Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 274: Far Eastern Republic

"Have you seen it? In the future, we can finally decide our own affairs." After getting out of the hotel and getting into the luxury RV arranged by the hotel's field service staff, Hornikova entered Guo Shouyun's arms. , said with a smile.

"What did you see?" Guo Shouyun smiled and said absently.

"Of course it was the newspaper just now," Hornikova continued after recounting the news she had just seen. "We Russians have waited too long for this day."

"We are Russians?" Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently, thinking in his heart, "Where did we come from, where did we come from? Where does Lao Tzu look like an old man?"

"Don't think about those things," Guo Shouyun said, reaching out and pinching the woman's face, "it's too far away from you, no matter who is in power or who is in power, it's impossible for you, a fox, to get anything. tangible benefits."

"Cut, that can't be said," said Hornikova, wrinkling her little nose, disapprovingly, "now everyone is clamoring for national self-determination and regional independence, hey, seriously, dear, where are you? The Far East didn't think about independence? It's far from Moscow..."

Hornikova couldn't go on after only half of what she said, because she saw Guo Shouyun's eyes were cast like a knife.

"Take care of your mouth, what to say and what not to say, don't you know?" Guo Shouyun said in a deep voice, facing the woman's uneasy gaze. "Okay, don't say it if you don't say it," Hornikova squeezed out a smile. Attached to the man, and kissed him fiercely on the mouth. Then he said softly, "But I won't say it. But I can't stop others from saying it. Now this is the time when people's minds change. I'm sure that there must be some people in the Far East planning this action. The underlying power is maddening."

The woman's words made Guo Shouyun's heart tremble suddenly. Yes, at this time, who can guarantee that people's minds will not change? The Far East has always been a very special existence in the Soviet Union, and it is located in the extreme east of the Soviet Union. The vast Siberian wasteland has largely cut off the connection between the Far East and central Moscow. In earlier times, the Far East could even be said to be the "displacement area" of the Soviet Union. A large number of political prisoners and persecuted ethnic groups were almost all relocated here, just like the hundreds of thousands of Jews and hundreds of thousands of cloths. Riyat Mongols and more. When the Soviet Union existed, the Far East could be calm, but once there was political turmoil, especially a major division like today, if someone else jumped out and instigated it, this separatist force would easily arise. Linley's independent trend of thought appeared in the Yakut Republic some time ago. This is a warning.

To separate the Far East from troubled Russia? To be a king by yourself? This idea is very tempting, but Guo Shouyun will never do it, because not to mention whether he can succeed or not, the situation he may face after success is enough to make him shudder.

People's greed is simply unstoppable. Guo Shouyun knows that the reason why he is now able to dominate the Far East is that he has the entire Far East Military Region and the governments of the Far East states in his hands. The fundamental reason is that, on the one hand, he has money, and those people have to rely on him, and on the other hand, there is a Moscow center above the Far East.

The leadership of the Far Eastern Military Region and the governments of the Far Eastern states are not bad. they know. Without the powerful presence of Guo Shouyun, Moscow's political influence would soon make a comeback. Sweep them off with a stick. And there is Guo Shouyun there. If Moscow wants to attack the Far East, it must first clean up him. Therefore, as long as Guo Shouyun does not fall, as long as the Guo Group is still there, then they can be safe and secure in these places. Live a comfortable life steadfastly---whose words are you listening to? Instead of going to Moscow and then working as a coolie for them, why would it be as comfortable to support Guo Shouyun to make a lot of money?

Then, on the other hand, if there is no central presence in Moscow and the Far Eastern states truly become independent, what will happen? There is no doubt that the first point is that Guo Shouyun does not need to exist anymore. Whether the Far East Military Region or the state governments that supported him, they will be piled up with a lot of charges, and they will all be detained on the head of the big boss. , thus driving him into hell, and by then, the Far East will be decided by these people. After all, there is a person pressing on the head, how can it be better to be the master of the house easily?

Guo Shouyun is an ambitious man, but his ambition is not so big that he has no scruples. He knows what kind of things can be done and what kinds of things can't be done. It's still the same sentence, "Do what you should do, and take what you deserve." His principles will not change at any time.

Of course, aside from his own interests and safety, Guo Shouyun also feels that the Far East has no basis for independence, because it is different from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other republics, and they have the basis for building a country, so their independence has historical basis Followable. And what about the Far East? What is there in the Far East? Several border regions, several states, plus a Yakutia Republic, such an idle place, how to achieve independence? There is no history at all. Based on this, although Guo Shouyun was worried about a similar tendency of separation in the Far East, he did not pay much attention to it. He felt that the only place to worry about was Yakutia, and Yakutia had been cleaned up by him before. Now, those who have just climbed into leadership positions probably haven't had the guts to play tricks.

But Guo Shouyun didn't know that his understanding of the history of the Soviet Union is really lacking. The Far East is not without the history of independent statehood to follow, and there are quite a few, because at the beginning of the Soviet Union's founding, in Chita Prefecture, On the territory of Amur Oblast, Khabarovsk Territory and Primorsky Territory, there used to be a "Far Eastern Republic" with its own national flag, national emblem and government agency.

This former Far Eastern Republic, established in 1920, belongs to the Buryat Mongolian autonomous republic. According to the policy proposed by Comrade Lenin at that time, the new socialist country should abolish all the unequal agreements and policies of the imperialist period. Therefore, the territory that the imperialists and Russia illegally acquired from China should be returned free of charge. It was according to this policy that a transitional republic was established in the vast area east of Lake Baikal in Siberia, including the Outer Khingan Mountains. Although this republic was under the control of the Soviet state, it had its own republic government. , and even the exercise of currency. But unfortunately, the Japanese imperialists' intervention in the new Soviet regime came later. The Japanese army dispatched troops from the northeast and advanced to the hinterland of the Far East, occupying most of the territory of the Far Eastern Republic in one fell swoop. Then the war broke out and continued until 1922. After that, Lenin died of illness, Stalin came to power, and the Far Eastern Republic re-integrated into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a republic. The Far Eastern Republic, which existed for less than three years, officially became a historical symbol.

Guo Shouyun doesn't know this history, but some people know - under the temptation of the most powerful, some people with ulterior motives can even toss out the old sesame seeds and rotten millet buried in the core of the earth, not to mention decades. a previous history.

Just when Guo Shouyun was wandering around Washington with Hornikova, it happened to be late at night in Khabarovsk in the Far East, and for Nina, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

In the Guo's villa area on the southern outskirts of Khabarovsk, in the southernmost villa, in the spacious and tidy living room that is bright and bright all night, Nina is dressed in a military uniform with a colonel's military emblem. She sat on the front seat, and in front of her, Shana Riva and others, as well as the generals who came from the military area, were all present. From the serious expressions on the faces of everyone present, it can be seen that the situation tonight is somewhat unusual. .

On the small coffee table in front of Nina, there is a wide silk cloth. In terms of style, it should be a national flag. In this blue square frame, three letters are embroidered in bold: "", the finished glyph structure of the three letters, "" on the top, "," on the bottom. For such a flag, most people may not know which country and period it was used by, but several generals of the Far Eastern Military Region, including Tiliomenko, know that this is the "Far Eastern Republic" in the 1920s. The national flag of ---- someone is taking the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, stirring up the separation tendency of the Far East.

Just at one o'clock today, the teachers and students of the 49th Independent Tanzania stationed in the southern area of ​​the Yablonov Mountains in Chita State mutinied. Response to former stage Chita State Soviet Chairman Shavakolov.

Morolev's Tan 49th Division was stationed at the border of the Amur Region. Their mutiny directly affected Ivanov's independent 16th Division. Now, the military heart of the Far East Military Region has begun to float. After all, it was established. The slogan "Republic of the Far East" is very provocative. In Shavakolov's words, it is: "The Far East is a forgotten corner of Moscow. The life and death of the Far East have never entered the sight of the politicians in Moscow. Now, the Turkmenists have their own democracy, and the Kazakhs have They also have their own democracy and they gain the power to direct their own future, so why can't we Far Easters?"

Once the separation tendency is combined with the military force, the consequences are serious, the tendency is a kind of tendency, it exists only in the mind or lip service, and if the military force is involved, it will put everything into practice. actually.

Although Chita Prefecture does not belong to the sphere of influence of the Guo Group, the two are too close, and the "Far Eastern Republic" advocated by Shavakolov also includes most of the Guo Group's territory. In this case, the Guo Group must respond. But Guo Shouyun went to the United States, and no one could contact him. At this juncture, what should we do?

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