Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 275: mess up again

?There are people in the living room full of people. If you line up according to military rank, then Nina, a small colonel, seems to be at the end of the line. Among the sixteen military generals, large and small, except for her, the rank The lowest is also a major general; if the queue is based on the size of the political resources in hand, there is no doubt that she will not be ranked. If nothing else, if Larisa is placed there, in this aspect, it will not be Ni’s turn. Na will call the shots; if you line up according to the strength of the forces in charge, it is obvious that the gang in the hands of Shanariva is currently the largest group in the Far East. But now, none of these people make up their minds, they are all waiting, waiting for "Mrs. Guo" of the number one Tianzi to make a decision.

Once the regional separatist tendency appears, it is not a matter of one person or two, but a large-scale ideological trend based on one ethnic group or even one class. There have been widespread riots in the two Buryat ethnic regions of Chita and Irkutsk, while in the Far East, such as Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk, and Khabarovsk, There are also riots on a certain scale in the city. At present, it is mainly young people who are provoking the riots. They are dissatisfied with the real social life, especially the large-scale unemployment, rising prices, and the turbulent social situation, which make them see their future. Therefore, once there is something If there is any trouble, these young people will take the opportunity to seek an unrealistic social change.

In general, the current situation is very critical, and there are different opinions within the Far East Military Region. Some middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers from the Far East are more inclined to the separatist forces in Chita Prefecture, and at least have sympathy for them. On the government side, there are also some Many officials have an ambiguous attitude, and they are obviously happy to see this incident happen.

"Nina," Among all the people present, except for the women around Guo Shouyun, the only ones who really had a close relationship with Nina were Major General Ivanov and Admiral Susykhov. For them, Nina is the daughter of an old subordinate and an old superior. This relationship is naturally extraordinary. Therefore, the two old generals have a very positive attitude.

"The situation is very clear now," Ivanov said with a serious face, sitting in the second position on Nina's right hand, "We must make a decision as soon as possible and adopt the most effective strategy. Shavakolov's propaganda Very agitation, they can instigate such a wide range of riots in such a short period of time, it shows that their influence in the two regions of Chita and Irkutsk is not low, and now these two regions Internally, Buryatia has a population of more than 500,000. Although Linley said that the total population is not very large, once there is trouble, it will be a big trouble. The situation on the Khabarovsk side is relatively better, while the Amur Region There is no optimism over there. This afternoon, there were tens of thousands of demonstrations in Blagoveshchensk. If further preventive measures cannot be taken tonight, the situation will be worse tomorrow. "Yeah ," Suzyhoff also said worriedly, "events of this type are often a domino effect. If there is a problem in one area, it will quickly radiate to the surrounding area. The current situation in Ingushetia, Chechnya is obvious to all. If we do not make a decision early, our position will become very passive in the future. "

"How is the reaction in Moscow? Haven't they come up with a countermeasure?" Nina thought for a while. asked.

"Moscow?" Ivanov and Susykhov looked at each other. He looked at the surrounding generals again, and then fell silent.

Moscow has long responded. From noon to the present, the Russian Ministry of Defense has issued six urgent orders to the Far East Military Region, requiring the Far East Military Region to mobilize the troops stationed in Blagoveshchensk, Birobidzhan and Yakutsk to move towards the surrounding Chita region. At the same time, the 64th Mobu Division, stationed in Sangar, was required to move into Irkutsk, the capital of the Irkutsk region; the 116th Armored Brigade, stationed in Ardan, moved into Angarsk ; The 6th Brigade of the Independent Infantry of the Mogcha Frontier Guards went to Bratsk to prevent the situation from getting worse.

However, in the face of such an emergency order, the Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Military Region did not take any action. On the one hand, it was because a group of people including the Commander of the Military Region, Kryomenko, and Chief of the General Staff, Sijakhov, had other plans. On the other hand, It is also because the stakes are so important that once there is a problem, no one can make up for this basket. Although the Central Committee of the Soviet Union is now dead in name only, nominally, the military should still be under the jurisdiction of the Soviet Ministry of Defense. The large-scale mobilization of troops in the military region requires the approval of the Soviet Ministry of Defense. In addition, even if it is an order issued by the Soviet Ministry of Defense, such as this kind of troop transfer operation that is very likely to lead to military-civilian conflict, the military area must also see the actual order document. This is not only a matter of authorization, but also a responsibility. land problem. Just imagine, if the troops were mobilized and quickly entered the city as the designated location, then, in the process of carrying out the mission, there was a conflict with the people participating in the demonstrations, causing a large number of casualties---such Things are very likely to happen. Then a question arises, who will bear such a result? There is no doubt that if there is an order document from the Ministry of Defense, then the responsibility belongs to the Ministry of Defense, and if there is no such document, the responsibility will be borne by the military region. Military tribunals also pay attention to evidence, and no matter who it is, it is impossible for anyone to shirk their responsibility without evidence. Take the current situation, whether it is Terryomenko or Sijakhov, if they really rely on a password to mobilize the troops, how will they explain if there is a problem in the future? "The order the Ministry of Defense gave me was verbal." Is it useful to say that? At that time, the Ministry of National Defense will come to push two six five, and will not admit it, what should the military region do? Don't think that Moscow can't do such a thing. After a big problem, they will be happy to find a group of dead ghosts to take the blame.

Many generals in the leadership of the Far East Military Region have been soldiers and horses all their lives. They can naturally see the dangers in it. They will never do something like this kind of dumb loss.

As for the other layer of consideration in the military region, it is a bit ambiguous to say. The reason why the people of Tiao Liaomenke came to the door in such a hurry to seek Guo Shouyun's opinion, their original intention was to follow the example of Chita Prefecture. Independence is happening everywhere now. The Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Dagestan, and even the Altai Republic are all clamoring for independence. Since these places can be independent, why can't the Far East? Geographically speaking, the Far East is thousands of kilometers away from Moscow, and there is a vast Siberian wasteland in between. Economically, there is almost no economic connection between the Far East's economy and the surrounding areas of Moscow. A basket of potatoes is transported from Moscow to In the Far East, the price can be compared to a basket of pork. The distance of thousands of kilometers can completely separate the markets of the two places. From the perspective of ethnic composition, there are a large number of ethnic minorities in the Far East, such as the Huns, Chuvashi, cloth The Riyats, Jews, etc., etc., the population of these ethnic minorities combined, although not the total population of the Russians, but they can also account for more than one-third of the total population. Combined with these kinds of realities, the Far East has become a Russian enclave. Compared with Tatar and Altai, it is obviously more independent.

The independence of the Far East will of course be of great benefit to the generals present. Even though the voices of the people who are shouting for independence are very loud, but once independence is successful, the ones who can really benefit from it are those like Riyomenko and the others. such a character.

However, just a group of soldiers can't afford independence. Without the support of the media and politicians, they are not called independence, but a rebellion. So this time, a group of people from Tiao Liaomenko hurried over to visit Guo Shouyun, just to Find out what he means and see what his attitude is on this matter. If Guo Shouyun expresses his support, then this matter is 70%. The Guo Group has strong funds, news media organizations covering the entire Far East, and a lot of political resources. Not only that, Guo The Group's decision can even affect the entire Far East market. In this case, if he supports the independence of the Far East, coupled with the response of the Far East Military Region, will everything come naturally? Dudayev was able to start his career with thousands of people, but it turned upside down in Chechnya, making the entire Caucasus military region lose its temper, hundreds of thousands of people in the Far Eastern military region, and with the support of the Guo group, the army was strong and strong, and the sea was still strong. There is a Pacific Fleet waiting for him, who can take them?

Conversely, if Guo Shouyun doesn't support it, it doesn't matter. Isn't he close to Moscow? Well, let him take the blame. The mobilization of troops in the military region needs funds, and the Guo Group allocates the funds. With the receipts and receipts of the funds, the subsequent problems can be pushed to this person." No one has to take responsibility for the "Big Boss", it can be said that everyone is happy.

Although Nina is not good at intrigue, she is not stupid. It is impossible for Moscow to get news of the turmoil in Chita, and after learning this news, it is impossible for the other side to respond quickly. In the current situation, these generals just want to push their husbands towards independence.

"Okay, generals, since there is no news from Moscow, let's not act rashly," after thinking for a long time, Nina gritted her teeth and said, "General Ivanov, you need to pay more attention to the Amur region, the troops can Entering a state of alert, especially in the Yablonov area, we will not interfere with the situation in Chita for the time being, but we must not let their influence spread eastward. As for the rest, I will find a way as soon as possible and Shouyun Get in touch and see what he means."

"Okay, Nina," Tiliomenko said, standing up, "you hurry up, the situation is very serious, and we must make a decision as soon as possible."

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