Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 183: Do it, be a prostitute

"Oh?" Nikita said in amazement after listening to Guo Shouyun's remarks, "Listen to what Mr. said, do you agree with the proposal of the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee and Lukashenko?"

"Agree? Why should I agree with them? Doesn't that make it clear that I can't get along with me?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile. . qβ5,

"Mr. misunderstood me, I mean if you consider it from the perspective of the country, do you agree with their proposition more?" Nikita hurriedly explained, to be honest, she was really curious about these things. As an agent of the former Security Committee, she has received a deep Marxist ideological education since she was a child, and as a component of it, she also dabbled in the principles of Marxist economics and Capital. In her opinion, the views put forward by some international financial institutions such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development are obviously in line with common sense in economics. As a country's economic regulation tool, currency has strict control benchmarks. As the central bank said, adding the ruble currency under the current circumstances will naturally lead to inflation. Is there anything wrong with this?

"Hehe, consider it from the perspective of the country? If you are from the perspective of the country, I would also not agree with the central bank's move, because in my opinion, their actions are too small, and they are very timid. If I were to make the decision, now not only should we increase the amount of rubles and strengthen financial control, but also lower the threshold for corporate loans, implement government subsidies for light industries, reduce taxes, and increase government infrastructure investment. Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently and tapped his fingers on his thigh. "All in all, those foreigners say they can't do anything, so I just do what I do, if possible. I will further crack down on smuggling and further increase the import tariff rate. ."

"Sir, are you kidding me? Now that the devaluation of the ruble has shown signs of devaluation, if Moscow makes such a decision again, it will not lead to inflation on a larger scale. Thus..." Nikita's expression It's a little weird, she feels that compared with the current form, these measures Guo Shouyun said can only add fuel to the fire, and can't deliver help at all.

"So? So what? I can only tell you that only by doing this can the current domestic economic situation be stabilized, and a disaster can be avoided," Guo Shouyun hurriedly said before Nikita finished speaking. " The currency issue you mentioned in accordance with the principles of economics is not wrong. For a country, an unlimited increase in currency can only lead to catastrophic inflation. There is nothing wrong with implementing a monetary tightening policy, but do you know what is wrong? The biggest mistake of those international financial institutions who put forward those views is that they did not examine the current reality in our country. More precisely, they did it intentionally. This question was ignored. They drew from the common sense of economics, listed a lot of persuasive propositions, and put these propositions before the high-ranking officials in Moscow. Promoting those who dreamed of transforming the Soviet Union into The idiots who became the United States believe in this set of paradoxes full of conspiracy and ambition. The purpose is nothing more than as Lukashenko said, this is the continuation of their military strategy through financial means.”

Guo Shouyun stopped here when he said that. He picked up the water glass and took a sip of water from the edge of the glass. Then he reached for the cigarette case on the table. Saw him reaching for the cigarette case. Just listening to it, Nikita hurriedly grabbed the cigarette case, pulled out a cigarette and handed it over. At the same time, he grabbed the lighter to help him light the cigarette. After that, he just stared at Guo Shouyun so eagerly, it meant that he obviously wanted to hear him continue.

"What, do you have nothing to do today? Are you so interested that you want to hear my story?" Guo Shouyun took a breath, glanced at the woman beside him, and smiled.

"Ah, yes, I have nothing to do today, and I'm also very interested in the topic Mr. is talking about, so I hope Mr. can continue talking." Nikita tilted her head and smiled.

"Want to listen to me, then come on, rub your shoulders for me, I'm satisfied, I'll give you a good lesson today. But let's agree in advance, no matter what I say today, you will You are not allowed to go to the newspaper for me, otherwise, be careful I will show you a good look." Guo Shouyun smiled.

"Don't worry, sir, how could I be so ignorant," Nikita jumped up from the sand and ran behind Guo Shouyun, giving him a shoulder massage while giggling.

"Actually, to recognize the right and wrong of the central bank's decision, we must analyze the current domestic situation," Guo Shouyun reopened the topic while enjoying Nikita's massage. Like these things, he really hopes to talk more in front of his women and let them get in touch with them more, because it will help them consider the problem comprehensively.

"According to the recommendations of those international financial institutions, the biggest crisis in the country is not the massive loss of currency, on the contrary, it should be the inflationary pressure brought about by the devaluation of the ruble. But what is the fact? Think about it for yourself, the current domestic unemployment rate How much is it? What is the social welfare policy? How is the market supply and demand of commodities?" Guo Shouyun lay on his back in the sand, squinting his eyes and said, "If I remember correctly, the current domestic unemployment rate has reached 38%. July 4th, which means that out of 100 people, nearly 39 people are unemployed. Looking at the social welfare policy, a few months ago, although our people were under the repressive rule of the Bolshevik Party , but also enjoy a series of welfare policies from birth to old age, more than 13 years of free education, a hard-assigned employment system, a housing system that is almost fully subsidized by the government, a variety of medical security systems, and the elderly. Retirement and pension policy, etc. Under such circumstances, ordinary people will naturally take money as a bland thing. They are willing to spend a lot of money, but they always feel that they can’t buy what they want. The society is full of shops and goods that make people drool. But now? The Bolshevik Party has collapsed, and the original social welfare system has disappeared overnight with its collapse. At the same time, this This situation is accompanied by a surge in unemployment, you think, in this situation, if you are a normal person. Would you take your money out and spend it like crazy?”

"That's definitely not the case. I have to save money to deal with the crisis that may arise at any time." Nikita said without hesitation.

"That's enough," Guo Shouyun said, smacking his lips. "The Chinese people are faced with the same social environment, and they naturally have the same consumption mentality. Everyone has made enough efforts to reserve emergency deposits. This is itself a major monetary crunch. Just imagine, in this situation. How could it be missed? What about the problem of unprovoked inflation? Therefore, we can be sure that inflation appears rashly on the premise that there is no inflationary environment in China, which is destined to be caused by external factors. That is to say, there is a black hand in the world. Playing a conspiracy is playing the mind of our country. Therefore, the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee issued these two policies. It is to prevent this kind of conspiracy from succeeding, and at the same time, it is also to stimulate the domestic consumer market to a certain extent. Imagine that the central bank increases the ruble Currency will inevitably affect the amount of savings, because everyone knows that the increase of currency may lead to depreciation to a certain extent. In that case, the money is kept in the bank. Instead, it is better to take out the insurance for consumption. Once the consumption is driven up, a large number of domestic enterprises can be rescued in the case of serious export stagnation, thus curbing the surge in unemployment to a certain extent, and finally driving the entire country's economy towards a virtuous circle. And the reason I said just now should be based on two policies: increasing government investment in infrastructure, lowering the threshold for corporate loans, lowering tax rates, and restricting imports, which are also to save the domestic light industry, which can be curbed. The inflation of unemployment, on the one hand, can also prevent the dumping of foreign goods. Now let's look back at the more scientific and more credible measures issued by the international financial organizations controlled by the West, they demanded further currency Austerity policy, that is to say, it will become more difficult for companies to obtain loans, and at the same time, they also require reduction of government public investment. Well, in the current situation of surging unemployment, the government has introduced these two What kind of results will the policy bring? There is no doubt that public infrastructure construction projects that can provide a large number of employment opportunities will be cancelled, which will increase social employment pressure on the one hand, and will also deal a heavy blow to various related industries on the other hand. , thereby further increasing the social unemployment rate. The increase in the loan threshold has also made a large number of enterprises that were already facing difficulties encounter a more severe winter. The situation they are facing can only be described as worse. At the same time, these Financial institutions dedicated to the welfare of the Soviet people also proposed to increase taxes to solve the government's fiscal deficit. There is no doubt that they thought that domestic enterprises died too slowly and died too incompletely. As we all know, increasing taxes is very important for enterprises. , which means increasing costs. The current domestic situation is that the light industry is shrinking, the local necessities market is facing the pressure of external dumping, the heavy industry is lagging behind, and the export products are not competitive. Now that taxes increase, production costs increase, whether in The heavy industry for export or the light industry for the domestic market will suffer the heaviest blow that they cannot afford. If things go on like this, the domestic light industry will face the danger of death, and the heavy industry is not expected to be much better, at least one will survive chance. But luckily Yes, people have figured out a way out for us. They can provide us with interest-bearing loans to help us through the difficulties, but it is foreseeable that when these loans are sent to Moscow, the senior officials of the Kremlin may be worried again. , because they will be surprised to find out that the loans will be used to pay off debts and the funds needed to pay for imported goods. It doesn't matter, there is another private ownership waiting. State-owned industrial and mining enterprises are all privately owned. Although our light and heavy industries are finished, the resources buried in the ground are still very valuable. Exporting them will definitely be able to exchange for rich foreign exchange. . In this way, with the smooth implementation of the step-by-step plan, a once powerful country with heavy industry has completely become a raw material exporter in the so-called third world. "

Having said this, Guo Shouyun sat up straight, smothered the cigarette **** in the ashtray, then stood up and said, "And the final result is exactly what the foreign economic advisers in the Kremlin expected. See you sooner than later.”

Guo Shouyun's macroeconomic analysis is simple and easy to understand, and Nikita can understand it after hearing it, but she does not fully agree with this statement. In her opinion, the current domestic economy The situation is really bad, but it's not too bad to be vulnerable. Especially the heavy industry, after decades of development, the domestic heavy industry system is complete and sound, how can this whole industrial system of trillions of rubles be defeated by others, and it is defeated so thoroughly that Reduced to living by exporting raw materials.

But what Nikita didn't know was that what Guo Shouyun said were all facts. Maybe he didn't have a thorough understanding of the economic situation during the disintegration of the Soviet Union in his previous life, but after this period of life, he has fully grasped everything inside- ---A liar with a high IQ is not so easy to do, and when a liar with a high IQ has foresight and masters the theoretical elements of the macroeconomic system and the practical experience of the microeconomics, the liar is even more difficult. For such a liar, from a negative perspective, he is a liar, from another perspective, he is a speculative expert, and from a positive perspective, he is not a bad economist.

Of course, Guo Shouyun is not at all interested in the title of economist. What he is really interested in is the huge upcoming business opportunities. Following the eradication of the "wolf-proof vest" of the Bolshevik Party, those coveted Western conspirators, along with the disbandment of the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee, successfully removed the last fig leaf from the Soviet Union. So what are they going to do next? There is no doubt that they will use the weapon of private ownership to completely shatter the last shreds of chastity in this country, thus completely turning the Soviet Union into a prostitute that they can ravage.

Guo Shouyun is definitely not interested in being a prostitute, and he also lacks a sense of responsibility for safeguarding women's rights. Under the current situation, he wants to be a prostitute...

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