare. life. What's more, the situation in the Soviet Union is getting worse and worse. The rectification of the Security Committee will inevitably lead to the leakage of classified documents. In other words, the identities of these lurking personnel are in danger of being exposed at any time. Under such circumstances, who can live comfortably?

"Don't be too busy to thank me, this is very troublesome to operate. I'm not sure whether it can be done or not. How can I say it, I can only do my best." Guo Shouyun shook his head and said.

"We are very grateful for this, sir," Polaninov also knew that Guo Shouyun's words were true. After all, those files were stored in the headquarters of the Moscow Security Committee. At present, the Security Committee has been split in half. , there was another fire in the original ten places. How many of those files were preserved and where they were stored, even the original insider didn't know, so it was naturally very difficult to do this.

When Guo Shouyun and Polaninov were talking, Rilke sat next to him and listened. Although neither of them understood what they said, the old man could still guess some ways from it. There is no doubt that this Guo The big boss of the clan group is trying to figure out the intelligence system.

"Darling," when the conversation in the living room came to an end, Khornikova stuck her head out of the bedroom and shouted to Guo Shouyun, "I asked, the phone has already been connected, I have written down the password of the port, do you want to contact Moscow now?"

"Well, I went to dial and let me know after I get in touch," Guo Shouyun said casually, waving his hand.

At this time, it was getting late, Washington outside the living room window had fallen into a vast darkness, and on the other side of the earth, Khabarovsk was ushering in a new dawn.

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